
时间:2022-02-16 22:27:10

Recently converted an existing iPhone project to use ARC, and a portion of the code stopped working and kept crashing out. It seems that ARC was automatically releasing myRequest:


ServerRequest *myRequest = [[ServerRequest alloc] init];

too soon, before some delegate functions had fired.


Now I know from reading up on ARC that you can set a compiler flag -fno-objc-arc against a specific file to ignore ARC. Now that worked fine, however, I'd still quite like to use ARC. I wonder if anyone knew of a way, when you instantiate an object, to tell ARC not to manage the releasing of it, e.g.:

现在我从阅读ARC上得知,您可以针对特定的文件设置一个编译器标记-fno- object - ARC来忽略ARC。不过,现在它工作得很好,我还是很喜欢使用ARC。当你实例化一个对象时,我想知道是否有人知道一种方法来告诉ARC不要管理它的释放,例如:

ServerRequest *myRequest = [[[ServerRequest alloc] init] ignoreARC];

3 个解决方案



Turning ARC off for a single variable? Not possible.


You may want to try saving myRequest in an instance variable, so ARC knows you still need it. When you're done you can release it by setting it to nil.




You can move variables outside of ARC by using __bridge casts to convert the object to a void*, but this not the solution to your problem. You have a memory management problem, and you need to hunt it down and fix it, not band-aid it.


As @voidStern notes, if you have a request you care about keeping, you need to retain it, and then release it when you no longer care about it.




This is a really bad idea. ARC is releasing the object because the semantics of your code don't indicate that you want to keep it. You're trying to hide the symptom, not fix the problem.


Worse, if you managed to do what you want, you'd make your code really unmaintainable. Some variables being managed by ARC and some not sounds like a recipe for spending all your time hunting through code trying to figure out which is which.


If you create an object and you want to hang onto it beyond the current scope, put it into an instance variable or assign it to some other object's property.




Turning ARC off for a single variable? Not possible.


You may want to try saving myRequest in an instance variable, so ARC knows you still need it. When you're done you can release it by setting it to nil.




You can move variables outside of ARC by using __bridge casts to convert the object to a void*, but this not the solution to your problem. You have a memory management problem, and you need to hunt it down and fix it, not band-aid it.


As @voidStern notes, if you have a request you care about keeping, you need to retain it, and then release it when you no longer care about it.




This is a really bad idea. ARC is releasing the object because the semantics of your code don't indicate that you want to keep it. You're trying to hide the symptom, not fix the problem.


Worse, if you managed to do what you want, you'd make your code really unmaintainable. Some variables being managed by ARC and some not sounds like a recipe for spending all your time hunting through code trying to figure out which is which.


If you create an object and you want to hang onto it beyond the current scope, put it into an instance variable or assign it to some other object's property.
