note:Description and Usage of Fields in RA_INTERFACE_LINES Table [ID 1195997.1]
Field Name and Description | Validation and Destination | User should provide data when... and Reference Information |
This column is used by AutoInvoice and should be left null. AutoInvoice defaults a value in this column using the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_S sequence. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of providing a value in this field. |
AutoInvoice uses this field to understand the data you pass into fields INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1-15 The value you provide here should exist as a Context Flexfield Code in the Descriptive Flexfields form. Responsibility: Receivables Manger Query for Application = Receivables, Title = Line Transaction Flexfield to see valid values. |
Validation: None Destination: |
AutoInvoice uses this field to understand the context of the data passed into the INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* fields. Reference: |
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 to INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE15 Depending on which fields are associated to the segments of the descriptive flexfield identified by INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT, then those INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* should be populated. |
Validation: Combination of INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT + INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* fields must not already exist in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL and RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL. Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL. * When you import transactions with multiple lines using |
Depending on which INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* fields are associated to the segments of the descriptive flexfield identified by INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT, then those attribute fields need to be populated. Reference: |
This field is used to provide a reference to a transaction line that you are either:
Validation: Must exist in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL. CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID Destination:
Optional/ Conditional
When providing reference to another transaction, you populate either
* When capturing Reference information you populate either REFERENCE_LINE_ID or Reference: |
If you are providing values in any of the fields REFERENCE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1-15 then you need to identify the context in which you are providing those values. The value you provide here should exist as a Context Flexfield Code in the Descriptive Flexfields form. Responsibility: Receivables Manger Query for Application = Receivables, Title = Line Transaction Flexfield to see valid values. |
If you are identifying the transaction to reference by using a combination of REFERENCE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* fields then this field is required. If you are identifying the transaction to reference using the REFERENCE_LINE_ID, then this field is not required. Reference: Note 1110573.1, |
Depending on which INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* fields are associated to the segments of the descriptive flexfield identified by REFERENCE_LINE_CONTEXT, you map those same fields to the corresponding REFERENCE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* fields and populate those. |
When providing reference to another transaction, and you populate the REFERENCE_LINE_CONTEXT, then the associated combination of REFERENCE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* fields are required. Reference: Note 1110573.1, |
This column is used by AutoInvoice and should be left null. During processing, AutoInvoice will populate this field with a value which will point to a particular row identified by the fields |
Validation: None Destination: |
Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of providing a value in this field. |
If you are providing values in any of the fields LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1-15 then you need to identify the context in which you are providing those values. The value you provide here should exist as a Context Flexfield Code in the Descriptive Flexfields form. Responsibility: Receivables Manger Query for Application = Receivables, Title = Line Transaction Flexfield to see valid values. |
Validation: None Destination: |
If you provide values in a combination of LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* fields then this field is required. This field should only be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or 'FREIGHT' at the invoice line level. Reference: |
LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 to LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE15 Depending on which INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* fields are associated to the segments of the descriptive flexfield identified by LINK_TO_LINE_CONTEXT, you map those same fields to the corresponding LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* fields and populate those. |
Validation: The transaction that you link to must have a LINE_TYPE = 'LINE'. You can only link at most one freight line to another transaction. You cannot link a transaction that has a LINE_TYPE = 'LINE' or 'CHARGES' to another transaction. Destination: |
Only populated when you want to link a TAX or FREIGHT line to a specific row in the interface table, only records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or 'FREIGHT' should have these fields populated. Populate the appropriate LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* fields to map to the INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* values you want this record to link to. The combination of INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE* values must identify a record which has LINE_TYPE = 'LINE' Reference: |
To capture additional flexfield information at the transaction line level, you can optionally use the ATTRIBUTE* fields. If you are providing values in any of the fields ATTRIBUTE* then you need to identify the context in which you are providing those values. The value you provide here should exist as a Context Flexfield Code in the Descriptive Flexfields form. Responsibility: Receivables Manger Query for Application = Receivables, Title = Invoice Line Information to see valid values. |
Validation: None Destination: |
If you provide any data in the ATTRIBUTE* fields then you need to indicate the context of that data and populate this field. |
Depending on which fields are associated to the segments of the descriptive flexfield identified by ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY, those ATTRIBUTE* fields should be populated |
Validation: None Destination: |
Only populated when you want to capture additional flexfield information at the Invoice Line level. |
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY To capture additional flexfield information at the transaction header level, you can optionally use the HEADER_ATTRIBUTE* fields. If you are providing values in any of the fields HEADER_ATTRIBUTE* then you need to identify the context in which you are providing those values. The value you provide here should exist as a Context Flexfield Code in the Descriptive Flexfields form. Responsibility: Receivables Manger Query for Application = Receivables, Title = Transaction Information to see valid values. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Optional If you want to provide any data in the HEADER_ATTRIBUTE* fields then you need to indicate the context of that data and populate this field. Reference: |
Depending on which fields are associated to the segments of the descriptive flexfield identified by HEADER_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY, those HEADER_ATTRIBUTE* fields should be populated |
Validation: None Destination: |
Populate if you want to capture additional flexfield information at the Transaction Header level. Reference: |
This field is reserved for country-specific functionality. |
Validation: Performed by Oracle Global Financials Destination: |
When necessary, this is populated by a Localization or Globalization feature |
HEADER_GDF_ATTRIBUTE1 to HEADER_GDF_ATTRIBUTE30 These fields are reserved for country-specific functionality. |
Validation: Performed by Oracle Global Financials Destination: |
