IronRuby vs常规Ruby,在Windows上开发Rails应用

时间:2022-04-05 22:28:49

For non-Rails work, regular Ruby works fine on my Windows 7 machine.

对于非rails的工作,常规Ruby在我的Windows 7机器上运行良好。

But I'm about to start some Rails work that will use SQL Server as a database, and trying to get Rails set up has been a total pain so far. (I still can't get sqlite3 or SQL Server to work correctly with Rails yet.)

但是我即将开始一些使用SQL Server作为数据库的Rails工作,到目前为止,试图建立Rails是一件非常痛苦的事情。(我仍然不能让sqlite3或SQL Server正确地使用Rails。)

So I'm wondering: will using IronRuby (which I haven't used before) make the whole process of using Rails on Windows+SQL Server a lot easier? I'm not terribly interested in .NET integration or the latest Rails features, I just want something that runs on Windows and that can access SQL Server.

所以我想知道:使用IronRuby(我以前没有使用过它)是否会让在Windows+SQL Server上使用Rails的整个过程变得更简单?我对。net集成或最新的Rails特性不是特别感兴趣,我只是想要在Windows上运行并且能够访问SQL Server的东西。

6 个解决方案



like everyone else said - IronRuby won't make your life easier. it will make it more difficult in this case, because it take a lot more work to get rails up and running on IronRuby and you will lose out on native extension support.


I'm a .NET developer by day, and I do Rails development on Windows at night. I have zero issues with the core of rails or SQLite (I don't use SQL Server, though). for a good tutorial on how to get Rails working, including how to get SQLite working, see this link:

我白天是。net开发人员,晚上在Windows上开发Rails。我对rails或SQLite的核心没有问题(尽管我不使用SQL Server)。关于如何使Rails工作,包括如何使SQLite工作的好教程,请参见以下链接:

the SQLite installation is simple, but not obvious.




I'm wondering what are you using as Ruby on Windows. Asking this because we invested a lot of time and work on RubyInstaller to provide binaries and a complementary Development Kit to ease installation of gems that require compilation.


I would recommend you look at our Tutorials page in our wiki for some articles about using MS SQL with Cucumber, setting up sqlite3-ruby and others.

我建议您阅读我们的wiki教程页面,了解如何使用MS SQL和Cucumber,如何设置sqlite3-ruby等。

Hope this helps.




IronRuby will not make the process any easier for you, and you should be aware that any gems you want to use will have to be pure Ruby, since IronRuby won't support gems which require native extensions.


The only good reason for using IronRuby is to use the .Net support.




if IronRuby is the only one that supports SQL Server, then, yes, using it would be your best bet. Other than that it tends to run rails a bit slower than other impl's...jruby can work well on doze...

如果只有IronRuby支持SQL Server,那么使用它将是最好的选择。除此之外,它的运行速度要比其他impl慢一些。jruby可以很好地处理打瞌睡……



Have you tried the activerecord-sqlserver-adapter gem? I'm using it on Linux, but I'm guessing it should be easier to use on Windows. Apparently it works on both MRI Ruby and IronRuby.

是否尝试过activerecord- sqlserveradapter gem?我在Linux上使用它,但我想它应该更容易在Windows上使用。显然它在MRI Ruby和IronRuby上都能工作。



You should use the activerecord-sqlserver-adapter gem. Look at for installation help and you may search the google group Rails SQLServer Adapter for some more information too.

您应该使用activerecord-sqlserver-adapter gem。查看 sqlserveradapter来安装帮助,您也可以在谷歌组的Rails SQLServer适配器上搜索更多的信息。



like everyone else said - IronRuby won't make your life easier. it will make it more difficult in this case, because it take a lot more work to get rails up and running on IronRuby and you will lose out on native extension support.


I'm a .NET developer by day, and I do Rails development on Windows at night. I have zero issues with the core of rails or SQLite (I don't use SQL Server, though). for a good tutorial on how to get Rails working, including how to get SQLite working, see this link:

我白天是。net开发人员,晚上在Windows上开发Rails。我对rails或SQLite的核心没有问题(尽管我不使用SQL Server)。关于如何使Rails工作,包括如何使SQLite工作的好教程,请参见以下链接:

the SQLite installation is simple, but not obvious.




I'm wondering what are you using as Ruby on Windows. Asking this because we invested a lot of time and work on RubyInstaller to provide binaries and a complementary Development Kit to ease installation of gems that require compilation.


I would recommend you look at our Tutorials page in our wiki for some articles about using MS SQL with Cucumber, setting up sqlite3-ruby and others.

我建议您阅读我们的wiki教程页面,了解如何使用MS SQL和Cucumber,如何设置sqlite3-ruby等。

Hope this helps.




IronRuby will not make the process any easier for you, and you should be aware that any gems you want to use will have to be pure Ruby, since IronRuby won't support gems which require native extensions.


The only good reason for using IronRuby is to use the .Net support.




if IronRuby is the only one that supports SQL Server, then, yes, using it would be your best bet. Other than that it tends to run rails a bit slower than other impl's...jruby can work well on doze...

如果只有IronRuby支持SQL Server,那么使用它将是最好的选择。除此之外,它的运行速度要比其他impl慢一些。jruby可以很好地处理打瞌睡……



Have you tried the activerecord-sqlserver-adapter gem? I'm using it on Linux, but I'm guessing it should be easier to use on Windows. Apparently it works on both MRI Ruby and IronRuby.

是否尝试过activerecord- sqlserveradapter gem?我在Linux上使用它,但我想它应该更容易在Windows上使用。显然它在MRI Ruby和IronRuby上都能工作。



You should use the activerecord-sqlserver-adapter gem. Look at for installation help and you may search the google group Rails SQLServer Adapter for some more information too.

您应该使用activerecord-sqlserver-adapter gem。查看 sqlserveradapter来安装帮助,您也可以在谷歌组的Rails SQLServer适配器上搜索更多的信息。