Adobe AIR是否适用于Linux?我如何安装因为linux不支持exe格式

时间:2022-03-05 22:29:56

I am beginner so have some doubt about Adobe AIR.

我是初学者,所以对Adobe AIR有一些疑问。

  1. How do I install my AIR project in linux, or mac os because my project out .air(execute file).os does not support execute file ?

    如何在linux或mac os中安装我的AIR项目因为我的项目.air(执行文件).os不支持执行文件?

  2. Does it support multi language in Adobe air? And one more, how can I embed css not use an external css file?

    它是否支持Adobe air中的多语言?还有一个,我怎样才能嵌入css而不使用外部css文件?

  3. Does it support live streaming video in desktop application? In flash we using adobe media server for streaming video. What about Adobe air?

    它是否支持桌面应用程序中的直播视频?在Flash中,我们使用adobe媒体服务器来播放视频。那么Adobe air呢?

  4. Does it support encryption and decryption in Adobe air? If so, then how do I get compatibility with encryption in php?

    它是否支持Adobe Air中的加密和解密?如果是这样,那么如何在php中获得与加密的兼容性?

  5. Is it possible to identify net traffic in Adobe air?


If you know can help with any one please explain. I am waiting always for your valuable answer ...


1 个解决方案


To answer your basic question... yes Adobe AIR does work on Linux.

回答您的基本问题...是的Adobe AIR可以在Linux上运行。

Google "adobe air linux".

谷歌“adobe air linux”。

Fire up a Linux PC and go to:

启动Linux PC并转到: will be given a link to download AIR for Linux.

...您将获得一个下载AIR for Linux的链接。

I use the ExtJS help pages with Linux. It installs beautifully. It is an ELF 32-bit executable, not a Windows .EXE.

我在Linux上使用ExtJS帮助页面。它安装得很漂亮。它是一个ELF 32位可执行文件,而不是Windows .EXE。

$ file AdobeAIRInstaller.bin AdobeAIRInstaller.bin: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, stripped

$ file Adob​​eAIRInstaller.bin:AdobeAIRInstaller.bin:ELF 32位LSB可执行文件,Intel 80386,版本1(SYSV),动态链接(使用共享库),用于GNU / Linux 2.2.5,剥离

TWO. Yes. Google "adobe air muiltilingual". It will take you to:

二。是。谷歌“adobe air muiltilingual”。它会带你到:

THREE. Yes. Google "adobe air streaming video". Links such as:

三。是。谷歌“adobe air streaming video”。链接如:

...talks about how this is done.


FOUR. Yes. Google "adobe air encryption library". Links such as:

四。是。谷歌“adobe air加密库”。链接如: about storing encrypted data.


But if you're talking about encrypting your on-the-wire traffic, then AIR will certainly support HTTPS I'm quite sure.


FIVE. I'm not sure what you mean by this last question: "is it possiable to identified net traffic". What kind of net traffic, and what do you mean by "identify"?



To answer your basic question... yes Adobe AIR does work on Linux.

回答您的基本问题...是的Adobe AIR可以在Linux上运行。

Google "adobe air linux".

谷歌“adobe air linux”。

Fire up a Linux PC and go to:

启动Linux PC并转到: will be given a link to download AIR for Linux.

...您将获得一个下载AIR for Linux的链接。

I use the ExtJS help pages with Linux. It installs beautifully. It is an ELF 32-bit executable, not a Windows .EXE.

我在Linux上使用ExtJS帮助页面。它安装得很漂亮。它是一个ELF 32位可执行文件,而不是Windows .EXE。

$ file AdobeAIRInstaller.bin AdobeAIRInstaller.bin: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, stripped

$ file Adob​​eAIRInstaller.bin:AdobeAIRInstaller.bin:ELF 32位LSB可执行文件,Intel 80386,版本1(SYSV),动态链接(使用共享库),用于GNU / Linux 2.2.5,剥离

TWO. Yes. Google "adobe air muiltilingual". It will take you to:

二。是。谷歌“adobe air muiltilingual”。它会带你到:

THREE. Yes. Google "adobe air streaming video". Links such as:

三。是。谷歌“adobe air streaming video”。链接如:

...talks about how this is done.


FOUR. Yes. Google "adobe air encryption library". Links such as:

四。是。谷歌“adobe air加密库”。链接如: about storing encrypted data.


But if you're talking about encrypting your on-the-wire traffic, then AIR will certainly support HTTPS I'm quite sure.


FIVE. I'm not sure what you mean by this last question: "is it possiable to identified net traffic". What kind of net traffic, and what do you mean by "identify"?