When necessary, these fields are populated by a Localization or Globalization feature |
LINE_GDF_ATTR_CATEGORY This field is reserved for country-specific functionality. |
Validation: Performed by Oracle Global Financials Destination: |
When necessary, this is populated by a Localization or Globalization feature |
LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE1 to LINE_GDF_ATTRIBUTE20 These fields are reserved for country-specific functionality. |
Validation: Performed by Oracle Global Financials Destination: |
When necessary, these fields are populated by a Localization or Globalization feature |
Contains the ID of the item being invoiced. |
If you need to pass information on a particular inventory item and your Transaction Batch Source is setup with Inventory Item = Id: then populate INVENTORY_ITEM_ID. If you do not need to pass Inventory Item information, you do not have to populate this field. * When capturing Inventory item information you populate either INVENTORY_ITEM_ID or MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_SEG* fields Reference: |
MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_SEG1 to MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_SEG20 Contains the System Item segments that identify a particular inventory item |
Validation: Valid combination of System Item Flexfield segment values Destination: None |
If you need to pass information on a particular inventory item and your Transaction Batch Source is setup with Inventory Item = Segment: then populate the appropriate MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_SEG* fields to identify an inventory item in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS. If you do not need to pass Inventory Item information, you do not have to populate any of the MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_SEG* fields. * When capturing Inventory item information you populate either INVENTORY_ITEM_ID or MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_SEG* fields Reference: |
This field is optional, and allows you to capture the Sales territory associated to an invoice. |
Validation: Must exist in RA_TERRITORIES.TERRITORY_ID Destination: |
If you need to capture Sales Territory information, and your Transaction Batch Source is setup with Sales Territory = Id: then populate TERRITORY_ID. If you do not need to capture Sales Territory information, you do not have to populate this field * When capturing Territory information you populate either TERRITORY_ID or TERRITORY_SEGMENT* fields Reference: |
TERRITORY_SEGMENT1 to TERRITORY_SEGMENT20 These fields are optional, and allow you to capture the Sales territory segments associated to an invoice. |
Validation: Valid combination of Territory Flexfield segment values from RA_TERRITORIES Destination: |
If you need to capture Sales Territory information, and your Transaction Batch Source is setup with Sales Territory = Segment: then populate the appropriate TERRITORY_SEGMENT* fields to identify a sales territory. If you do not need to capture Sales Territory information, you do not have to populate any of the TERRITORY_SEGMENT* fields. * When capturing Territory information you populate either TERRITORY_ID or TERRITORY_SEGMENT* fields Reference: |
ORIG_SYSTEM_BATCH_NAME You can optionally keep track of the batch name associated to this transaction from the feeder system |
Validation: None Destination: |
If you need to record the original batch name associated to this transaction, enter the value here, otherwise you may leave this field blank. |
ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_REF This field contains the Bill To Customer Reference for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS. ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE Destination: |
If the setup of your transaction batch source is Bill to Customer = Value: then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * Bill to information is mandatory, so you must provide this information either in ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_ID or ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_REF and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup. Reference: Note 1097660.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Customer, Address and Contact Errors and Exceptions Note 1097846.1, AutoInvoice Error: Invalid bill to customer reference (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_REF) |
This field contains the Bill To Customer ID for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS. CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Destination: |
If the setup of your transaction batch source is Bill to Customer = Id: then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * Bill to information is mandatory, so you must provide this information either in ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_ID or ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_REF and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup. Reference: Note 1097660.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Customer, Address and Contact Errors and Exceptions Note 1097862.1, AutoInvoice Error: Invalid bill to customer id (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_ID) |
This field contains the Address Reference associated to the Bill-To Customer entered in either ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_REF or |
If the setup of your transaction batch source is Bill to Address = Value: then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * Bill to information is mandatory, so you must provide this information either in ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_REF or ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup. Reference: Note 1097660.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Customer, Address and Contact Errors and Exceptions Note 365287.1, AutoInvoice Error: The Bill To Address Reference Must Exist In Receivables, And It Must Be Assigned To The Bill To Customer (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_REF) |
This field contains the Address ID associated to the Bill-To Customer entered in either ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_REF or |
If the setup of your transaction batch source is Bill to Address = Id: then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * Bill to information is mandatory, so you must provide this information either in ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_REF or ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup. Reference: Note 1097660.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Customer, Address and Contact Errors and Exceptions Note 1097925.1, AutoInvoice Error: The Bill To address id must exist in Oracle Receivables, and it must be assigned to the Bill To customer ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_ID |
This field contains contact reference for the customer you entered in either ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_REF or |
If it is necessary to capture customer contact information and your transaction batch source is Bill To contact = Value, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * When capturing contact information you populate either ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CONTACT_REF or ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CONTACT_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup. Reference: Note 1097660.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Customer, Address and Contact Errors and Exceptions Note 747900.1, AutoInvoice Error: The Bill To Contact Id Must Exist In Oracle Receivables, And It Must Be Assigned to the Bill To customer (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CONTACT_ID) |
This field contains contact Id for the customer you entered in either ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_REF or |
If it is necessary to capture customer contact information and your transaction batch source is Bill To contact = Id, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * When capturing contact information you populate either ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CONTACT_REF or ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CONTACT_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup. Reference: Note 1097660.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Customer, Address and Contact Errors and Exceptions Note 747900.1>>, AutoInvoice Error: The Bill To Contact Id Must Exist In Oracle Receivables, And It Must Be Assigned to the Bill To customer (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CONTACT_ID) |
