什么可能导致ORA-00936 - 使用以下sql缺少表达式?

时间:2022-06-21 22:31:38

We're seeing the error message ORA-00936 Missing Expression for the following SQL:

我们看到以下SQL的错误消息ORA-00936 Missing Expression:

Note that this is just a cut-down version of a much bigger SQL so rewriting it to a inner join or similar is not really in the scope of this:


This is the SQL that fails:


select (select count(*) from gt_roster where ROS_ROSTERPLAN_ID = RPL_ID)
from gt_rosterplan
where RPL_ID = 432065061

What I've tried: * Extracting the innermost SQL and substituting the ID from the outer SQL gives me the number 12. * Aliasing both the sub-query, and the count(*) individually and both at the same time does not change the outcome (ie. still an error)

我尝试过:*提取最里面的SQL并替换外部SQL中的ID给出了数字12. *单独对子查询和计数(*)进行别名并且两者同时不会改变结果(即仍然是一个错误)

What else do I need to look at?


The above are only tables, no views, RPL_ID is primary key of gt_rosterplan, and ROS_ROSTERPLAN_ID is a foreign key to this column, there is basically no magic or hidden information here.


Edit: In response to answer, no, you do not need the aliases here as the columns are uniquely named across the tables.


Solved: The problem was that the client was running the wrong client driver version,, and there are known problems with that version.


2 个解决方案



That should work, assuming the column names are not ambiguous (and even if they were that would lead to a different error). I ran an equivalent statement and got a result without error:


SQL> select (select count(*) from emp2 where empdeptno = deptno)
  2  from dept
  3  where deptno=10
  4  /


Googling it appears that there are or have been Oracle bugs leading to ORA-00936 errors - see this for example.

谷歌搜索似乎有或有一些导致ORA-00936错误的Oracle错误 - 例如,请参阅此处。



The problem was that the client was running the wrong client driver version,, and there are known problems with that version.




That should work, assuming the column names are not ambiguous (and even if they were that would lead to a different error). I ran an equivalent statement and got a result without error:


SQL> select (select count(*) from emp2 where empdeptno = deptno)
  2  from dept
  3  where deptno=10
  4  /


Googling it appears that there are or have been Oracle bugs leading to ORA-00936 errors - see this for example.

谷歌搜索似乎有或有一些导致ORA-00936错误的Oracle错误 - 例如,请参阅此处。



The problem was that the client was running the wrong client driver version,, and there are known problems with that version.
