将使用除法步骤的C风格for循环转换为Swift 3

时间:2021-07-13 22:25:42

I have this loop, decrementing an integer by division, in Swift 2.

我有这个循环,在Swift 2中按分区递减整数。

for var i = 128; i >= 1 ; i = i/2  {
   //do some thing

The C-style for loop is deprecated, so how can I convert this to Swift 3.0?

不推荐使用C风格的for循环,那么如何将其转换为Swift 3.0呢?

3 个解决方案



MartinR's solution is very generic and useful and should be part of your toolbox.


Another approach is to rephrase what you want: the powers of two from 7 down to 0.


for i in (0...7).reversed().map({ 1 << $0 }) {



Quite general loops with a non-constant stride can be realized with sequence:


for i in sequence(first: 128, next: { $0 >= 2 ? $0/2 : nil }) {
  • Advantages: The loop variable i is a constant and its scope is restricted to the loop body.
  • 优点:循环变量i是常量,其范围仅限于循环体。
  • Possible disadvantages: The terminating condition must be adapted (here: $0 >= 2 instead of i >= 1), and the loop is always executed at least once, for the first value.
  • 可能的缺点:必须调整终止条件(此处:$ 0> = 2而不是i> = 1),并且对于第一个值,循环始终至少执行一次。

One could also write a wrapper which resembles the C-style for loop more closely and does not have the listed disadvantages (inspired by Erica Sadun: Stateful loops and sequences):

人们还可以编写一个类似于C风格for循环的包装器,并且没有列出的缺点(受Erica Sadun启发:有状态循环和序列):

public func sequence<T>(first: T, while condition: @escaping (T)-> Bool, next: @escaping (T) -> T) -> UnfoldSequence<T, T> {
    let nextState = { (state: inout T) -> T? in
        guard condition(state) else { return nil }
        defer { state = next(state) }
        return state
    return sequence(state: first, next: nextState)

and then use it as


for i in sequence(first: 128, while: { $0 >= 1 }, next: { $0 / 2 }) {



I'll suggest that you should use a while loop to handle this scenario:


var i = 128
while i >= 1
    // Do your stuff
    i = i / 2



MartinR's solution is very generic and useful and should be part of your toolbox.


Another approach is to rephrase what you want: the powers of two from 7 down to 0.


for i in (0...7).reversed().map({ 1 << $0 }) {



Quite general loops with a non-constant stride can be realized with sequence:


for i in sequence(first: 128, next: { $0 >= 2 ? $0/2 : nil }) {
  • Advantages: The loop variable i is a constant and its scope is restricted to the loop body.
  • 优点:循环变量i是常量,其范围仅限于循环体。
  • Possible disadvantages: The terminating condition must be adapted (here: $0 >= 2 instead of i >= 1), and the loop is always executed at least once, for the first value.
  • 可能的缺点:必须调整终止条件(此处:$ 0> = 2而不是i> = 1),并且对于第一个值,循环始终至少执行一次。

One could also write a wrapper which resembles the C-style for loop more closely and does not have the listed disadvantages (inspired by Erica Sadun: Stateful loops and sequences):

人们还可以编写一个类似于C风格for循环的包装器,并且没有列出的缺点(受Erica Sadun启发:有状态循环和序列):

public func sequence<T>(first: T, while condition: @escaping (T)-> Bool, next: @escaping (T) -> T) -> UnfoldSequence<T, T> {
    let nextState = { (state: inout T) -> T? in
        guard condition(state) else { return nil }
        defer { state = next(state) }
        return state
    return sequence(state: first, next: nextState)

and then use it as


for i in sequence(first: 128, while: { $0 >= 1 }, next: { $0 / 2 }) {



I'll suggest that you should use a while loop to handle this scenario:


var i = 128
while i >= 1
    // Do your stuff
    i = i / 2