This field contains the Ship To Customer Reference for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS. ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE Destination: |
If the setup of your transaction batch source is Ship to Customer = Value: then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * Ship to information is optional, if you need to capture this information populate either ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CUSTOMER_ID or ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CUSTOMER_REF and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup. Reference: Note 1097660.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Customer, Address and Contact Errors and Exceptions |
This field contains the Ship To Customer Id for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS. CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Destination: |
If the setup of your transaction batch source is Ship to Customer = Id: then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * Ship to information is optional, if you need to capture this information populate either ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CUSTOMER_ID or ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CUSTOMER_REF and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup. Reference: Note 1097660.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Customer, Address and Contact Errors and Exceptions |
This field contains the Address Reference associated to the Ship-To Customer entered in either ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CUSTOMER_REF or |
If the setup of your transaction batch source is Ship to Address = Value: then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * Ship to information is optional, if you need to capture this information populate either ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_REF or ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup. Reference: Note 1097660.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Customer, Address and Contact Errors and Exceptions Note 219868.1, AutoInvoice Error: The Supplied Ship To Address Reference Must Exist In Oracle Receivables And It Must Agree With The Supplied Ship To Customer (ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_REF) |
ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID This field contains the Address Id associated to the Ship-To Customer entered in either ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CUSTOMER_REF or ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CUSTOMER_ID. |
If the setup of your transaction batch source is Ship to Address = Id: then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * Ship to information is optional, if you need to capture this information either in ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_REF or ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup. Reference: Note 1097660.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Customer, Address and Contact Errors and Exceptions Note 262735.1, AutoInvoice Error: The supplied ship to address id must exist in Oracle Receivables, and it must agree with the supplied ship to customer (ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_ADDRESS_ID) |
This field contains contact reference for the customer you entered in either ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CUSTOMER_REF or |
If it is necessary to capture customer contact information and your transaction batch source is Ship To contact = Value, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * When capturing contact information you populate either ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CONTACT_REF or ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CONTACT_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup. Reference: Note 1097660.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Customer, Address and Contact Errors and Exceptions Note 747900.1, AutoInvoice Error: The Bill To Contact Id Must Exist In Oracle Receivables, And It Must Be Assigned to the Bill To customer (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CONTACT_ID) |
ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CONTACT_ID This field contains contact Id for the customer you entered in either ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CUSTOMER_REF or ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CUSTOMER_ID |
If it is necessary to capture customer contact information and your transaction batch source is Ship To contact = Id, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * When capturing contact information you populate either ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CONTACT_REF or ORIG_SYSTEM_SHIP_CONTACT_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup. Reference: Note 1097660.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Customer, Address and Contact Errors and Exceptions Note 747900.1, AutoInvoice Error: The Bill To Contact Id Must Exist In Oracle Receivables, And It Must Be Assigned to the Bill To customer (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CONTACT_ID) |
This field contains the Sold To Customer Reference |
Validation: Must exist in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS. ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE Destination: |
If it is necessary to capture Sold-To information and your transaction batch source is Sold To Customer = Value, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * When capturing Sold-To information you populate either ORIG_SYSTEM_SOLD_CUSTOMER_REF or ORIG_SYSTEM_SOLD_CUSTOMER_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup. Reference: Note 1097660.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Customer, Address and Contact Errors and Exceptions Note 1161925.1, AutoInvoice Error: Invalid sold to customer reference (ORIG_SYSTEM_SOLD_CUSTOMER_REF) |
This field contains the Sold To Customer Id |
Validation: Must exist in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS. CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Destination: |
If it is necessary to capture Sold-To information and your transaction batch source is Sold To Customer = Id, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * When capturing Sold-To information you populate either ORIG_SYSTEM_SOLD_CUSTOMER_REF or ORIG_SYSTEM_SOLD_CUSTOMER_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup. Reference: Note 1097660.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Customer, Address and Contact Errors and Exceptions Note 1161925.1, AutoInvoice Error: Invalid sold to customer reference (ORIG_SYSTEM_SOLD_CUSTOMER_REF) |
This field contains the name of the batch source for this transaction. AutoInvoice uses your batch source to determine your transaction and batch numbering method as well as AutoInvoice processing options. |
It is mandatory to provide a batch source name for every interface record created. Reference: Note 1068008.1, Creating Transaction Batch Sources Used For AutoInvoice [Video] |
This field contains the ledger ID for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL. SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Destination: |
If no value is provided, AutoInvoice defaults the ledger from the System Options window for the organization that is specified in the ORG_ID column. |
This field identifies the type of transaction line this record is. |
Validation: Must be 'LINE', 'TAX', 'FREIGHT' or 'CHARGES' Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.LINE_TYPE |
AutoInvoice cannot determine the type of line you are providing unless you populate this column with the proper value. For Credit Memos, the value here should match the LINE_TYPE of the invoice line being credited. |
This field contains a string that provides a description of the transaction line. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Mandatory |
This field contains the currency code for this transaction. You must enter a value in this column. |
Validation: Must exist in FND_CURRENCIES. CURRENCY_CODE Destination: |
The value you enter here must exist in FND_CURRENCIES.CURRENCY_CODE Reference: |
For Invoices, this field contains the Revenue Amount associated to this transaction. For Credit Memos, this field contains the amount to Credit. |
Validation: If LINE_TYPE = 'CHARGES', then this column must be null. AutoInvoice will correct revenue amounts that have the wrong currency precision. Destination: If Create Clearing is set to No for this transaction batch If Create Clearing is set to Yes for this transaction batch |
