
时间:2022-07-02 22:24:52

As we all know,we can use


string aa=@"E:\dev_workspace1\AccessCore\WebRoot\DataFile" 

in c# in order not to double the '\'.


But how to do in java?


5 个解决方案


Unfortunately, there is no full-string escape operator in Java. You need to write the code as:


String aa = "E:\\dev_workspace1\\AccessCore\\WebRoot\\DataFile";


There is no whole string escape operator but, if it's for file access, you can use a forward slash:


String aa="E:/dev_workspace1/AccessCore/WebRoot/DataFile";

Windows allows both forward and backward slashes as a path separator. It won't work if you pass the path to an external program that mangles with it and fails, but that's pretty rare.



Might not be a direct answer to your question, but I feel this should be pointed out:


There's a system-dependent default name-separator character.



The really system-independent way is to do this:


String aa = "E:/dev_workspace1/AccessCore/WebRoot/DataFile";
String output = aa.replace('/', File.separatorChar);

It will give you "E:\dev_workspace1\AccessCore\WebRoot\DataFile" on Windows and "E:/dev_workspace1/AccessCore/WebRoot/DataFile" just about everywhere else.

它将在Windows上提供“E:\ dev_workspace1 \ AccessCore \ WebRoot \ DataFile”,并在其他任何地方提供“E:/ dev_workspace1 / AccessCore / WebRoot / DataFile”。


If you write a path, you should use the '/' as path-separator under Java. The '/' is the official path-separator under Java and will be converted to the appropriate separator for the platform (\ under windows, / under unix). The rest of the string is unchanged if passed to the system, so the '\' also works under windows. But the correct way to represent this path is "E:/dev_workspace1/AccessCore/WebRoot/DataFile".

如果编写路径,则应在Java下使用“/”作为路径分隔符。 '/'是Java下的官方路径分隔符,将被转换为平台的适当分隔符(\ windows下的\,unix下的/)。如果传递给系统,字符串的其余部分将保持不变,因此'\'也可以在Windows下工作。但表示此路径的正确方法是“E:/ dev_workspace1 / AccessCore / WebRoot / DataFile”。

If you want to represent a '\' in a Java-String you have to escape it with another one: "This String contains a \".



Unfortunately, there is no full-string escape operator in Java. You need to write the code as:


String aa = "E:\\dev_workspace1\\AccessCore\\WebRoot\\DataFile";


There is no whole string escape operator but, if it's for file access, you can use a forward slash:


String aa="E:/dev_workspace1/AccessCore/WebRoot/DataFile";

Windows allows both forward and backward slashes as a path separator. It won't work if you pass the path to an external program that mangles with it and fails, but that's pretty rare.



Might not be a direct answer to your question, but I feel this should be pointed out:


There's a system-dependent default name-separator character.



The really system-independent way is to do this:


String aa = "E:/dev_workspace1/AccessCore/WebRoot/DataFile";
String output = aa.replace('/', File.separatorChar);

It will give you "E:\dev_workspace1\AccessCore\WebRoot\DataFile" on Windows and "E:/dev_workspace1/AccessCore/WebRoot/DataFile" just about everywhere else.

它将在Windows上提供“E:\ dev_workspace1 \ AccessCore \ WebRoot \ DataFile”,并在其他任何地方提供“E:/ dev_workspace1 / AccessCore / WebRoot / DataFile”。


If you write a path, you should use the '/' as path-separator under Java. The '/' is the official path-separator under Java and will be converted to the appropriate separator for the platform (\ under windows, / under unix). The rest of the string is unchanged if passed to the system, so the '\' also works under windows. But the correct way to represent this path is "E:/dev_workspace1/AccessCore/WebRoot/DataFile".

如果编写路径,则应在Java下使用“/”作为路径分隔符。 '/'是Java下的官方路径分隔符,将被转换为平台的适当分隔符(\ windows下的\,unix下的/)。如果传递给系统,字符串的其余部分将保持不变,因此'\'也可以在Windows下工作。但表示此路径的正确方法是“E:/ dev_workspace1 / AccessCore / WebRoot / DataFile”。

If you want to represent a '\' in a Java-String you have to escape it with another one: "This String contains a \".
