带有问号文字的Python regex

时间:2021-04-09 22:24:56

I'm using Django's URLconf, the URL I will receive is /?code=authenticationcode
I want to match the URL using r'^\?code=(?P<code>.*)$' , but it doesn't work.

我正在使用Django的URLconf,我将接收到的URL是/?代码= authenticationcode我想匹配的URL使用r ' ^ \ ?代码=(? P <代码> 。*)的美元,但是它不工作。

Then I found out it is the problem of '?'.
Becuase I tried to match /aaa?aaa using r'aaa\?aaa' r'aaa\\?aaa' even r'aaa.*aaa' , all failed, but it works when it's "+" or any other character.
How to match the '?', is it special?

然后我发现这是‘?’的问题。因为我试着匹配/aaa?aaa使用r 'aaa \ ?aaa的r 'aaa \ \ ?aaa”甚至r 'aaa。*aaa',所有的都失败了,但是当它是“+”或任何其他字符时,它仍然有效。如何匹配?”,它是特殊的吗?

5 个解决方案



>>> s="aaa?aaa"
>>> import re
>>> re.findall(r'aaa\?aaa', s)

The reason /aaa?aaa won't match inside your URL is because a ? begins a new GET query.

原因/ aaa吗?aaa不会匹配你的URL是因为a ?开始一个新的GET查询。

So, the matchable part of the URL is only up to the first 'aaa'. The remaining '?aaa' is a new query string separated by the '?' mark, containing a variable "aaa" being passed as a GET parameter.

因此,URL的可匹配部分只能达到第一个“aaa”。剩下的”?aaa'是由'分隔的一个新的查询字符串吗?' mark,包含作为GET参数传递的变量“aaa”。

What you can do here is encode the variable before it makes its way into the URL. The encoded form of ? is %3F.

您可以在变量进入URL之前对其进行编码。编码形式的?是f % 3。

You should also not match a GET query such as /?code=authenticationcode using regex at all. Instead, match your URL up to / using r'^$'. Django will pass the variable code as a GET parameter to the request object, which you can obtain in your view using request.GET.get('code').

您也不应该匹配GET查询,例如/?代码=使用regex的验证代码。相反,匹配你的URL /使用r ^ $。Django将变量代码作为GET参数传递给请求对象,您可以使用request.GET. GET ('code')在视图中获得该对象。



You are not allowed to use ? in a URL as a variable value. The ? indicates that there are variables coming in.


Like: http://www.example.com?variable=1&another_variable=2


Replace it or escape it. Here's some nice documentation.




Django's urls.py does not parse query strings, so there is no way to get this information at the urls.py file.

Django url。py不解析查询字符串,因此无法在url中获取这些信息。py文件。

Instead, parse it in your view:


def foo(request):
   code = request.GET.get('code')
   if code:
      # do stuff
      # No code!



"How to match the '?', is it special?" Yes, but you are properly escaping it by using the backslash. I do not see where you have accounted for the leading forward slash, though. That bit just needs to be added in:





supress the regex metacharacters with []


>>> s
>>> r=re.compile(r'^/[?]code=(.+)')
>>> m=r.match(s)
>>> m.groups()



>>> s="aaa?aaa"
>>> import re
>>> re.findall(r'aaa\?aaa', s)

The reason /aaa?aaa won't match inside your URL is because a ? begins a new GET query.

原因/ aaa吗?aaa不会匹配你的URL是因为a ?开始一个新的GET查询。

So, the matchable part of the URL is only up to the first 'aaa'. The remaining '?aaa' is a new query string separated by the '?' mark, containing a variable "aaa" being passed as a GET parameter.

因此,URL的可匹配部分只能达到第一个“aaa”。剩下的”?aaa'是由'分隔的一个新的查询字符串吗?' mark,包含作为GET参数传递的变量“aaa”。

What you can do here is encode the variable before it makes its way into the URL. The encoded form of ? is %3F.

您可以在变量进入URL之前对其进行编码。编码形式的?是f % 3。

You should also not match a GET query such as /?code=authenticationcode using regex at all. Instead, match your URL up to / using r'^$'. Django will pass the variable code as a GET parameter to the request object, which you can obtain in your view using request.GET.get('code').

您也不应该匹配GET查询,例如/?代码=使用regex的验证代码。相反,匹配你的URL /使用r ^ $。Django将变量代码作为GET参数传递给请求对象,您可以使用request.GET. GET ('code')在视图中获得该对象。



You are not allowed to use ? in a URL as a variable value. The ? indicates that there are variables coming in.


Like: http://www.example.com?variable=1&another_variable=2


Replace it or escape it. Here's some nice documentation.




Django's urls.py does not parse query strings, so there is no way to get this information at the urls.py file.

Django url。py不解析查询字符串,因此无法在url中获取这些信息。py文件。

Instead, parse it in your view:


def foo(request):
   code = request.GET.get('code')
   if code:
      # do stuff
      # No code!



"How to match the '?', is it special?" Yes, but you are properly escaping it by using the backslash. I do not see where you have accounted for the leading forward slash, though. That bit just needs to be added in:





supress the regex metacharacters with []


>>> s
>>> r=re.compile(r'^/[?]code=(.+)')
>>> m=r.match(s)
>>> m.groups()