as said in the title, I would like to perform a segue from another class (not extending UIViewController, but which manages the connection to the database).
Basically I get this error:
Warning: Attempt to present <RootViewController: 0x15680b00> on <LoginViewController: 0x15594290> whose view is not in the window hierarchy!
And the RootViewController never appears. (My RootViewController is the destination ViewController and LoginViewController is the ViewController from which I call the login method.)
并且RootViewController永远不会出现。 (我的RootViewController是目标ViewController,LoginViewController是ViewController,我从中调用login方法。)
Here's my code:
+ (void) login :(NSString*) username :(NSString*) password {
AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager];
NSDictionary *params = @{
@"function": @"login",
@"username": username,
@"password": password
[manager POST:serverURL parameters:params success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id response) {
NSLog(@"Login user %@", username);
if (200 == [[response valueForKey:@"code"] integerValue]) {
[DatabaseManager fetchUser:[[CacheHandler instance] currentUser]];
// Perform segue to ActivitiesViewController
UIStoryboard *msb = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"Main" bundle: nil];
LoginViewController *lvc = [msb instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"LoginViewController"];
[lvc performSegueWithIdentifier: @"segueActivities" sender:self];
[[CacheHandler instance] setToken:[response valueForKey:@"token"]];
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
[AlertHelper error:@"Failed to log in: wrong password!"];
NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
I don't get it because the LoginViewController must be loaded in the window hierarchy since I call the login method with an action on a button after a while. Or maybe the LoginViewController I instantiated is not the one loaded on the screen?
3 个解决方案
It's pretty clear that your LoginViewController
is not in the view hierarchy (i.e., not on the screen) given that you instantiate it and immediately segue to it without adding its view as a subview anywhere. What you probably want to do is grab a reference to the visible view controller via the app delegate.
You create Login controller in memory but it's not a part of window. You have to wire it up somehow with storyboard flow, by modally presenting it using presentViewController
Or creating segue that wires current controller and Login controller.
Your code shows a class method, so it isn't associated with any instance of that class.
Then, in your login method you instantiate an instance of LoginViewController
, but this instance isn't presented, you have just created it. You then try and perform a segue on this new instance, resulting in the exception message, which is pretty clear, you are trying to perform a segue on a view controller that isn't in the view hierarchy
It's pretty clear that your LoginViewController
is not in the view hierarchy (i.e., not on the screen) given that you instantiate it and immediately segue to it without adding its view as a subview anywhere. What you probably want to do is grab a reference to the visible view controller via the app delegate.
You create Login controller in memory but it's not a part of window. You have to wire it up somehow with storyboard flow, by modally presenting it using presentViewController
Or creating segue that wires current controller and Login controller.
Your code shows a class method, so it isn't associated with any instance of that class.
Then, in your login method you instantiate an instance of LoginViewController
, but this instance isn't presented, you have just created it. You then try and perform a segue on this new instance, resulting in the exception message, which is pretty clear, you are trying to perform a segue on a view controller that isn't in the view hierarchy