
时间:2021-03-10 22:29:40

In the following code := doesn't work as an assignment operator. The help says "The := symbol is sometimes called the assignment operator." I couldn't find in the help when it is not called the assignment operater.

在以下代码中:=不作为赋值运算符。帮助说“The:= symbol有时被称为赋值运算符”。当它没有被称为赋值操作符时,我在帮助中找不到。

procedure TForm1.TestProcedure;
  _Integer   , _TemporaryInteger   : Integer;
  _StringList, _TemporaryStringList: TStringList;
  _Integer := 1;

  _TemporaryInteger := _Integer;

  _TemporaryInteger := 2; // doesn't change the original value that _Integer is 1

  _StringList := TStringList.Create;


  _TemporaryStringList := _StringList;

  _TemporaryStringList[0] := 'b'; // changes the original value _StringList[0] into 'b'

2 个解决方案


In Object Pascal := is always an assignment operator.

在Object Pascal中:=始终是赋值运算符。

The documentation wording is perhaps misleading in this respect. It does not mean that this operator sometimes does something else, only that the operator is sometimes referred to as the assignment operator.


The distinction is the same as when I say that I sometimes refer to my female parent as 'mother'. She is always my mother but sometimes I call her "mum" or "granny" (when talking to my children) or using her name. But she is always my mother. I just don't always refer to her using that precise term.


Also be aware that there are some occasions when assignment is achieved using a simple = symbol. For example, identifying default parameter values:


procedure SomeUsefulProc(const aSwitch: Boolean = FALSE);

Also, when declaring constants or initialising global variables:



  gMeaningOfLife: Integer = 42;

However, this does not alter the fact that := is the assignment operator.


The assignments in these other cases = are not "operations" in code, but declarations.


Properties vs Variables

The confusion in your question arises not from a difference in the meaning of the := symbol, but rather in the fact that your first example involves a variable where-as the second involves a property of an object.


Objects may declare properties where the assignment of a value to a property actually calls a procedure to apply the new value. The TStringList is a good example.

对象可以声明属性,其中赋值给属性实际上调用应用新值的过程。 TStringList就是一个很好的例子。

After adding an item to a string list, that list has an item that may be accessed using the index of that item in the Strings property:



// stringList.Strings[0] has the value 'a'

The Strings property is declared as the default property of the TStringList class meaning that if an "array" style index is used without any property name, then this Strings property will be assumed by default.


i.e. these two lines of code are exactly equivalent:


s := stringList.Strings[0];
s := stringList[0];

The Strings property is implemented using a function to retrieve the value of specific items (Get) and a procedure to modify them (Put). The above lines of code are equivalent to using the Get function with 0 as the parameter:


s := stringList.Get(0);

Since the Strings property is declared with a write accessor then you can also write to this property, thereby calling the Put procedure. To write to a property you assign a value to it, using ... the assignment operator. In this case, the array index of the property is passed to the procedure along with the value to be assigned.


As before, since the Strings property is the default property for a stringlist, the following two lines of code are exactly equivalent:


stringList[0]         := 'b';
stringList.Strings[0] := 'b';

And in both cases the effect is to result in a call to the write procedure for the Strings property:


stringList.Put(0, 'b');

The operator is still the assignment operator and we still say that we have "assigned a value" to the property. Assignment, in code (as opposed to in a declaration), is always performed using the assignment operator:


aVariable            := value;
aObject.SomeProperty := value;

The difference is that in the case of an object property the response to that assignment is dependent upon the implementation of the property involved. It may simply modify some value on the object directly, or it may call a procedure to first validate the value being assigned or perform some more complex response to that property change.


In the case of a TStringList for example, changing an item in the list not only modifies that item but also triggers a change notification event.


Records vs Objects (or Values vs References)

In more recent versions of Delphi you may also have properties with read/write functions implemented by record types. These follow the same implementation pattern as properties on objects (i.e. classes). However, in that case you will observe very different results since a record is a value type, not a reference type.


NOTE: For the examples that follow for simplicity I am using a property that simply directly reads and writes the member rather than using Get/Set functions, but the principle is the same and also applies even if a member of an object is exposed directly (i.e. without an explicit property declaration).

