
时间:2022-04-15 22:27:41

I'm trying to figure out how to use a code that's written in perl, but am not very familiar with perl syntax. I was wondering if someone could tell me what the format of the file @metafilecache is? The code is failing to read the samplerate within the file, but I'm not sure how I have it formatted incorrectly. Here's the excerpt of the code I think is appropriate:


my $tnet = $ARGV[0];
my $tsta = $ARGV[1];
my $stadir = $ARGV[2]; 

if ( ! -d "$targetdir" ) {
  mkdir "$targetdir" || die "Cannot create $targetdir: $?\n";

die "Cannot find PDF bin base dir: $pdfbinbase\n" if ( ! -d "$pdfbinbase" );

my %targetdays = ();
my %targetchan = ();

# Collect target files in the $pdfbinbase dir, limited by $changlob
  foreach my $nsldir (glob("$pdfbinbase/{CHRYS}/$tnet.$tsta.*")) {
   next if ( ! -d "$nsldir" ); # Limit to directories

   # Extract location ID from directory name
   my ($net,$sta,$loc) = $nsldir =~ /\/(\w+)\.(\w+)\.([\w-]+)$/;

   if ( $net ne $tnet ) {
     print "Target network ($tnet) != network ($net)\n";
   if ( $sta ne $tsta ) {
     print "Target station ($tsta) != station ($sta)\n";

   foreach my $chandir (glob("$nsldir/$changlob")) {
     next if ( ! -d "$chandir" ); # Limit to directories

   # Extract channel code from directory name
     my ($chan) = $chandir =~ /.*\/([\w\d]+)$/;

     foreach my $yeardir (glob("$chandir/Y*")) {
       next if ( ! -d "$yeardir" ); # Limit to directories

       # Extract year from directory name
       my ($year) = $yeardir =~ /^.*\/Y(\d{4,4})$/;

       foreach my $daybin (glob("$yeardir/D*.bin")) {
         next if ( ! -f "$daybin" ); # Limit to regular files

         my ($day) = $daybin =~ /^.*\/D(\d{3,3})\.bin$/;

         $targetdays{"$loc.$chan.$year.$day"} = $daybin;
         $targetchan{"$loc.$chan"} = 1;
     if ( $verbose > 1 ) {
        print "Target days from PDF bin files:\n";
        my $count = 0;
        foreach my $tday (sort keys %targetdays) {
          print "Target day: $tday => $targetdays{$tday}\n";
      print "Targets: $count\n";

 # Remove targets that have already been calculated by checking
 # results files against targets.
 foreach my $tchan ( keys %targetchan ) {
   my ($loc,$chan) = split (/\./, $tchan);
   # Generate target file name
   my $targetfile = undef;
   if ( $loc ne "--" ) { $targetfile = "$targetdir/$prefix-$loc.$chan"; }
     else { $targetfile = "$targetdir/$prefix-$chan"; }

     print "\nChecking target file for previous results: $targetfile\n"  
     if        ( $verbose );

   next if ( ! -f "$targetfile" );

     # Open result file and remove any targets that are included
     open IN, "$targetfile" || next;
     foreach my $line (<IN>) {
       next if ( $line =~ /^YEAR\.DAY/ );
         my ($year,$day) = $line =~ /^(\d+).(\d+)/;

         # Delete this target
         delete $targetdays{"$loc.$chan.$year.$day"};
   close IN;

  if ( $verbose > 1 ) {
    print "Remaining target days:\n";
    my $count = 0;
    foreach my $tday (sort keys %targetdays) {
      print "Target day: $tday => $targetdays{$tday}\n";
    print "Remaining Targets: $count\n";
 my %targetfiles = ();

 # Calculate and store PDF mode for each target day
 TARGET: foreach my $tday (sort keys %targetdays) {
 my ($loc,$chan,$year,$day) = split (/\./, $tday);

 my %power = ();
 my %count = ();
 my @period = ();

 # Determine sampling rate
 my $samprate = GetSampRate ($tnet,$tsta,$loc,$chan);
 print "Samplerate for $tnet $tsta $loc $chan is: $samprate\n" if (     
 $verbose );
 if ( ! defined $samprate ) {
   if ( ($tsta eq "ECSD") || ($tsta eq "SFJ") || ($tsta eq "CASEE") ||     
     ($tsta eq "JSC") ){
   else {
     print "Cannot determine sample rate for channel 