*A value should be provided for records with LINE_TYPE = LINE, |
This field contains the Transaction Type name of this transaction. |
Validation: RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL. NAME Destination: None |
If your transaction batch source is Transaction Type = Value, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. * When providing transaction type information you populate either CUST_TRX_TYPE_NAME or CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID, and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice |
This field contains the Transaction Type Id of this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL. CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID Destination: |
Mandatory/Conditional*br /> If your transaction batch source is Transaction Type = Id, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. * When providing transaction type information you populate either CUST_TRX_TYPE_NAME or CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID, and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice |
TERM_NAME This field contains the payment term name for this transaction |
Validation: Must exist in RA_TERMS.NAME Destination: |
If your transaction batch source is Payment Terms = Value, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * When providing payment terms information you populate either TERM_NAME or TERM_ID, and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice |
This field contains the payment term Id for this transaction |
Validation: Must exist in RA_TERMS.TERM_ID Destination: |
If your transaction batch source is Payment Terms = Id, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * When providing payment terms information you populate either TERM_NAME or TERM_ID, and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice |
RECEIPT_METHOD_NAME This field contains the name of the Payment Method associated to this transaction. Providing information in this field allows this transaction to be processed by Automatic Receipts later on. |
Validation: Must exist in AR_RECEIPT_METHODS.NAME and must belong to the bill-to customer or the parent. Destination: |
If you want this transaction to be processed for payment later on by the Automatic Receipts process, then populate the Payment Method information. Otherwise, you can leave this field blank. When not provided, AutoInvoice always defaults the payment method using the following hierarchy: Depending on your transaction batch source setup, if Payment Method = Value, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * When providing payment method information you populate either RECEIPT_METHOD_NAME or RECEIPT_METHOD_ID, and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: Note 1098583.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Receipt Method, Payment Method, Credit Card and Bank Account Errors Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice |
This field contains the name of the Payment Method Id associated to this transaction. Providing information in this field allows this transaction to be processed by Automatic Receipts later on. |
Validation: exist in AR_RECEIPT_METHODS. RECEIPT_METHOD_ID and must belong to the bill-to customer or the parent. Additionally, the receipt method must have at least one Destination: |
Optional/Conditional* If you want this transaction to be processed for payment later on by the Automatic Receipts process, then populate the Payment Method information. Otherwise, you can leave this field blank. When not provided, AutoInvoice always defaults the payment method using the following hierarchy: 1. primary receipt method of the parent primary bill-to site 2. primary receipt method of the parent customer 3. primary receipt method of the bill-to site 4. primary receipt method of the bill-to customer Depending on your transaction batch source setup, if Payment Method = Id, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * When providing payment method information you populate either RECEIPT_METHOD_NAME or RECEIPT_METHOD_ID, and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup. Reference: Note 1098583.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice Receipt Method, Payment Method, Credit Card and Bank Account Errors Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice |
Enter the exchange rate type for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES. CONVERSION_TYPE Destination: |
If the currency of the transaction is the same as the functional currency, set EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE = 'User' |
Enter the exchange rate date for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: |
If the currency of the transaction is the same as the functional currency, leave this field blank. Otherwise, enter the exchange rate date for this transaction. If a date is required but is not provided, then AutoInvoice will do the following:
Enter the exchange rate for this transaction. |
Validation: If RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL. CONVERSION_TYPE = 'User' then this column must not be null; otherwise, it must be null. Destination: |
If EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE = 'User' then you must provide a value in this field, If the currency of the transaction is the same as the functional currency, If EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE <> 'User' leave this field blank, the rate will be picked up from the Currency rate table for the CONVERSION_DATE provided. |
This column is used by AutoInvoice and should be left null. AutoInvoice populates a value into this column once it has determined how to group transaction lines using your grouping rules. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Users should not populate this field. AutoInvoice process takes care of generating a value in this field. |
Enter the transaction date for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: |
When using an Invoicing Rule in Arrears, leave this column blank. For an invoice or debit memo, enter the invoice date. When this field is left null, AutoInvoice does the following: This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' Reference: Note 1116934.1, How To Setup And Troubleshoot Invoicing Rules and Accounting Rules |
Enter the date you want to use for this transaction to get posted to the General Ledger |
Validation: Must be in an open or future enterable accounting period and the period must exist in GL_PERIOD_STATUSES. If 'Post To GL' is set to No on the transaction type of the transaction being passed, column must be NULL. If your invoice uses Bill in Arrears as the invoicing rule, then the GL_DATE column should be NULL. Destination: |
This column should be left null for:
You may optionally populate this field for:
Reference: |
Contains the document number for this transaction. |
Validation: Number must not already exist in Oracle Receivables Destination: |
Depending upon the type of document sequence associated to this transaction type, if set to:
This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT' Reference: |
Contains the transaction number for this transaction. |
Validation: not already exist in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.TRX_NUMBER for the same BATCH_SOURCE_ID Destination: |
Depending upon your transaction batch source setup, if Automatic Transaction Numbering is:
This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' |
Contains a line number identifier. |
N/A | Never
Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of providing a value in this field, and uses the Line Ordering logic provided in the Line Ordering Rule. |
Contains the quantity |
Validation: For Debit Memos lines with LINE_TYPE = 'CHARGES', quantity must be 1. For Credit Memo lines with LINE_TYPE = 'CHARGES', this column must be 1 or -1. For Credit Memo lines with LINE_TYPE = 'LINE' and CREDIT_METHOD_FOR_ACCT_RULE = 'UNIT' then this column must not be null. Destination: for a credit memo: |
This field contains units shipped for an invoice and units credited for a credit memo. When this field is provided, AutoInvoice uses this value multiplied with UNIT_SELLING_PRICE to determine the line AMOUNT. This field is Mandatory for credit memos if CREDIT_METHOD_FOR_ACCT_RULE = UNIT This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' |
Contains the original number of units ordered for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: |
For Credit memos, do not enter a value, as AutoInvoice will reference the invoice being credited. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' |
