how to javafx hide background header of a tableview?

时间:2022-05-04 10:20:30



I'm trying to develop auto complete text, which shows a dropdown of suggestions in tableview popup, and I'm having an issue of how can I hide the whole header-column of tableview in javafx 2.1

2 Answers

The solution is very simple; after the tableview renders, we can get the table header and make invisible, therefor the table header doesn't have to re-layout when the table view layout changes. To catch table rendering is done, we can use width property change, and hide the table header

Here is the code:

tableView.widthProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> ov, Number t, Number t1) {
// Get the table header
Pane header = (Pane)tableView.lookup("TableHeaderRow");
if(header!=null && header.isVisible()) {


Apply a custom stylesheet to the table:


Where the file hidden-tableview-headers.css is placed in the same location as the class loading the css resource and contains the line:

.column-header-background { visibility: hidden; -fx-padding: -1em; }

The visibility: hidden attribute tells JavaFX not to draw the node, but still leave space where the heading was. As the header is 1 row of text height high, you can tell the invisible header not to take up any space by setting -fx-padding: -1em;.

Thanks jewelsea, but this will keep an empty space instead of the column header, and I want to remove it. –  Anas Aswad Sep 11 '12 at 11:08
Added a -fx-padding setting to the suggested css so that the invible column header does not take up any space on the screen (as recommended by an anonymous * user). –  jewelsea Jun 5 at 21:53