This is the subroutine GetSampRate:


sub GetSampRate {    # GetSampRate (net,sta,loc,chan)

  my $net  = shift;
  my $sta  = shift;
  my $loc  = shift;
  my $chan = shift;

  my $samprate = undef;

  # Generate source name: Net_Sta_Loc_Chan
  my $srcname = "${net}_${sta}_";
  $srcname   .= ($loc eq "--") ? "_" : "${loc}_";
  $srcname   .= "$chan";

  if ( $#metafilecache < 0 ) {

    my $metafile = "$stadir/metadata.txt";

    if ( ! -f "$metafile" ) {
      print "GetSampRate(): Cannot find metadata file: $metafile\n";
      return undef;

    # Open metadata file
    if ( ! (open MF, "<$metafile") ) {
      print "GetSampRate(): Cannot open: $metafile\n";
      return undef;

    # Read all lines in the metafilecache
    @metafilecache = <MF>;

    close MF;

  # Read all lines starting with srcname into @lines
  my @lines = grep { /^$srcname/ } @metafilecache;

  # Find maximum of sample rates for this channel
  foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
    my @fields = split(/\t/, $line);
    my $rate   = $fields[7];

    $samprate = $rate if (!defined $samprate || $rate > $samprate);

  return $samprate;

1 个解决方案


The code you have shown is very clunky.


  • As far this scope is concerned, the file is called $stadir/metadata.txt and I can't help with $stadir as it's either undefined or a global value that is set elsewhere — not a great design idea

    就这个范围而言,该文件被称为$ stadir / metadata.txt,我无法帮助$ stadir,因为它未定义或在其他地方设置的全局值 - 不是一个伟大的设计理念

  • After that, @metafilecache = <MF> loads the entire file into the array @metafilecache, leaving a trailing newline character at the end of each element

    之后,@ metfilefilecache = 将整个文件加载到数组@metafilecache中,在每个元素的末尾留下一个尾随的换行符。

  • Then my @lines = grep { /^$srcname/ } @metafilecache duplicates to @lines all lines beginning with the string held in $srcname. This is another global variable that shouldn't be used

    然后我的@lines = grep {/ ^ $ srcname /} @metafilecache重复到@lines所有以$ srcname中保存的字符串开头的行。这是另一个不应该使用的全局变量

  • The following for loop splits the line on tab ("\t" or "\x09") separators and sets $rate to the eighth value ($fields[7]). $samprate is updated at each iteration if the latest value of $rate is greater than the current stored maximum

    以下for循环在tab(“\ t”或“\ x09”)分隔符上拆分行,并将$ rate设置为第八个值($ fields [7])。如果$ rate的最新值大于当前存储的最大值,则在每次迭代时更新$ samprate

I hope that helps



The code you have shown is very clunky.


  • As far this scope is concerned, the file is called $stadir/metadata.txt and I can't help with $stadir as it's either undefined or a global value that is set elsewhere — not a great design idea

    就这个范围而言,该文件被称为$ stadir / metadata.txt,我无法帮助$ stadir,因为它未定义或在其他地方设置的全局值 - 不是一个伟大的设计理念

  • After that, @metafilecache = <MF> loads the entire file into the array @metafilecache, leaving a trailing newline character at the end of each element

    之后,@ metfilefilecache = 将整个文件加载到数组@metafilecache中,在每个元素的末尾留下一个尾随的换行符。

  • Then my @lines = grep { /^$srcname/ } @metafilecache duplicates to @lines all lines beginning with the string held in $srcname. This is another global variable that shouldn't be used

    然后我的@lines = grep {/ ^ $ srcname /} @metafilecache重复到@lines所有以$ srcname中保存的字符串开头的行。这是另一个不应该使用的全局变量

  • The following for loop splits the line on tab ("\t" or "\x09") separators and sets $rate to the eighth value ($fields[7]). $samprate is updated at each iteration if the latest value of $rate is greater than the current stored maximum

    以下for循环在tab(“\ t”或“\ x09”)分隔符上拆分行,并将$ rate设置为第八个值($ fields [7])。如果$ rate的最新值大于当前存储的最大值,则在每次迭代时更新$ samprate

I hope that helps
