Evil Eval的替代方案 - 关系运算符

时间:2021-06-03 22:33:08

As a form of input validation I need to coerce a string like '9>6' to evaluate to a boolean value.

作为输入验证的一种形式,我需要强制一个像'9> 6'这样的字符串来评估一个布尔值。

Apart from evaluating the string I can't seem to find a workaround .


I've always heard about the evilness of eval (especially since I'm validating a form input), about the fact that it could evaluate any script and performance issues.



Are there any alternative in my case (dealing with relational operators)?


var arr = ['<9', '>2'];

var check = function (a) {

    return arr.every(function (x) {
            var string = '';

            string += a + x;

            try {
                return eval(string);
            } catch (e) {
                return false;


3 个解决方案



I can see three things to improve:


  • Instead of stringifying the a value and concatenating it to your expression, you should just refer to the a variable directly so that you can compare to the true form of the value. Otherwise you might get odd behaviour.


    return eval("a " + x);
  • Since you are probably using check multiple times, you should not call eval every time (or even multiple times per call). You can compose the strings into one large && expression, and even better you can compile the conditions to single functions beforehand so that you don't have to call eval from within check at all.


  • You should consider using the Function constructor instead of eval.


With those, your code might look like this:


var arr = ['<9', '>2'];

var check = new Function("a", "return "+arr.map(function(x) {
    return "a"+x;
}).join(" && ")+";");
console.log(check.toString()); // function anonymous(a) { return a<9 && a>2; }

or this:

var arr = ['<9', '>2'];
var fns = arr.map(function(x) {
    return new Function("a", "return a "+x+";");
function check(a) {
    return fns.every(function(f) {
        return f(a);

Of course I am expecting that arr is not controlled by the user (or worse, another than the current user); if you expect your users to input those conditions you should make sure to whitelist them explicitly, or maybe use a more sophisticated expression grammar/parser/evaluator right away.
Unless that is the case, eval (or for that matter, Function) is not exactly evil, it just does shorten (and possible simplify) your code. You could've written out full-blown functions (like Nit and peterh suggested) just as well.




I wouldn't say eval is inherently evil, I only say that it has its advantages and disadvantages. In my practice I experienced very few cases where its advantages were numerous.


The two main problems with the eval:


  1. It needs runtime interpretation, i.e. string processing and interpreting from the javascript engine. It is slow. Normal javascript runs in a tokenized form.
  2. 它需要运行时解释,即从javascript引擎进行字符串处理和解释。这很慢。普通javascript以标记化形式运行。

  3. If you use eval, you also start a game where you want to block inserting any harmful code, without decreseased functionality, and the hackers trying to find a way through your blocks. And your only possibility to know you didn't lose that your site weren't cracked until now. You don't have any possibility to know that you won.
  4. 如果您使用eval,您还可以启动一个游戏,您希望阻止插入任何有害代码,而不会降低功能,并且黑客会尝试通过您的块找到方法。你唯一知道你的可能性并没有失去你的网站直到现在才被破解。你没有任何可能知道你赢了。

But: eval runs mainly on the browser side, or processes user input data (created by the same user), or server data which was generated by your server-side.


The solution in your case is obvious: use hard OO things, for example functors.


function comparator(lighter, num) {
  return function(x) {
    return lighter ? (x<num) : (x>num);

var arr = [ comparator(true, '9'), comparator(false, '2') ];

var check = function(a) {
  return arr.every(function(comp) { return comp(a); });


On the first spot it is much more complex as your version, but it is only because you are accustomed to eval and aren't to tricky functor solutions. Actually, the complexity of the solutions are imho similar.




One option would be to define helper functions, but how useful this approach would be depends largely on what you want to achieve in the larger picture.


function geq(n) {
    return function(m) {
        return m >= n;

function leq(n) {
    return function(m) {
        return m <= n;

var arr = [leq(9), geq(2)];

function check(n) {
    arr.forEach(function(checkAgainst) {



I can see three things to improve:


  • Instead of stringifying the a value and concatenating it to your expression, you should just refer to the a variable directly so that you can compare to the true form of the value. Otherwise you might get odd behaviour.


    return eval("a " + x);
  • Since you are probably using check multiple times, you should not call eval every time (or even multiple times per call). You can compose the strings into one large && expression, and even better you can compile the conditions to single functions beforehand so that you don't have to call eval from within check at all.


  • You should consider using the Function constructor instead of eval.


With those, your code might look like this:


var arr = ['<9', '>2'];

var check = new Function("a", "return "+arr.map(function(x) {
    return "a"+x;
}).join(" && ")+";");
console.log(check.toString()); // function anonymous(a) { return a<9 && a>2; }

or this:

var arr = ['<9', '>2'];
var fns = arr.map(function(x) {
    return new Function("a", "return a "+x+";");
function check(a) {
    return fns.every(function(f) {
        return f(a);

Of course I am expecting that arr is not controlled by the user (or worse, another than the current user); if you expect your users to input those conditions you should make sure to whitelist them explicitly, or maybe use a more sophisticated expression grammar/parser/evaluator right away.
Unless that is the case, eval (or for that matter, Function) is not exactly evil, it just does shorten (and possible simplify) your code. You could've written out full-blown functions (like Nit and peterh suggested) just as well.




I wouldn't say eval is inherently evil, I only say that it has its advantages and disadvantages. In my practice I experienced very few cases where its advantages were numerous.


The two main problems with the eval:


  1. It needs runtime interpretation, i.e. string processing and interpreting from the javascript engine. It is slow. Normal javascript runs in a tokenized form.
  2. 它需要运行时解释,即从javascript引擎进行字符串处理和解释。这很慢。普通javascript以标记化形式运行。

  3. If you use eval, you also start a game where you want to block inserting any harmful code, without decreseased functionality, and the hackers trying to find a way through your blocks. And your only possibility to know you didn't lose that your site weren't cracked until now. You don't have any possibility to know that you won.
  4. 如果您使用eval,您还可以启动一个游戏,您希望阻止插入任何有害代码,而不会降低功能,并且黑客会尝试通过您的块找到方法。你唯一知道你的可能性并没有失去你的网站直到现在才被破解。你没有任何可能知道你赢了。

But: eval runs mainly on the browser side, or processes user input data (created by the same user), or server data which was generated by your server-side.


The solution in your case is obvious: use hard OO things, for example functors.


function comparator(lighter, num) {
  return function(x) {
    return lighter ? (x<num) : (x>num);

var arr = [ comparator(true, '9'), comparator(false, '2') ];

var check = function(a) {
  return arr.every(function(comp) { return comp(a); });


On the first spot it is much more complex as your version, but it is only because you are accustomed to eval and aren't to tricky functor solutions. Actually, the complexity of the solutions are imho similar.




One option would be to define helper functions, but how useful this approach would be depends largely on what you want to achieve in the larger picture.


function geq(n) {
    return function(m) {
        return m >= n;

function leq(n) {
    return function(m) {
        return m <= n;

var arr = [leq(9), geq(2)];

function check(n) {
    arr.forEach(function(checkAgainst) {