如何使Visual Studio编译器忽略文件?

时间:2022-02-16 22:26:52

Is anyone aware of a way to make visual studio completely ignore a file when compiling? I have a C# solution that has a foo.config file that isn't really a standard config file - it's just a text file. During compiling VS grabs a hold of the file and bombs.

是否有人知道在编译时使visual studio完全忽略文件的方法?我有一个C#解决方案,它有一个foo.config文件,它不是一个真正的标准配置文件 - 它只是一个文本文件。在编译期间,VS抓住了文件和炸弹。

I'd like for it to act as though it's just a text file. I do not have the option of changing the name of the file.


EDIT: Please note that BuildAction does not exclude files from the compiler checking them. It simply decides if the file is compiled into the assembly, whether it's content (like a jpg or something), or whether it is a resource file. For more info: see the MSDN page.


EDIT2: Apparently, if you have a text file that is named foo.config and you have it open while building, VS2005 will pop up an error thinking that the file should be xml. However, if you close the file, VS2005 will ignore it.


Solution: Visual Studio validation causes errors if you have a non-compliant file open during build time. For an example of how to turn this off (for HTML), see Scott Guthrie's post. As Allen mentioned, you should also have the Build Action turned to "None". Unfortunately, this will not stop build errors if you have the file open.

解决方案:如果在构建期间打开了不兼容的文件,则Visual Studio验证会导致错误。有关如何将其关闭(对于HTML)的示例,请参阅Scott Guthrie的帖子。正如艾伦所说,你也应该将Build Action转为“None”。不幸的是,如果您打开文件,这不会停止构建错误。

4 个解决方案


right click > properties


Build Action: set to "None"


Edit: If you're talking about app.config, you really cant mess with the format of that, you need to put it in a different .config file.


I just double checked, VS.net doesnt care as long as its not app.config or web.config and the config file build action is set to "None", it will "error" if you have the file open but it will not cause the build to fail or keep it from building the assemblies.


Close the file and the errors will go away, similar to the errors you get about HTML markup. The displaying of these "errors" is probably a configurable setting in vs.net



The action to take depends on the solution and and file type. For instance (in VS2005), in a C++ solution I can right click on the source file name in the solution explorer and view its properties. The first "General" option is "Excluded From Build", which will allow you to exclude the file from the build process without having it excluded from the project altogether.

要采取的操作取决于解决方案和文件类型。例如(在VS2005中),在C ++解决方案中,我可以右键单击解决方案资源管理器中的源文件名并查看其属性。第一个“常规”选项是“从构建中排除”,它允许您从构建过程中排除该文件,而不必将其从项目中排除。

I pulled up a .config file in a C# solution, and found a "Build Action" option under the Advanced section. That should probably be set to "None".

我在C#解决方案中提取了一个.config文件,并在Advanced部分下找到了“Build Action”选项。那可能应该设置为“无”。


Just right click on the file and choose "Exclude from project".


If you still want to see it in your project, select the project and click the "Show all files" button at the top of the solution explorer. This will show all the files in the directory tree even if they aren't actually part of the project.



Are you sure that VS compiling .config file???


You should check it's Build Action in file options and may be set it to none.

您应该在文件选项中检查它的Build Action,并且可以将其设置为none。


right click > properties


Build Action: set to "None"


Edit: If you're talking about app.config, you really cant mess with the format of that, you need to put it in a different .config file.


I just double checked, VS.net doesnt care as long as its not app.config or web.config and the config file build action is set to "None", it will "error" if you have the file open but it will not cause the build to fail or keep it from building the assemblies.


Close the file and the errors will go away, similar to the errors you get about HTML markup. The displaying of these "errors" is probably a configurable setting in vs.net



The action to take depends on the solution and and file type. For instance (in VS2005), in a C++ solution I can right click on the source file name in the solution explorer and view its properties. The first "General" option is "Excluded From Build", which will allow you to exclude the file from the build process without having it excluded from the project altogether.

要采取的操作取决于解决方案和文件类型。例如(在VS2005中),在C ++解决方案中,我可以右键单击解决方案资源管理器中的源文件名并查看其属性。第一个“常规”选项是“从构建中排除”,它允许您从构建过程中排除该文件,而不必将其从项目中排除。

I pulled up a .config file in a C# solution, and found a "Build Action" option under the Advanced section. That should probably be set to "None".

我在C#解决方案中提取了一个.config文件,并在Advanced部分下找到了“Build Action”选项。那可能应该设置为“无”。


Just right click on the file and choose "Exclude from project".


If you still want to see it in your project, select the project and click the "Show all files" button at the top of the solution explorer. This will show all the files in the directory tree even if they aren't actually part of the project.



Are you sure that VS compiling .config file???


You should check it's Build Action in file options and may be set it to none.

您应该在文件选项中检查它的Build Action,并且可以将其设置为none。