Contains the selling price per unit for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: |
This field contains price per unit, when this field is provided and AMOUNT is null, then AutoInvoice uses this value multiplied by QUANTITY to determine the line AMOUNT. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT' |
Contains the standard price per unit for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: |
This field should not be populated for Credit memos. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' |
Contains the Printing Option associated to this transaction. |
When not provided, AutoInvoice uses the value setup for the transaction type. |
Contains the Status of an Interface record:
N/A | Never
Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of providing a value in this field and sets it to 'P' when a record has been processed and can be purged by the system. |
Contains the Concurrent Request Id of the AutoInvoice process |
Validation: None Destination: |
Users should not populate this field. AutoInvoice takes care of generating a value for this field during the import process. |
Contains the batch source name of a related transaction. |
For business reasons, you may need to "relate" one transaction to another, by providing either: If you are relating this transaction to another, and you are not providing a RELATED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID, then you must provide a value in this field, so that AutoInvoice can identify a unique transaction by TRX_NUMBER and BATCH_SOURCE_NAME. For credit memos, leave this field blank. |
Contains transaction number of a related transaction. |
For business reasons, you may need to "relate" one transaction to another, by providing either: If you are relating this transaction to another, and you are not providing a RELATED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID, then you must provide a value in this field, so that AutoInvoice can identify a unique transaction by TRX_NUMBER and BATCH_SOURCE_NAME. For credit memos, leave this field blank. |
Contains transaction ID of a related transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Destination: |
For business reasons, you may need to "relate" one transaction to another, by providing either: For credit memos, leave this field blank. |
Contains the transaction ID of the transaction being credited. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of populating this field to point to the invoice being credited once it has identified the ID via the values in the REFERENCE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE fields. |
This contains the method for crediting a transaction which uses an accounting rule. |
Validation: Must be either 'PRORATE', 'LIFO', 'UNIT' or NULL Destination: |
Mandatory for Credit Memos against Invoices with Rules
This field is only used by credit memos against invoices with rules. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT' Reference: |
This contains the method for crediting a transaction that uses split payment terms. |
Validation: Must be either 'PRORATE', 'LIFO', 'FIFO' or NULL. Destination: |
Mandatory for Credit Memos against Invoices with Installments
This field is only used by credit memos against invoices with installments. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT' Reference: |
Contains the credit memo reason code for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Only for Credit Memos If your transaction batch source is setup with Memo Reason = Id, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. * When providing the reason for a credit memo, populate either REASON_CODE or REASON_CODE_MEANING, and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup |
Contains the meaning of the reason code for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in AR_LOOKUPS.MEANING. This lookup type is either INVOICING_REASON or CREDIT_MEMO_REASON Destination: |
Only for Credit Memos If your transaction batch source is setup with Memo Reason = Value, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' * When providing the reason for a credit memo, populate either REASON_CODE or REASON_CODE_MEANING, and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup |
Contains a tax exception id. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of populating this field when a tax exception occurs. |
Contains a tax exemption id. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of populating this field when this transaction is partially or fully exempt from tax. |
Contains the shipment date for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: |
If you want to capture the Shipment date, enter a value. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the earliest shipment date from the transaction you are crediting. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT' |
Contains Enter the freight on board point for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in AR_LOOKUPS.LOOKUP_CODE and AR_LOOKUPS.LOOKUP_TYPE = 'FOB'. Destination: |
If you want to capture FOB information, enter a value. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the FOB point from the transaction you are crediting. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT' |
Enter the ship via code for shipping carrier of this transaction. |
If you want to capture Carrier information, enter a value. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the ship via code from the transaction you are crediting This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT' Reference: |
Contains the waybill number for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.WAYBILL |
If you want to capture waybill information, enter a value. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the waybill number from the transaction you are crediting. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT' |
Contains the invoicing rule name for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in RA_RULES.NAME and RA_RULES.RULE_ID = -2 or -3. If INVOICING_RULE_ID is not null, then this field must If LINE_TYPE = 'CHARGES' then this column must be null. Destination: |
Only for transactions with Invoicing rules. If your transaction batch source is setup with Invoicing Rule = Value, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. Valid values are: 'Advance Invoice' and 'Arrears Invoice' For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the invoicing rule from the transaction you are crediting. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. * When providing the Invoicing Rule, populate either Reference: Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice |
Enter the invoicing rule ID for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in RA_RULES.RULE_ID and RA_RULES.RULE_ID = -2 or -3. If INVOICING_RULE_ID is not null, then this field must If LINE_TYPE = 'CHARGES' then this column must be null. Destination: |
Only for transactions with Invoicing rules. If your transaction batch source is setup with Invoicing Rule = Id, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. Valid values are: -2 (for Advance Invoice) and -3 (for Arrears Invoice) For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the invoicing rule from the transaction you are crediting. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. * When providing the Invoicing Rule, populate either INVOICING_RULE_NAME or INVOICING_RULE_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice |
Contains the accounting rule name for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in RA_RULES.NAME and RA_RULES.TYPE = 'A' or 'ACC_DUR' Destination: |
Only for transactions with Invoicing rules. If your transaction batch source is setup with Accounting Rule = Value, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the accounting rule from the transaction you are crediting. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. * When providing the Accounting Rule, populate either ACCOUNTING_RULE_NAME or ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice |
Contains the accounting rule ID for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in RA_RULES.RULE_ID and RA_RULES.TYPE = 'A' or 'ACC_DUR' Destination: |
Only for transactions with Invoicing rules. If your transaction batch source is setup with Accounting Rule = Id, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the accounting rule from the transaction you are crediting. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. * When providing the Accounting Rule, populate either ACCOUNTING_RULE_NAME or ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice |
