jquery基本的美元符号 - 命名与匿名

时间:2022-04-10 22:36:11

I have a couple of interview questions


  1. What is the different between $(function(){}); and $(document).ready(function(){});


  2. What is the difference between $(function(){}); and var func=function(){}; How are each of them called?

    $(function(){})之间有什么区别;和var func = function(){};他们每个人怎么称呼?

  3. Given the following script


    <script language="javascript">
       var id=$("cssID");
       //do something with your id
       //your event to be added here

    How can you add an event, say, onmouseout that will work on the id?


Here are my answers:


  1. They are the same, both are meant to run when the page document finishes loading


  2. The first one is called automatically while the second one will be called via named reference; that is func.called(), for example.


  3. Something like this:


        var id=$("cssID");
        //do something with your id
          //do something

However my professor says I was wrong in all three. she explained things I am unsure and didn't dare to ask, she was mad about me. What are the correct answers and why are mine wrong?


3 个解决方案



These are the different types of Document Ready functions typically used in jQuery (aka jQuery DOM Ready). A lot of developers seem to use them without really knowing why. So I will try to explain why you might choose one version over another. Think of the document ready function as a self-executing function which fires after the page elements have loaded.

这些是jQuery(aka jQuery DOM Ready)中常用的不同类型的Document Ready函数。许多开发人员似乎在不知道原因的情况下使用它们。因此,我将尝试解释为什么您可能选择一个版本而不是另一个版本。将文档就绪功能视为一个自动执行的功能,在页面元素加载后触发。

See Where to Declare Your jQuery Functions for more information on how to use the Document Ready Functions.


Document Ready Example 1


$(document).ready(function() {
    //do jQuery stuff when DOM is ready

Document Ready Example 2


    //jQuery code here 

This is equivalent to example 1… they literally mean the same thing.

这相当于例1 ......它们的字面意思相同。

Document Ready Example 3


jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    //do jQuery stuff when DOM is ready

Document Ready Example 4


(function($) { 
    // code using $ as alias to jQuery
  $(function() {
    // more code using $ as alias to jQuery
// other code using $ as an alias to the other library

Document Ready Example 5


     //initialize after images are loaded  

Here is the link for you to refer.




1. They are the same, both are meant to run when the page document finishes loading


This is half right. They are the same, the first is just a shortcut way to write the second, but they don't run when the document finishes loading, they run when the DOM is ready (at which time some resources such as images might still be loading).

这是对的一半。它们是相同的,第一种只是写第二种的快捷方式,但它们在文档完成加载时不运行,它们在DOM准备就绪时运行(此时某些资源,如图像可能仍在加载) 。

2. The first one is called automatically while the second one will be called via named reference; that is func.called(), for example.


Again half right. In the first one the anonymous function will be called automatically when the DOM is ready as per question 1. The second example can be called with func(). You wouldn't have the .called part in there. Or you can pass func as a parameter, e.g., as $(document).ready(func).


Q3 var id=$("cssID");

Q3 var id = $(“cssID”);

How can you add an event, say, onmouseout that will work on the id?


$("cssID") creates a jQuery object that will contain zero or more elements depending on how many matched the "cssID" selector. The id variable references that jQuery object. If the question is how to assign an event handler to those matching elements you'd do this:

$(“cssID”)创建一个jQuery对象,该对象将包含零个或多个元素,具体取决于与“cssID”选择器匹配的数量。 id变量引用jQuery对象。如果问题是如何为这些匹配元素分配事件处理程序,您可以这样做:

id.mouseout(function() { /* some code */. });
// OR
id.on("mouseout", function() { /* some code */ });

When processing events with jQuery you don't use "on" in the event names, so it's "mouseout" not "onmouseout".


So your answer to 3 was nearly right.


(Note though that "cssID" is a selector that won't actually match any elements unless you have <cssID> tags in your document...)

(注意,“cssID”是一个选择器,它实际上不会匹配任何元素,除非你的文档中有 标签...)



There is no difference between:





So your professor is wrong there. The second example is completely different. One of them runs on document ready and requires jQuery; the other one is just a function literal assigned to a JavaScript variable.