注意:对于简单后面的示例,我使用的属性只是直接读取和写入成员而不是使用Get / Set函数,但原理是相同的,即使直接暴露对象的成员也适用(即没有明确的财产声明)。

If TMyData is implemented as a class then the variables a and b are references to an instance of that class. This must be explicitly created and when we assign one to the other all we are doing is creating a duplicate reference to the same object:


  TMyData = class
    fName: String;
    Age: Integer;  // Directly exposed member - effectively a read/write property
    property Name: String read fName write fName;

  a: TMyData;
  b: TMyData;
  a := TMyDate.Create; // Create an object and store a reference in a
    a.Name := 'foo';  // Set the name and age of the object we just created
    a.Age  := 42;

    b := a;           // b now also REFERENCES the same object as a
                      //  a.Name = 'foo' / Age = 42
                      //  b.Name = 'foo' / Age = 42

    b.Name := 'bar';  // We changed the Name of the object to 'bar'.  
                      //  a.Name = 'bar' / Age = 42
                      //  b.Name = 'bar' / Age = 42
                      //  a = b (they reference the same object)
    a.Free; // both a and b references are now invalid (the object has been destroyed)

If TMyData is instead implemented as a record then a significant difference is introduced. There is no longer any need to explicitly create or destroy objects, and when we assign values of this record type, we create copies of the value involved rather than a reference to it:


  TMyData = record
    fName: String;
    Age: Integer;  // Directly exposed member - effectively a read/write property
    property Name: String read fName write fName;

In this case if we have two variables of this type then right from the start we have two separate TMyData records and when we assign one to the other, we are copying the entire TMyData value:


  a: TMyData;
  b: TMyData;
                    // a and b are both new, initialised records:
                    //   a.Name = '' / Age = 0
                    //   b.Name = '' / Age = 0

  a.Name := 'foo';  // We have set the Name and age of a.  b is unchanged
  a.Age  := 42;     //   a.Name = 'foo' / Age = 42
                    //   b.Name = ''    / Age = 0

  b := a;           // b is now a COPY of a.
                    //   a.Name = 'foo' / Age = 42
                    //   b.Name = 'foo' / Age = 42

  b.Name := 'bar';  // We changed the Name and age of b.  
  b.Age  := 84;     //   a.Name = 'foo' / Age = 42
                    //   b.Name = 'bar' / Age = 84



In this case the variable is managed by value.


_TemporaryInteger := _Integer;
_TemporaryInteger := 2; // doesn't change the original value that _Integer is 1

When a variable is by managed by value, the variable value is copied the new variable and both are in different areas of memory.


In this case the variable is managed by reference (almost all the objects are managed by reference)


_TemporaryStringList := _StringList;
_TemporaryStringList[0] := 'b'; // changes the original value _StringList[0] into 'b'

When you have a variable managed by reference, the variable reference (pointer) is copied to the new variable and both variable are pointing to the same space of memory (because of that when you change a value in the second variable it changed in the first variables too)


Hope this helps



In Object Pascal := is always an assignment operator.

在Object Pascal中:=始终是赋值运算符。

The documentation wording is perhaps misleading in this respect. It does not mean that this operator sometimes does something else, only that the operator is sometimes referred to as the assignment operator.


The distinction is the same as when I say that I sometimes refer to my female parent as 'mother'. She is always my mother but sometimes I call her "mum" or "granny" (when talking to my children) or using her name. But she is always my mother. I just don't always refer to her using that precise term.


Also be aware that there are some occasions when assignment is achieved using a simple = symbol. For example, identifying default parameter values:


procedure SomeUsefulProc(const aSwitch: Boolean = FALSE);

Also, when declaring constants or initialising global variables:



  gMeaningOfLife: Integer = 42;

However, this does not alter the fact that := is the assignment operator.


The assignments in these other cases = are not "operations" in code, but declarations.


Properties vs Variables

The confusion in your question arises not from a difference in the meaning of the := symbol, but rather in the fact that your first example involves a variable where-as the second involves a property of an object.


Objects may declare properties where the assignment of a value to a property actually calls a procedure to apply the new value. The TStringList is a good example.

对象可以声明属性,其中赋值给属性实际上调用应用新值的过程。 TStringList就是一个很好的例子。

After adding an item to a string list, that list has an item that may be accessed using the index of that item in the Strings property:



// stringList.Strings[0] has the value 'a'

The Strings property is declared as the default property of the TStringList class meaning that if an "array" style index is used without any property name, then this Strings property will be assumed by default.


i.e. these two lines of code are exactly equivalent:


s := stringList.Strings[0];
s := stringList[0];

The Strings property is implemented using a function to retrieve the value of specific items (Get) and a procedure to modify them (Put). The above lines of code are equivalent to using the Get function with 0 as the parameter:


s := stringList.Get(0);

Since the Strings property is declared with a write accessor then you can also write to this property, thereby calling the Put procedure. To write to a property you assign a value to it, using ... the assignment operator. In this case, the array index of the property is passed to the procedure along with the value to be assigned.