Contains the accounting duration for this transaction. |
Validation: Accounting periods must be defined for the duration of the accounting rule in GL_PERIODS and RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.GL_DATE and RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL.RULE_START_DATE must be in a period that has a status of 'Open' or 'Future'. The value in this column must be a positive integer. Destination: |
Mandatory for Invoices with Variable Duration Rules
If an invoice is using an Accounting rule with a variable duration, AutoInvoice cannot derive the number of periods from the rule alone, which is why you need to provide a value. For credit memos, do not populate this field. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. Reference: |
Contains the date that you want to start the accounting rule for this transaction. |
Validation: None
Destination: |
Only relevant for Invoices using Accounting Rules. If your rule is defined with Specific Date, do not enter a value in this column. If not provided, AutoInvoice will derive the Rule Start date. For credit memos do not enter a value in this column. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT' Reference: |
Enter the date that you want to end the accounting rule for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: |
If your invoice is using Accounting Rules that have type: For credit memos do not enter a value in this column. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT' Reference: |
PRIMARY_SALESREP_NUMBER Contains the primary salesperson number for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in RA_SALESREPS. SALESREP_NUMBER Destination: None |
If your system options is setup to Require Salesperson then this field is Mandatory. If your transaction batch source is setup with Salesperson = Number, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. * When providing the Salesperson information, populate either PRIMARY_SALESREP_NUMBER or PRIMARY_SALESREP_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: |
Contains the primary salesperson ID for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in RA_SALESREPS. SALESREP_ID Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL. |
If your system options is setup to Require Salesperson then this field is Mandatory. If your transaction batch source is setup with Salesperson = Id, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. * When providing the Salesperson information, populate either PRIMARY_SALESREP_NUMBER or PRIMARY_SALESREP_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: |
Contains the Sales order number for this transaction. If you are using Oracle Order Management, this provides a link back to the Order. |
Validation: None Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL. |
This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the sales order number from the transaction you are crediting. |
Contains sales order line number for this transaction. If you are using Oracle Order Management, this provides a link back to the Order line. |
Validation: None Destination: |
This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the sales order line number from the transaction you are crediting. |
Contains the date of the sales order for this transaction.If you are using Oracle Order Management, this provides a link back to the Order date. |
Validation: None Destination: |
This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the sales order date from the transaction you are crediting. |
Contains the source of the sales order for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: |
This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the source of the sales order from the transaction you are crediting. |
Contains the sales order revision for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: |
This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the revision of the sales order from the transaction you are crediting. |
Contains the purchase order number for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL. |
This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the purchase order from the transaction you are crediting. |
PURCHASE_ORDER_REVISION Contains the purchase order revision for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: |
This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the revision of the purchase order from the transaction you are crediting. |
Contains the date of the purchase order for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: |
This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the purchase order date from the transaction you are crediting. |
Contains the name of the customer agreement for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in SO_AGREEMENTS.NAME Destination: |
Optional/Conditional* If your transaction batch source is setup with Agreement = Value, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. If a value is not provided, and the invoice is drawn against a commitment that has an agreement, AutoInvoice will use this agreement information. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the customer agreement from the transaction you are crediting. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. * When providing Agreement information, populate either AGREEMENT_NAME or AGREEMENT_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: |
Contains the customer agreement ID for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in SO_AGREEMENTS.ID Destination: |
If your transaction batch source is setup with Agreement = Id, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. If a value is not provided, and the invoice is drawn against a commitment that has an agreement, AutoInvoice will use this agreement information. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the customer agreement from the transaction you are crediting. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. * When providing Agreement information, populate either AGREEMENT_NAME or AGREEMENT_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: |
Contains the name of the standard memo line for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in AR_MEMO_LINES_ALL.NAME Destination: |
If your transaction batch source is setup with Memo Line Rule = Value, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the memo line from the transaction you are crediting. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. * When providing Memo Line information, populate either MEMO_LINE_NAME or MEMO_LINE_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: |
Contains the standard memo line ID for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in AR_MEMO_LINES_ALL. MEMO_LINE_ID Destination: |
Optional/Conditional* If your transaction batch source is setup with Memo Line Rule = Id, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the memo line Id from the transaction you are crediting. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. * When providing Memo Line information, populate either MEMO_LINE_NAME or MEMO_LINE_ID and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: |
Contains comments. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Enter additional comments you'd like to capture. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. |
Contains internal notes for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Enter internal notes you'd like to capture. This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. |
Contains the CUSTOMER_TRX_ID identifying the deposit or commitment from which this transaction is drawn from.. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of populating this field with the CUSTOMER_TRX_ID of the commitment or deposit drawn from by the invoice. |
This column is not currently used by AutoInvoice. |
N/A | Never
This field is currently not used. |
Contains the Federal/Government transaction code for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Optional |
Do not enter a value. Receivables does not currently use this column. |
N/A | Never
This field is currently not used. |
This column is obsolete in R12. |
N/A | Obsolete
See information listed in PAYMENT_TRXN_EXTENSION_ID below. |
This column is obsolete in R12. |
N/A | Obsolete
See information listed in PAYMENT_TRXN_EXTENSION_ID below. |
Contains the unit of measure code for this transaction. |
