
时间:2022-06-21 22:30:01

Quoting from http://sites.google.com/site/gson/gson-design-document:


Why are most classes in Gson marked as final?


While Gson provides a fairly extensible architecture by providing pluggable serializers and deserializers, Gson classes were not specifically designed to be extensible. Providing non-final classes would have allowed a user to legitimately extend Gson classes, and then expect that behavior to work in all subsequent revisions. We chose to limit such use-cases by marking classes as final, and waiting until a good use-case emerges to allow extensibility. Marking a class final also has a minor benefit of providing additional optimization opportunities to Java compiler and virtual machine.


Why is this the case? [If I would guess: of JVM knows class is final it does not maintain method override tables? Are there any other reasons?]

为什么会这样? [如果我猜测:JVM知道类是最终的,它不维护方法覆盖表?还有其他原因吗?]

What is the benefit in performance?


Does this applies to classes that are frequency instantiated (POJO?) or perhaps to class that are holders static methods (Utility classes) ?


Are methods defined as final also can theoretically improve performance?


Are there any implications?


Thank you, Maxim.


5 个解决方案



Virtual (overridden) methods generally are implemented via some sort of table (vtable) that is ultimately a function pointer. Each method call has the overhead of having to go through that pointer. When classes are marked final then all of the methods cannot be overridden and the use of a table is not needed anymore - this it is faster.

虚拟(重写)方法通常通过某种表(vtable)实现,该表最终是函数指针。每个方法调用都有必须通过该指针的开销。当类被标记为final时,所有方法都不能被覆盖,并且不再需要使用表 - 这样更快。

Some VMs (like HotSpot) may do things more intelligently and know when methods are/are not overridden and generate faster code as appropriate.


Here is some more specific info on HotSpot. And some general info too.




An old, apparently no longer but still largely relevant, article on this from IBM developerWorks, which states:

IBM developerWorks上发表的一篇旧的,显然不再但仍然很重要的文章,其中指出:

The common perception is that declaring classes or methods final makes it easier for the compiler to inline method calls, but this perception is incorrect (or at the very least, greatly overstated).


final classes and methods can be a significant inconvenience when programming -- they limit your options for reusing existing code and extending the functionality of existing classes. While sometimes a class is made final for a good reason, such as to enforce immutability, the benefits of using final should outweigh the inconvenience. Performance enhancement is almost always a bad reason to compromise good object-oriented design principles, and when the performance enhancement is small or nonexistent, this is a bad trade-off indeed.

最终的类和方法在编程时会带来很大的不便 - 它们限制了重用现有代码和扩展现有类功能的选择。虽然有时候一个班级是有充分理由的,例如强制执行不变性,但使用final的好处应该超过不便之处。性能增强几乎总是破坏良好的面向对象设计原则的坏理由,并且当性能增强很小或不存在时,这确实是一个糟糕的权衡。

Also see this related answer on another question. There's also the equivalent question for .Net, discussed here. SO discussion, "Are final methods inlined?" On a question titled "What optimizations are going to be useless tomorrow," this one appears on the list.


Here is someone trying to characterize the effect on HotSpot inlining from static and final classes.


Note also that there is an entangling of the effects of final classes vs. final methods. You may get some performance benefit (again, I don't have a good reference) for final methods for sure, as it could cue the JIT to do inlining it couldn't otherwise do (or not so simply). You get the same effect when you mark the class final, which means that all the methods are suddenly final as well. Note that the Sun/Oracle folks claim that HotSpot can usually do this with or without the final keyword. Are there any additional effects from having the class itself final?

另请注意,最终类与最终方法的效果相互纠缠。对于最终方法,您可能会获得一些性能优势(同样,我没有一个很好的参考),因为它可以提示JIT进行内联,否则无法做到(或者不那么简单)。当你将类标记为final时,你会得到相同的效果,这意味着所有的方法也是最终的。请注意,Sun / Oracle人员声称HotSpot通常可以使用或不使用final关键字。让课程本身最终还有其他影响吗?

For reference, links to the JLS on final methods and final classes.




Not knowing the implementation of every particular JVM, I would theoretically say that if a JVM knows that a pointer to an object is a pointer to a type that is final, it can do non-virtual function calls (i.e., direct vs. indirect) to a member functions (i.e., no indirection through a function pointer), which may result in faster execution. This may also in turn lead to inlinining possibilities.




Marking classes as final allows further optimizations to be applied during the JIT stage.


