
时间:2022-11-02 22:32:20

I'm trying to make a css-selector that assigns diffrent properites based on weather the html is inside an iframe or not. I tried this:


html:not(:root) body {
    background: black !important;

I expect this to apply background: black; to the body if it's inside an iframe, but it doesn't, why? And are there any css options? I could always check with javascript if html is root.


IE8 support not requierd.


3 个解决方案



CSS is only scoped within the same document. An iframe is an entire document in its own right, and so a CSS rule that applies to the page that contains that iframe cannot apply to the page that's within that iframe.

CSS仅限于同一文档中。 iframe本身就是一个完整的文档,因此适用于包含该iframe的页面的CSS规则无法应用于该iframe中的页面。

This means that as far as HTML and CSS are concerned, html is always :root (and therefore can never be :not(:root)).


Unless you are able to transfer this CSS from the containing page to the page within the iframe (using a script for example), I don't believe there is a way using just CSS.




It is probably possible to do the styling in an iframe with JavaScript.


document.querySelector('iframe').contentDocument.body.querySelector('#some-element').style.background-color = 'red';

IMPORTANT: Make sure that the iframe is on the same domain, otherwise you can't get access to its internals. That would be cross-site scripting.


Accessing elements inside iframes with JavaScript document futher here: Javascript - Get element from within an iFrame

在这里使用JavaScript文档访问iframe中的元素:Javascript - 从iFrame中获取元素



html:not(root) body {
    background: black !important;




CSS is only scoped within the same document. An iframe is an entire document in its own right, and so a CSS rule that applies to the page that contains that iframe cannot apply to the page that's within that iframe.

CSS仅限于同一文档中。 iframe本身就是一个完整的文档,因此适用于包含该iframe的页面的CSS规则无法应用于该iframe中的页面。

This means that as far as HTML and CSS are concerned, html is always :root (and therefore can never be :not(:root)).


Unless you are able to transfer this CSS from the containing page to the page within the iframe (using a script for example), I don't believe there is a way using just CSS.




It is probably possible to do the styling in an iframe with JavaScript.


document.querySelector('iframe').contentDocument.body.querySelector('#some-element').style.background-color = 'red';

IMPORTANT: Make sure that the iframe is on the same domain, otherwise you can't get access to its internals. That would be cross-site scripting.


Accessing elements inside iframes with JavaScript document futher here: Javascript - Get element from within an iFrame

在这里使用JavaScript文档访问iframe中的元素:Javascript - 从iFrame中获取元素



html:not(root) body {
    background: black !important;