If your transaction batch source is setup with Unit of Measure = Id, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. If you provide data in INVENTORY_ITEM_ID or MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_SEG* fields, then you must provide a value in UOM_CODE or UOM_NAME (depending on you batch source setup). For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the unit of This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. * When providing Bank Account information, populate either UOM_CODE or UOM_NAME and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice |
Contains the unit of measure name for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE.UNIT_OF_MEASURE Destination: |
If your transaction batch source is setup with Unit of Measure = Value, then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. If you provide data in INVENTORY_ITEM_ID or MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_SEG* fields, then you must provide a value in UOM_CODE or UOM_NAME (depending on you batch source setup). For credit memos, AutoInvoice uses the unit of This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. * When providing Bank Account information, populate either UOM_CODE or UOM_NAME and what field you are required populate is dependent upon your transaction batch source setup Reference: Note 1088132.1, Troubleshooting Transaction Batch Sources For AutoInvoice |
Contains the document sequence ID for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL. |
Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of populating this field if applicable, once it determines the Document Sequence associated to this transaction. Reference: |
Contains the VAT tax ID of the transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.VAT_TAX_ID |
Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of populating this field if applicable. |
Contains the last period number from which you want to start |
Validation: Must be between 0 and the invoice's accounting rule duration (inclusive). Destination: |
This is only for Credit memos that have CREDIT_METHOD_FOR_ACCT_RULE = 'UNIT' This field should not be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' or for line level 'FREIGHT'. |
Contains the Customer ID of the customer who is paying for this transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.PAYING_CUSTOMER_ID |
Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of populating this field once it determines the Paying customer information. |
Contains the Site ID of the customer who is paying for this transaction Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.PAYING_SITE_USE_ID |
Validation: None Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL.PAYING_SITE_USE_ID |
Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of populating this field once it determines the Paying customer's Site information. |
Contains the Sales Tax Id of the transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.SALES_TAX_ID |
Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of populating this field once it determines the Paying customer information. |
CREATED_BY CREATION_DATE LAST_UPDATED_BY LAST_UPDATE_DATE LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Contains information to help audit when/who created/updated information. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Users should not populate these fields. The AutoInvoice process takes care of deriving and populating these fields using the information from the system date and User Id. |
Contains the Location Segment Id of the transaction. |
Validation: None Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL. |
Users should not populate this field. AutoInvoice defaults a value into this column if you are crediting a sales tax line. |
Contains the Intrastate movement ID number that is tied to |
Validation: None Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL. |
If you need to capture information on the movement statistics that are tied to the shipment |
Contains the ID of the organization that this transaction belongs to. |
Validation: ORG_ID should match the value of the MO: Operating Unit profile option Destination: None: |
This column is mandatory in a multiple organization environment. |
Flag that controls whether the amount for this transaction line includes tax. |
Validation: If this is a tax code and Allow Override is set to No, this should be equal to either the setting of the Amount Includes Tax option for this tax code or null. Additionally, if Allow Override is set to No the Amount Includes Tax flag at the line level must equal the Allow Override flag for this tax code. Destination: |
If this column is set to 'Y', this line is assigned to a tax inclusive tax code. If this is a tax group, this column should be null. AutoInvoice only uses this column if the tax code assigned to this line has Allow Override set to Yes for the Tax Inclusive calculation. Populate this column for invoices only. For regular credit memos, AutoInvoice always |
Flag the indicates whether the transaction date should be reset upon failure or not. |
Validation: Y or N Destination: |
When set to Y, and AutoInvoice rejects an invoice line and re-import is not done on the same day, then AutoInvoice will null out the provided data in TRX_DATE and re-derive it for the current date. This is done to ensure that TRX_DATE and GL_DATE are synchronized. When set to N, AutoInvoice retains the value passed in TRX_DATE. |
This column is obsolete in R12. |
N/A | Obsolete
See information listed in PAYMENT_TRXN_EXTENSION_ID below. |
This column is obsolete in R12. |
N/A | Obsolete
See information listed in PAYMENT_TRXN_EXTENSION_ID below. |
Contains the credit card address verification code provided by Oracle Payment Server. |
Validation: None Destination: |
When importing transactions associated to payments via a Credit Card, you can populate this field. |
Identifies the ship-from location and can be used to control taxation. |
Validation: None Destination: |
When passing in INVENTORY_ITEM_ID, you need to provide warehouse Id information for LINE_TYPE = LINE. Within the US, the Warehouse ID is important when calculating tax on the Origin / Modified Origin state sales tax. Outside the US, you can use Tax Groups and Conditions to build a schedule of multiple conditional taxes based on both the Reference: |
Contains text for an alternate or translated (in another language, for MLS installations) description of this transaction line |
Validation: None Destination: |
If necessary, you can capture an alternate description or a translated description for an Invoice line. |
Contains the consolidated billing number.. |
If using the Balance Forward Billing feature, and the consolidated bill has been generated outside of the Oracle Receivables application, and you need to capture this information, then you should pass in a value. |
Contains the Billing date used for this transaction |
Validation: None Destination: |
If using the Balance Forward Billing feature, and the billing cycle associated to the payment term of this transaction has Billing type:
Contains the amount of an existing deposit to use as payment towards a specific transaction. |
Validation: None
Destination: None |
When an order is imported into Receivables with a value in this column, Receivables adjusts the resulting invoice's remaining balance and reduces the deposit balance by the lesser of the promised amount, the commitment balance, or the remaining amount due on the invoice. If this column has no value, then the commitment adjustment will be for the lesser of the total outstanding commitment or the total balance of the transaction. |
Contains a unique internal ID number that matches prepaid invoices with |
Validation: Must exist in AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL. PAYMENT_SET_ID Destination: |
Never Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of populating this field during the prepayments matching process. |
ORIGINAL_GL_DATE Contains the GL_DATE column before AutoInvoice modifies it. |
Validation: None Destination: None |
Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of populating this field. |
Identifies the contract line from Oracle Contracts Core that is associated with this line. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Passed in by Oracle Contracts. |
Identifies the contract line from Oracle Contracts Id associated with this line. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Passed in by Oracle Contracts. |
