I can add any number and types of columns into a temp table without the need to define them first:
select into #temp from table;
But if I want to add columns to this temp table later on in my script, the only way I know how is to:
alter #temp add column int;
insert into #table (column) select column from table;
This is a bit cumbersome if I want to add multiple columns. Is there a way to add column to a temp table without defining them first?
2 个解决方案
I don't think insert
is appropriate after adding a column. Update
seems more like the operation you would want.
One option is to create a new temporary table:
select t.*, 'value' as col
into #temp1
from #temp t;
However, for an existing table, there is no way to add a column and populate it at the same time -- except for providing a default value.
You can, however, add multiple columns at the same time:
alter #temp add col1 int, col2 int, col3 int;
update #temp t
set col1 = 1, col2 = 2, col3 = 3;
It is almost certain you know how many columns you finally need. You can create the extra columns (not present in your table/query result) with dummy constant values when creating your #temp table.
select *, '' as AdditionalStringColumn into #temp from table1;
select *, 0 as AdditionalIntegerColumn into #temp from table1;
select *, 0.0 as AdditionalDecimalColumn into #temp from table1;
This way you don't need to get into the mess of dealing with alter table
etc., and will have better performance.
这样,您就不需要陷入处理alter table等问题的混乱之中,并且可以获得更好的性能。
I don't think insert
is appropriate after adding a column. Update
seems more like the operation you would want.
One option is to create a new temporary table:
select t.*, 'value' as col
into #temp1
from #temp t;
However, for an existing table, there is no way to add a column and populate it at the same time -- except for providing a default value.
You can, however, add multiple columns at the same time:
alter #temp add col1 int, col2 int, col3 int;
update #temp t
set col1 = 1, col2 = 2, col3 = 3;
It is almost certain you know how many columns you finally need. You can create the extra columns (not present in your table/query result) with dummy constant values when creating your #temp table.
select *, '' as AdditionalStringColumn into #temp from table1;
select *, 0 as AdditionalIntegerColumn into #temp from table1;
select *, 0.0 as AdditionalDecimalColumn into #temp from table1;
This way you don't need to get into the mess of dealing with alter table
etc., and will have better performance.
这样,您就不需要陷入处理alter table等问题的混乱之中,并且可以获得更好的性能。