当我\ code {\ link {functionname}}时,为什么.Rd文件不包含指向其他函数的链接?

时间:2022-09-19 22:33:00

I am using package::roxygen2 to develop a package with RStudio. Below is are the roxygen comments to one of my functions, called coltrain().

我正在使用package :: roxygen2开发一个带有RStudio的包。下面是我的一个函数的roxygen注释,称为coltrain()。

#' Collect raw training data using external SQL queries.
#'  @details This is a wrapper for the \code{get_data} function.
#'  It runs all of the queries tagged as training data queries.
#'  @seealso \code{\link{get_data}}

The function get_data() is also in my package, and I have already run load_all(".") and document(). Yet there is no hyperlink to the get_data help file in the coltrain help file.


What am I missing?


Thank you.


1 个解决方案



You'll have to properly build and install the package before links are present. load_all() will not be enough to create the proper linking...

在链接出现之前,您必须正确构建和安装软件包。 load_all()不足以创建正确的链接...



You'll have to properly build and install the package before links are present. load_all() will not be enough to create the proper linking...

在链接出现之前,您必须正确构建和安装软件包。 load_all()不足以创建正确的链接...