SOURCE_DATA_KEY1 to SOURCE_DATA_KEY5 Contains group attributes that link one or more transaction lines into groups used for line-level cash application. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Enter line group attributes that link one or more transaction lines into groups. Receivables uses groups during line-level cash application. Reference: |
Identifies accounting level for invoiceable lines in original system. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Optional |
This column controls whether the code combination ID of the Accounting Flexfield for this accounting distribution, populated by the feeder system, should override AutoAccounting. This flag is only relevant withint the Revenue Accounting feature. |
Validation: Value should be Y or N. Destination: |
When set to Y, indicates that you are passing the GL account and AutoAccounting should not be used. |
Contains the Tax Regime Code to be used for the calculation of taxes for this transaction line. |
Validation: Should exist in ZX_REGIMES_B. TAX_REGIME_CODE Destination: |
If you are not passing in Manual Tax lines, then you do not have to provide this information. If passing in Manual tax lines, you have the option of either providing: Do not populate for Credit Memos, AutoInvoice will use the tax information from the Invoice you are crediting. |
Contains the Tax Code to be used for the calculation of taxes for this transaction line. |
Validation: Should exist in ZX_TAXES_B.TAX Destination: |
If you are not passing in Manual Tax lines, then you do not have to provide this information. If you pass a value in TAX_REGIME_CODE, then you need to provide this value to properly identify the tax information you are providing. |
Contains the Tax Status Code to be used for the calculation of taxes for this transaction line. |
Validation: Should exist in ZX_STATUS_B. TAX_STATUS_CODE Destination: |
If you are not passing in Manual Tax lines, then you do not have to provide this information. If you pass a value in TAX_REGIME_CODE, then you need to provide this value to properly identify the tax information you are providing. |
Contains the Tax Rate Code to be used for the calculation of taxes for this transaction line. |
Validation: Should exist in ZX_RATES_B. TAX_RATE_CODE Destination: |
If you are not passing in Manual Tax lines, then you do not have to provide this information. If you pass a value in TAX_REGIME_CODE, then you need to provide this value to properly identify the tax information you are providing. |
Contains the Tax Jurisdiction Code to be used for the calculation of taxes for this transaction line. |
Validation: Should exist in ZX_JURISDICTIONS_B. TAX_JURISDICTION_CODE Destination: |
If you are not passing in Manual Tax lines, then you do not have to provide this information. This value is relevant for US Sales tax where taxes are based upon location/jurisdiction. If you pass a value in TAX_REGIME_CODE, then you need to provide this value to properly identify the tax information you are providing. |
Contains the Taxable Amount for this transaction line. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Enter the amount of the invoice which can be taxed. |
Contains a flag that indicates whether or not E-Business Tax Engine should calculate taxes for this transaction line. |
Validation: Must be Y or N Destination: |
When you pass manual tax lines via AutoInvoice, you should pass this value as N. When passed in as Y, you are telling AutoInvoice to invoke the E-Business Tax engine to calculate taxes. |
Contains tax rate. |
Validation: None Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL.TAX_RATE |
This field should be populated only for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' If you want to pass in manual tax lines, you have the option of providing either TAX_RATE or the AMOUNT of the tax. |
Contains tax code. For manual tax lines, you must include either a tax code, or a combination of the tax regime, tax, tax status, tax jurisdiction, and tax rate code. |
Validation: Must exist in AR_VAT_TAX.TAX_CODE Destination: |
Optional This field should be populated for records with LINE_TYPE = 'TAX' For manual tax lines, you must include either a tax code, or a combination of the tax regime, tax, tax status, tax jurisdiction, and tax rate code. For credit memos, AutoInvoice will use the Tax code associated to the invoice being credited. |
This column is obsolete in R12. |
N/A | Obsolete |
Contains the flag to control whether or not to calculate taxes on a tranasaction line. |
Validation: Must exist in AR_LOOKUPS.LOOKUP_CODE. Lookup type is TAX_CONTROL_FLAG. Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL. |
Optional/Conditional May be populated only for LINE_TYPE = 'LINE'. Enter 'E' if you want AutoInvoice to exempt an invoice line that would normally be taxed and your system option 'Use Customer Exemptions' is set to Yes. If you enter 'E' you must enter a value for TAX_EXEMPT_REASON_CODE or Enter 'R' if you want AutoInvoice to force tax on an invoice line, ignoring any exemption certificates that may be on file. Enter 'S' if you want tax to be calculated as For all other line types and credit memos, do not enter a value in this column. |
TAX_EXEMPT_REASON_CODE Contains the tax exempt reason code for this transaction. |
Validation: Must exist in AR_LOOKUPS.LOOKUP_CODE. Lookup type is TAX_REASON. Destination: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL. |
If LINE_TYPE = 'LINE' and TAX_EXEMPT_FLAG = 'E' then you need to pass in the reason for the exemption. If your transaction batch source is setup with Memo Reason = Id (take note that there isn't a specific field for Tax Exempt Reason), then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. For all other line types, do not enter a value in this column. For credit memos do not enter a value in this column. * When providing Exemption reason information, populate either TAX_EXEMPT_REASON_CODE or TAX_EXEMPT_REASON_CODE_MEANING |
Contains the tax exempt reason code meaning for this transaction |
Validation: Must exist in AR_LOOKUPS.MEANING. Lookup type is TAX_REASON. Destination: |
If LINE_TYPE = 'LINE' and TAX_EXEMPT_FLAG = 'E' then you need to pass in the reason for the exemption. If your transaction batch source is setup with Memo Reason =Value (take note that there isn't a specific field for Tax Exempt Reason), then populate this field, otherwise leave it null. For all other line types, do not enter a value in this column. For credit memos do not enter a value in this column. * When providing Exemption reason information, populate either TAX_EXEMPT_REASON_CODE or TAX_EXEMPT_REASON_CODE_MEANING |
Contains the tax exempt number for this transaction. |
Validation: None
Destination: |
If LINE_TYPE = 'LINE' and TAX_EXEMPT_FLAG = 'E' then you need to pass in the tax exemption number. For all other line types, do not enter a value in this column. For credit memos, do not enter a value in this column. |
Contains the Legal Entity ID associated to this transaction |
Validation: Should exist in XLE_LE_OU_LEDGER_V.LEGAL_ENTITY_ID and XLE_LE_OU_LEDGER_V.OPERATING_UNIT_ID = ORG_ID associated to this transaction. Destination: |
Optional |
Contains the original parent order line from Oracle Order Management. |
Validation: None Destination: |
This information is passed in from Order management. Child invoice lines inherit contingencies from the parent line, and cannot be updated. |
Contains flag indicating whether Revenue may or may not be deferred for this transaction line. |
Validation: None Destination: |
Optional |
Contains Payment Transaction Extension Id which indicates payment has been obtained using Oracle iPyaments. This field contains information that used to be stored in now obsolete columns: Instead of these fields, Autoinvoice requires you to populate the |
Validation: Should exist in IBY_FNDCPT_TX_EXTENSIONS. TRXN_EXTENSION_ID Destination: |
Value can be obtained by calling IBY_FNDCPT_TRXN_PUB. |
Contains payment attributes for the customer |
Validation: None Destination: |
Users should not populate this field. The AutoInvoice process takes care of populating this field. |
Contains the application id |
Validation: None Destination: |
Optional |
Validation: None Destination: |
Upstream applications that use AutoInvoice takes care of populating these fields. |
DOCUMENT_SUB_TYPE DEFAULT_TAXATION_COUNTRY TAX_INVOICE_DATE TAX_INVOICE_NUMBER These fields are used to support European VAT Localization features |
Validation: None Destination: |
Upstream applications with European localizations takes care of populating these fields. |
PAYMENT_TYPE_CODE Contains Payment Type Code from Order Management. |
Validation: Should exist in OE_PAYMENT_TYPES.PAYMENT_TYPE_CODE |