If you are calling a virtual method on a non-final class, you don't know whether the proper implementation is the one defined in that class, or some sub-class that you don't know about.


However, if you have a reference to a final class, you know the specific implementation that is required.




A extends B
B extends C

B myInstance = null;
   myInstance = new B();
   myInstance = new C();

In this case, the JIT can't know whether C's implementation of toString() or B's implementation of toString() will be called. However, if B is marked as final, it is impossible for any implementation other than B's to be the proper implementation




No difference, that's just speculation. The only situation where it has sense are classes like String, etc where jvm treat them differently.




Virtual (overridden) methods generally are implemented via some sort of table (vtable) that is ultimately a function pointer. Each method call has the overhead of having to go through that pointer. When classes are marked final then all of the methods cannot be overridden and the use of a table is not needed anymore - this it is faster.

虚拟(重写)方法通常通过某种表(vtable)实现,该表最终是函数指针。每个方法调用都有必须通过该指针的开销。当类被标记为final时,所有方法都不能被覆盖,并且不再需要使用表 - 这样更快。

Some VMs (like HotSpot) may do things more intelligently and know when methods are/are not overridden and generate faster code as appropriate.


Here is some more specific info on HotSpot. And some general info too.




An old, apparently no longer but still largely relevant, article on this from IBM developerWorks, which states:

IBM developerWorks上发表的一篇旧的,显然不再但仍然很重要的文章,其中指出:

The common perception is that declaring classes or methods final makes it easier for the compiler to inline method calls, but this perception is incorrect (or at the very least, greatly overstated).


final classes and methods can be a significant inconvenience when programming -- they limit your options for reusing existing code and extending the functionality of existing classes. While sometimes a class is made final for a good reason, such as to enforce immutability, the benefits of using final should outweigh the inconvenience. Performance enhancement is almost always a bad reason to compromise good object-oriented design principles, and when the performance enhancement is small or nonexistent, this is a bad trade-off indeed.

最终的类和方法在编程时会带来很大的不便 - 它们限制了重用现有代码和扩展现有类功能的选择。虽然有时候一个班级是有充分理由的,例如强制执行不变性,但使用final的好处应该超过不便之处。性能增强几乎总是破坏良好的面向对象设计原则的坏理由,并且当性能增强很小或不存在时,这确实是一个糟糕的权衡。

Also see this related answer on another question. There's also the equivalent question for .Net, discussed here. SO discussion, "Are final methods inlined?" On a question titled "What optimizations are going to be useless tomorrow," this one appears on the list.


Here is someone trying to characterize the effect on HotSpot inlining from static and final classes.


Note also that there is an entangling of the effects of final classes vs. final methods. You may get some performance benefit (again, I don't have a good reference) for final methods for sure, as it could cue the JIT to do inlining it couldn't otherwise do (or not so simply). You get the same effect when you mark the class final, which means that all the methods are suddenly final as well. Note that the Sun/Oracle folks claim that HotSpot can usually do this with or without the final keyword. Are there any additional effects from having the class itself final?

另请注意,最终类与最终方法的效果相互纠缠。对于最终方法,您可能会获得一些性能优势(同样,我没有一个很好的参考),因为它可以提示JIT进行内联,否则无法做到(或者不那么简单)。当你将类标记为final时,你会得到相同的效果,这意味着所有的方法也是最终的。请注意,Sun / Oracle人员声称HotSpot通常可以使用或不使用final关键字。让课程本身最终还有其他影响吗?

For reference, links to the JLS on final methods and final classes.




Not knowing the implementation of every particular JVM, I would theoretically say that if a JVM knows that a pointer to an object is a pointer to a type that is final, it can do non-virtual function calls (i.e., direct vs. indirect) to a member functions (i.e., no indirection through a function pointer), which may result in faster execution. This may also in turn lead to inlinining possibilities.




Marking classes as final allows further optimizations to be applied during the JIT stage.


If you are calling a virtual method on a non-final class, you don't know whether the proper implementation is the one defined in that class, or some sub-class that you don't know about.


However, if you have a reference to a final class, you know the specific implementation that is required.




A extends B
B extends C

B myInstance = null;
   myInstance = new B();
   myInstance = new C();

In this case, the JIT can't know whether C's implementation of toString() or B's implementation of toString() will be called. However, if B is marked as final, it is impossible for any implementation other than B's to be the proper implementation




No difference, that's just speculation. The only situation where it has sense are classes like String, etc where jvm treat them differently.
