
时间:2022-09-30 22:28:52

I am having some issues trying to match a certain config block (multiple ones) from a file. Below is the block that I'm trying to extract from the config file:


ap71xx 00-01-23-45-67-89
 use profile PROFILE
 use rf-domain DOMAIN
 area inside

There are multiple ones just like this, each with a different MAC address. How do I match a config block across multiple lines?


3 个解决方案



The first problem you may run into is that in order to match across multiple lines, you need to process the file's contents as a single string rather than by individual line. For example, if you use Get-Content to read the contents of the file then by default it will give you an array of strings - one element for each line. To match across lines you want the file in a single string (and hope the file isn't too huge). You can do this like so:


$fileContent = [io.file]::ReadAllText("C:\file.txt")

Or in PowerShell 3.0 you can use Get-Content with the -Raw parameter:

或者在PowerShell 3.0中,您可以使用带有-Raw参数的Get-Content:

$fileContent = Get-Content c:\file.txt -Raw

Then you need to specify a regex option to match across line terminators i.e.


  • SingleLine mode (. matches any char including line feed), as well as
  • (单行模式模式。匹配任何char,包括行提要),以及。
  • Multiline mode (^ and $ match embedded line terminators), e.g.
  • 多行模式(^和$匹配嵌入式行结束符),例如:
  • (?smi) - note the "i" is to ignore case
  • (?smi) -注意“i”是忽略大小写。



C:\> $fileContent | Select-String '(?smi)([0-9a-f]{2}(-|\s*$)){6}.*?!' -AllMatches |
        Foreach {$_.Matches} | Foreach {$_.Value}

 use profile PROFILE
 use rf-domain DOMAIN
 area inside
 use profile PROFILE
 use rf-domain DOMAIN
 area inside

Use the Select-String cmdlet to do the search because you can specify -AllMatches and it will output all matches whereas the -match operator stops after the first match. Makes sense because it is a Boolean operator that just needs to determine if there is a match.

使用Select-String cmdlet进行搜索,因为您可以指定-AllMatches,它将输出所有匹配项,而-match操作符将在第一个匹配项之后停止。这是有意义的,因为它是一个布尔运算符,只需要确定是否存在匹配。



This regex will search for the text ap followed by any number of characters and new lines ending with a !:



So I was a little bored. I wrote a script that will break up the text file as you described (as long as it only contains the lines you displayed). It might work with other random lines, as long as they don't contain the key words: ap, profile, domain, hostname, or area. It will import them, and check line by line for each of the properties (MAC, Profile, domain, hostname, area) and place them into an object that can be used later. I know this isn't what you asked for, but since I spent time working on it, hopefully it can be used for some good. Here is the script if anyone is interested. It will need to be tweaked to your specific needs:


$Lines = Get-Content "c:\test\test.txt"
$varObjs = @()
for ($num = 0; $num -lt $lines.Count; $num =$varLast ) {
    #Checks to make sure the line isn't blank or a !. If it is, it skips to next line
    if ($Lines[$num] -match "!") {
    if (([regex]::Match($Lines[$num],"^\s.*$")).success) {
    $Index = [array]::IndexOf($lines, $lines[$num])
    $varObj = New-Object System.Object
    while ($Lines[$num + $b] -notmatch "!" ) {
        #Checks line by line to see what it matches, adds to the $varObj when it finds what it wants.
        if ($Lines[$num + $b] -match "ap") { $varObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Mac -Value $([regex]::Split($lines[$num + $b],"\s"))[1] }
        if ($lines[$num + $b] -match "profile") { $varObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Profile -Value $([regex]::Split($lines[$num + $b],"\s"))[3] }
        if ($Lines[$num + $b] -match "domain") { $varObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name rf-domain -Value $([regex]::Split($lines[$num + $b],"\s"))[3] }
        if ($Lines[$num + $b] -match "hostname") { $varObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name hostname -Value $([regex]::Split($lines[$num + $b],"\s"))[2] }
        if ($Lines[$num + $b] -match "area") { $varObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name area -Value $([regex]::Split($lines[$num + $b],"\s"))[2] }
        $b ++
    } #end While
    #Adds the $varObj to $varObjs for future use
    $varObjs += $varObj
    $varLast = ($b + $Index) + 2
}#End for ($num = 0; $num -lt $lines.Count; $num = $varLast)
#displays the $varObjs



In case this may still be of value to someone and depending on the actual requirement, the regex in Keith's answer doesn't need to be that complicated. If the user simply wants to output each block the following will suffice:


$fileContent = [io.file]::ReadAllText("c:\file.txt")
$fileContent |
    Select-String '(?smi)ap71xx[^!]+!' -AllMatches |
    %{ $_.Matches } |
    %{ $_.Value }

The regex ap71xx[^!]*! will perform better and the use of .* in a regular expression is not recommended because it can generate unexpected results. The pattern [^!]+! will match any character except the exclamation mark, followed by the exclamation mark.

regex ap71xx[^ !]* !不建议在正则表达式中使用.*,因为它可能产生意外结果。模式[^ !]+ !将匹配除感叹号之外的任何字符,后跟感叹号。

If the start of the block isn't required in the output, the updated script is:


$fileContent |
    Select-String '(?smi)ap71xx([^!]+!)' -AllMatches |
    %{ $_.Matches } |
    %{ $_.Groups[1] } |
    %{ $_.Value }

Groups[0] contains the whole matched string, Groups[1] will contain the string match within the parentheses in the regex.