As for the third one, you'd probably do it with on. onmouseover is correct if you use get, but not really the best way of going about things, and you definitely wouldn't call it like you're doing there - that's completely incorrect.

至于第三个,你可能会用它来做。 onmouseover是正确的,如果你使用get,但不是真正的最好的方式来做事情,你绝对不会称之为你在那里做 - 这是完全错误的。

id.on('mouseout', yourHandler);





These are the different types of Document Ready functions typically used in jQuery (aka jQuery DOM Ready). A lot of developers seem to use them without really knowing why. So I will try to explain why you might choose one version over another. Think of the document ready function as a self-executing function which fires after the page elements have loaded.

这些是jQuery(aka jQuery DOM Ready)中常用的不同类型的Document Ready函数。许多开发人员似乎在不知道原因的情况下使用它们。因此,我将尝试解释为什么您可能选择一个版本而不是另一个版本。将文档就绪功能视为一个自动执行的功能,在页面元素加载后触发。

See Where to Declare Your jQuery Functions for more information on how to use the Document Ready Functions.


Document Ready Example 1


$(document).ready(function() {
    //do jQuery stuff when DOM is ready

Document Ready Example 2


    //jQuery code here 

This is equivalent to example 1… they literally mean the same thing.

这相当于例1 ......它们的字面意思相同。

Document Ready Example 3


jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    //do jQuery stuff when DOM is ready

Document Ready Example 4


(function($) { 
    // code using $ as alias to jQuery
  $(function() {
    // more code using $ as alias to jQuery
// other code using $ as an alias to the other library

Document Ready Example 5


     //initialize after images are loaded  

Here is the link for you to refer.




1. They are the same, both are meant to run when the page document finishes loading


This is half right. They are the same, the first is just a shortcut way to write the second, but they don't run when the document finishes loading, they run when the DOM is ready (at which time some resources such as images might still be loading).

这是对的一半。它们是相同的,第一种只是写第二种的快捷方式,但它们在文档完成加载时不运行,它们在DOM准备就绪时运行(此时某些资源,如图像可能仍在加载) 。

2. The first one is called automatically while the second one will be called via named reference; that is func.called(), for example.


Again half right. In the first one the anonymous function will be called automatically when the DOM is ready as per question 1. The second example can be called with func(). You wouldn't have the .called part in there. Or you can pass func as a parameter, e.g., as $(document).ready(func).


Q3 var id=$("cssID");

Q3 var id = $(“cssID”);

How can you add an event, say, onmouseout that will work on the id?


$("cssID") creates a jQuery object that will contain zero or more elements depending on how many matched the "cssID" selector. The id variable references that jQuery object. If the question is how to assign an event handler to those matching elements you'd do this:

$(“cssID”)创建一个jQuery对象,该对象将包含零个或多个元素,具体取决于与“cssID”选择器匹配的数量。 id变量引用jQuery对象。如果问题是如何为这些匹配元素分配事件处理程序,您可以这样做:

id.mouseout(function() { /* some code */. });
// OR
id.on("mouseout", function() { /* some code */ });

When processing events with jQuery you don't use "on" in the event names, so it's "mouseout" not "onmouseout".


So your answer to 3 was nearly right.


(Note though that "cssID" is a selector that won't actually match any elements unless you have <cssID> tags in your document...)

(注意,“cssID”是一个选择器,它实际上不会匹配任何元素,除非你的文档中有 标签...)



There is no difference between:





So your professor is wrong there. The second example is completely different. One of them runs on document ready and requires jQuery; the other one is just a function literal assigned to a JavaScript variable.


As for the third one, you'd probably do it with on. onmouseover is correct if you use get, but not really the best way of going about things, and you definitely wouldn't call it like you're doing there - that's completely incorrect.

至于第三个,你可能会用它来做。 onmouseover是正确的,如果你使用get,但不是真正的最好的方式来做事情,你绝对不会称之为你在那里做 - 这是完全错误的。

id.on('mouseout', yourHandler);

