I'm well aware that there is no standard ABI for c++, so this is what I did:
#ifndef TRIALDLL_H_
#define TRIALDLL_H_
class MyMathFuncs
double offset;
MyMathFuncs(double offset);
double Add(double a, double b);
double Multiply(double a, double b);
double getOffset();
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{
#define TRIALDLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define TRIALDLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
TRIALDLL_API MyMathFuncs* __stdcall new_MyMathFuncs(double offset);
TRIALDLL_API void __stdcall del_MyMathFuncs(MyMathFuncs *myMath);
TRIALDLL_API double __stdcall MyAdd(MyMathFuncs* myMath, double a, double b);
#ifdef __cplusplus
And the definition .cpp: (Other class functions' definitions are omitted)
#include "trialDLL.h"
MyMathFuncs* __stdcall new_MyMathFuncs(double offset)
return new MyMathFuncs(offset);
void __stdcall del_MyMathFuncs(MyMathFuncs *myMath)
double __stdcall MyAdd(MyMathFuncs *myMath, double a, double b)
return myMath->Add(a, b);
// class functions
double MyMathFuncs::Add(double a, double b)
return a+b+ this->offset;
And I build this into a dll and named it trialDLL3.dll. Then in python, I wrote a module as:
import ctypes
from ctypes import WinDLL
class MyMath(object):
def __init__(self, offset):
self.FunMath = WinDLL('trialDLL3.dll')
self.FunMath.new_MyMathFuncs.argtypes = [ctypes.c_double]
self.FunMath.new_MyMathFuncs.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
self.FunMath.MyAdd.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, \
ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double]
self.FunMath.MyAdd.restype = ctypes.c_double
self.obj = self.FunMath.new_MyMathFuncs(offset)
def FunAdd(self, a, b):
self.FunMath.MyAdd(self.obj, a, b)
def delete():
After all these, strange things happened. In the IDLE python shell, I did:
在这一切之后,奇怪的事情发生了。在空闲的python shell中,我这样做了:
theMath = MyMath(3.3) #create the instance
theMath.FunAdd(3.3, 3.3) #call the function
The second line returned None instead of 9.9. Then I tried another way round, putting this line in the shell:
theMath.FunMath.MyAdd(theMath.obj, 3.3 ,3.3)
And this line returns me an unsurprising 9.9, but surprising when compared to the last result None. Shouldn't these two lines identical? And I decided to run all those lines explicitly in python shell and see what can go wrong, writing: (excluding the imports)
这条线返回给我的是9。9,这并不令人惊讶,但与最后一个结果相比,结果为0。这两行不应该是一样的吗?我决定用python shell显式地运行所有这些行,看看会出现什么问题,写:(不包括导入)
loadedDLL = WinDLL('trialDLL3.dll')
loadedDLL.new_MyMathFuncs.argtypes = [ctypes.c_double]
loadedDLL.new_MyMathFuncs.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
loadedDLL.MyAdd.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, \
ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double]
loadedDLL.MyAdd.restype = ctypes.c_double
obj = loadedDLL.new_MyMathFuncs(3.3)
FunMath.MyAdd(obj, 3.3, 3.3)
All these lines finally returned 9.9. Aren't these lines identical to the two lines if the trialDLL3.py module is imported?
theMath = MyMath(3.3) #create the instance
theMath.FunAdd(3.3, 3.3) #call the function
If they are the same deal, why the two line class version returns None and the explicit way return expected 9.9? Thanks in advance!
1 个解决方案
Everything works fine... but you forgot to pass along the return value of the C function in the method MyMath.FunAdd!
def FunAdd(self, a, b):
return self.FunMath.MyAdd(self.obj, a, b)
Everything works fine... but you forgot to pass along the return value of the C function in the method MyMath.FunAdd!
def FunAdd(self, a, b):
return self.FunMath.MyAdd(self.obj, a, b)