If $fileContent isn't required for any further processing, the variable can be eliminated:


[io.file]::ReadAllText("c:\file.txt") |
    Select-String '(?smi)ap71xx([^!]+!)' -AllMatches |
    %{ $_.Matches } |
    %{ $_.Groups[1] } |
    %{ $_.Value }



The first problem you may run into is that in order to match across multiple lines, you need to process the file's contents as a single string rather than by individual line. For example, if you use Get-Content to read the contents of the file then by default it will give you an array of strings - one element for each line. To match across lines you want the file in a single string (and hope the file isn't too huge). You can do this like so:


$fileContent = [io.file]::ReadAllText("C:\file.txt")

Or in PowerShell 3.0 you can use Get-Content with the -Raw parameter:

或者在PowerShell 3.0中,您可以使用带有-Raw参数的Get-Content:

$fileContent = Get-Content c:\file.txt -Raw

Then you need to specify a regex option to match across line terminators i.e.


  • SingleLine mode (. matches any char including line feed), as well as
  • (单行模式模式。匹配任何char,包括行提要),以及。
  • Multiline mode (^ and $ match embedded line terminators), e.g.
  • 多行模式(^和$匹配嵌入式行结束符),例如:
  • (?smi) - note the "i" is to ignore case
  • (?smi) -注意“i”是忽略大小写。



C:\> $fileContent | Select-String '(?smi)([0-9a-f]{2}(-|\s*$)){6}.*?!' -AllMatches |
        Foreach {$_.Matches} | Foreach {$_.Value}

 use profile PROFILE
 use rf-domain DOMAIN
 area inside
 use profile PROFILE
 use rf-domain DOMAIN
 area inside

Use the Select-String cmdlet to do the search because you can specify -AllMatches and it will output all matches whereas the -match operator stops after the first match. Makes sense because it is a Boolean operator that just needs to determine if there is a match.

使用Select-String cmdlet进行搜索,因为您可以指定-AllMatches,它将输出所有匹配项,而-match操作符将在第一个匹配项之后停止。这是有意义的,因为它是一个布尔运算符,只需要确定是否存在匹配。



This regex will search for the text ap followed by any number of characters and new lines ending with a !:



So I was a little bored. I wrote a script that will break up the text file as you described (as long as it only contains the lines you displayed). It might work with other random lines, as long as they don't contain the key words: ap, profile, domain, hostname, or area. It will import them, and check line by line for each of the properties (MAC, Profile, domain, hostname, area) and place them into an object that can be used later. I know this isn't what you asked for, but since I spent time working on it, hopefully it can be used for some good. Here is the script if anyone is interested. It will need to be tweaked to your specific needs:


$Lines = Get-Content "c:\test\test.txt"
$varObjs = @()
for ($num = 0; $num -lt $lines.Count; $num =$varLast ) {
    #Checks to make sure the line isn't blank or a !. If it is, it skips to next line
    if ($Lines[$num] -match "!") {
    if (([regex]::Match($Lines[$num],"^\s.*$")).success) {
    $Index = [array]::IndexOf($lines, $lines[$num])
    $varObj = New-Object System.Object
    while ($Lines[$num + $b] -notmatch "!" ) {
        #Checks line by line to see what it matches, adds to the $varObj when it finds what it wants.
        if ($Lines[$num + $b] -match "ap") { $varObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Mac -Value $([regex]::Split($lines[$num + $b],"\s"))[1] }
        if ($lines[$num + $b] -match "profile") { $varObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Profile -Value $([regex]::Split($lines[$num + $b],"\s"))[3] }
        if ($Lines[$num + $b] -match "domain") { $varObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name rf-domain -Value $([regex]::Split($lines[$num + $b],"\s"))[3] }
        if ($Lines[$num + $b] -match "hostname") { $varObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name hostname -Value $([regex]::Split($lines[$num + $b],"\s"))[2] }
        if ($Lines[$num + $b] -match "area") { $varObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name area -Value $([regex]::Split($lines[$num + $b],"\s"))[2] }
        $b ++
    } #end While
    #Adds the $varObj to $varObjs for future use
    $varObjs += $varObj
    $varLast = ($b + $Index) + 2
}#End for ($num = 0; $num -lt $lines.Count; $num = $varLast)
#displays the $varObjs



In case this may still be of value to someone and depending on the actual requirement, the regex in Keith's answer doesn't need to be that complicated. If the user simply wants to output each block the following will suffice:


$fileContent = [io.file]::ReadAllText("c:\file.txt")
$fileContent |
    Select-String '(?smi)ap71xx[^!]+!' -AllMatches |
    %{ $_.Matches } |
    %{ $_.Value }

The regex ap71xx[^!]*! will perform better and the use of .* in a regular expression is not recommended because it can generate unexpected results. The pattern [^!]+! will match any character except the exclamation mark, followed by the exclamation mark.

regex ap71xx[^ !]* !不建议在正则表达式中使用.*,因为它可能产生意外结果。模式[^ !]+ !将匹配除感叹号之外的任何字符,后跟感叹号。

If the start of the block isn't required in the output, the updated script is:


$fileContent |
    Select-String '(?smi)ap71xx([^!]+!)' -AllMatches |
    %{ $_.Matches } |
    %{ $_.Groups[1] } |
    %{ $_.Value }

Groups[0] contains the whole matched string, Groups[1] will contain the string match within the parentheses in the regex.


If $fileContent isn't required for any further processing, the variable can be eliminated:


[io.file]::ReadAllText("c:\file.txt") |
    Select-String '(?smi)ap71xx([^!]+!)' -AllMatches |
    %{ $_.Matches } |
    %{ $_.Groups[1] } |
    %{ $_.Value }