As before, since the Strings property is the default property for a stringlist, the following two lines of code are exactly equivalent:


stringList[0]         := 'b';
stringList.Strings[0] := 'b';

And in both cases the effect is to result in a call to the write procedure for the Strings property:


stringList.Put(0, 'b');

The operator is still the assignment operator and we still say that we have "assigned a value" to the property. Assignment, in code (as opposed to in a declaration), is always performed using the assignment operator:


aVariable            := value;
aObject.SomeProperty := value;

The difference is that in the case of an object property the response to that assignment is dependent upon the implementation of the property involved. It may simply modify some value on the object directly, or it may call a procedure to first validate the value being assigned or perform some more complex response to that property change.


In the case of a TStringList for example, changing an item in the list not only modifies that item but also triggers a change notification event.


Records vs Objects (or Values vs References)

In more recent versions of Delphi you may also have properties with read/write functions implemented by record types. These follow the same implementation pattern as properties on objects (i.e. classes). However, in that case you will observe very different results since a record is a value type, not a reference type.


NOTE: For the examples that follow for simplicity I am using a property that simply directly reads and writes the member rather than using Get/Set functions, but the principle is the same and also applies even if a member of an object is exposed directly (i.e. without an explicit property declaration).

注意:对于简单后面的示例,我使用的属性只是直接读取和写入成员而不是使用Get / Set函数,但原理是相同的,即使直接暴露对象的成员也适用(即没有明确的财产声明)。

If TMyData is implemented as a class then the variables a and b are references to an instance of that class. This must be explicitly created and when we assign one to the other all we are doing is creating a duplicate reference to the same object:


  TMyData = class
    fName: String;
    Age: Integer;  // Directly exposed member - effectively a read/write property
    property Name: String read fName write fName;

  a: TMyData;
  b: TMyData;
  a := TMyDate.Create; // Create an object and store a reference in a
    a.Name := 'foo';  // Set the name and age of the object we just created
    a.Age  := 42;

    b := a;           // b now also REFERENCES the same object as a
                      //  a.Name = 'foo' / Age = 42
                      //  b.Name = 'foo' / Age = 42

    b.Name := 'bar';  // We changed the Name of the object to 'bar'.  
                      //  a.Name = 'bar' / Age = 42
                      //  b.Name = 'bar' / Age = 42
                      //  a = b (they reference the same object)
    a.Free; // both a and b references are now invalid (the object has been destroyed)

If TMyData is instead implemented as a record then a significant difference is introduced. There is no longer any need to explicitly create or destroy objects, and when we assign values of this record type, we create copies of the value involved rather than a reference to it:


  TMyData = record
    fName: String;
    Age: Integer;  // Directly exposed member - effectively a read/write property
    property Name: String read fName write fName;

In this case if we have two variables of this type then right from the start we have two separate TMyData records and when we assign one to the other, we are copying the entire TMyData value:


  a: TMyData;
  b: TMyData;
                    // a and b are both new, initialised records:
                    //   a.Name = '' / Age = 0
                    //   b.Name = '' / Age = 0

  a.Name := 'foo';  // We have set the Name and age of a.  b is unchanged
  a.Age  := 42;     //   a.Name = 'foo' / Age = 42
                    //   b.Name = ''    / Age = 0

  b := a;           // b is now a COPY of a.
                    //   a.Name = 'foo' / Age = 42
                    //   b.Name = 'foo' / Age = 42

  b.Name := 'bar';  // We changed the Name and age of b.  
  b.Age  := 84;     //   a.Name = 'foo' / Age = 42
                    //   b.Name = 'bar' / Age = 84



In this case the variable is managed by value.


_TemporaryInteger := _Integer;
_TemporaryInteger := 2; // doesn't change the original value that _Integer is 1

When a variable is by managed by value, the variable value is copied the new variable and both are in different areas of memory.


In this case the variable is managed by reference (almost all the objects are managed by reference)


_TemporaryStringList := _StringList;
_TemporaryStringList[0] := 'b'; // changes the original value _StringList[0] into 'b'

When you have a variable managed by reference, the variable reference (pointer) is copied to the new variable and both variable are pointing to the same space of memory (because of that when you change a value in the second variable it changed in the first variables too)


Hope this helps
