I am working on a dynamic web app using Eclipse with Tomcat 7 and jre 7. I receive the following exception when attempting to parse an xml string:
我正在使用Tomcat 7和jre 7开发一个动态web应用程序。我在解析xml字符串时收到以下异常:
could not load any factory class (even small or full default implementation); nested exception is: org.kxml2.io.XmlReader
XmlPullParserFactory factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();
XmlPullParserFactory工厂= XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();
which is part of the org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory namespace.
I have put the xmlpull_1_0_5.jar into the Tomcat lib folder and restart it. I have also put the file in the WEB-INF lib folder.
我已经将xmlpull_1_ 0_5放入。jar到Tomcat lib文件夹并重新启动它。我还把文件放在了WEB-INF lib文件夹中。
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!