打字稿 - 我在使用函数的返回值时遇到了麻烦

时间:2022-12-14 22:23:46

I want to iterate over an array checking if a node has lower nodes and if the node is compatible with the user's role.


I thought I might use the "for (let entry of someArray)" to obtain each value of node in the array however the "someArray" is the return value of a function:


public menuList(): any {
    return [
        // SCHEDULER
            route: ["", "scheduler"],
            name: "scheduler",
            moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName("../components/scheduler/scheduler"),
            title: "scheduler",
            nav: true,
            settings: {
                icon: "user",
                roles: ["Employee", "Admin"],
                pos: "left"

        // CLIENTS
            route: "clients",
            name: "clients",
            moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName("../components/clients/clientList/clientList"),
            title: "Clients",
            nav: true,
            settings: {
                icon: "user",
                roles: ["Employee", "Admin"],
                pos: "left",
                nav: [
                        route: "clients/ClientsList",
                        name: "clientList",
                        moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName("../components/clients/clientList/clientList"),
                        href: "#clients/clientsList",
                        title: "Client List",
                        settings: {
                            icon: "list",
                            roles: ["Employee", "Admin"],
                        settings: {
                            roles: ["Employee", "Admin"],
                            divider: true,
                        route: "clients/create",
                        name: "newClient",
                        moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName("../components/clients/newClient/newClient"),
                        href: "#clients/Create",
                        title: "Create Client",
                        settings: {
                            icon: "user",
                            roles: ["Employee", "Admin"],

        // JOBS
            route: "jobs",
            name: "jobs",
            moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName("../components/jobs/jobsList"),
            title: "Jobs",
            nav: true,
            settings: {
                icon: "list",
                roles: ["Employee", "Admin"],
                pos: "left"

        // ACCOUNTING

        // Accounting - 1st level route WITH SUBROUTES
            route: "accounting",
            name: "accounting",
            moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName("../components/accounting/ledgerEnquiry/ledgerEnquiry"),
            title: "Accounting",
            nav: true,
            settings: {
                icon: "usd",
                roles: ["Employee", "Admin"],
                pos: "left",
                nav: [
                        title: "Creditor Cost Invoices",
                        icon: "tasks",
                        nav: true,
                        roles: ["Employee", "Admin"],
                        settings: {
                            nav: [
                                    title: 'Creditor Payments',
                                    icon: 'usd',
                                    roles: ["Employee", "Admin"],
                                    settings: {
                                        nav: [
                                                route: "accounting/creditorCostInvoices/payments/paymentsRegister",
                                                name: "paymentsRegister",
                                                moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName("../components/accounting/creditorCostInvoices/payments/paymentsRegister/paymentsRegister"),
                                                href: '#accounting/creditorCostInvoices/payments/paymentsRegister',
                                                title: 'Payments Register',
                                                settings: {
                                                    icon: 'list',
                                                    roles: ["Employee", "Admin"]
                                                settings: {
                                                    roles: ["Employee", "Admin"],
                                                    divider: true,
                                                route: "accounting/creditorCostInvoices/payments/creditorPromptPayments",
                                                name: "promptPayments",
                                                moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName("../components/accounting/creditorCostInvoices/payments/creditorPromptPayments/creditorPromptPayments"),
                                                href: '#accounting/creditorCostInvoices/payments/creditorPromptPayments',
                                                title: 'Creditor Prompt Payments',
                                                settings: {
                                                    icon: 'usd',
                                                    roles: ["Employee", "Admin"]
                                                route: "accounting/creditorCostInvoices/payments/payOutstandingCreditorInvoices",
                                                name: "payments",
                                                moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName("../components/accounting/creditorCostInvoices/payments/payOutstandingCreditorInvoices/payOutstandingCreditorInvoices"),
                                                href: '#accounting/creditorCostInvoices/payments/payOutstandingCreditorInvoices',
                                                title: 'Pay Outstanding Creditor Invoices',
                                                settings: {
                                                    icon: 'edit',
                                                    roles: ["Employee"/*, "Admin"*/]

Scheduler is one node and client is another however client has an array with three nodes.


I want to iterate over this and create a new array where if any of the nodes do not satisfy the role value then that node is left out while still maintaining the depth structure of the original array.. So in the menuList() if iterate over this checking if the role setting has "Admin" and it doesnt it ignores that node and I get a filtered array with just those nodes that have "Admin" in it.


I did a monster "for loop" with nested "for loops" to try and capture this but failed.

我做了一个怪物“for loop”与嵌套的“for循环”尝试捕获这个但失败了。

I now thought I would use the let entry of someArray but I am getting the error:


Error TS2349 (TS) Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature. Type 'any[]' has no compatible call signatures

错误TS2349(TS)无法调用类型缺少调用签名的表达式。类型'any []'没有兼容的呼叫签名

Not sure how to fix this however...


Is there a smart way to filter this array based on role.includes("Admin")etc while still maintaining the structure?




I finally managed to get this to work although I think there will be a multitude of better more succinct ways of doing it.


I took the view of dealing with each node completely before moving to the next and to do this I used a recursive function calling itself for each level.


public userMenu(userName: string, userRole: string): any {
    let finishedRoleCheckedMenu = Array();
    let userMenuElements = Array();
    let returnedElement = {} as any;

    for (const key in this.menuList()) {
        returnedElement = this.processElement(this.menuList()[key], userRole);

        if (returnedElement !== 'undefined') {

    for (let count = 0; count < this.routeMenuItems.length; count++) {
        if (!this.routeMenuItems[count].settings.divider) {

    return userMenuElements;

processElement(element: any, userRole: string) {
    let testedElement = {} as any;
    let settingsElement = {} as any;
    let navElements = Array();
    let navElement = {} as any;

    if (element.settings.roles.includes(userRole)) {

        for (const key in element) {
            if (key === "settings") {

                for (const settingsKey in element[key]) {
                    if (settingsKey === "nav") {

                        for (const navKey in element[key][settingsKey]) {

                            navElement = this.processElement(element[key][settingsKey][navKey], userRole); // recursive call.

                            if (navElement !== 'undefined') {
                                if (navElement.route) {  // Collect only those elements with routes.
                                    this.routeMenuItems.push(navElement); // For adding the total routes at the end.
                        if (navElements.length > 0) {

                            settingsElement[settingsKey] = navElements;
                    } else {
                        settingsElement[settingsKey] = element[key][settingsKey];
                testedElement[key] = settingsElement;
            } else {
                testedElement[key] = element[key];

        return testedElement;
    } else {
        return 'undefined';

1 个解决方案



The compiler is complaining about the caller code. Specifically whatever it plans on doing with the returned array. Reason for this is because you have specified the return type as "any". Perhaps return type of array may be more appropriate.


As far as filtering the array, I think you're on the right track, however you would be able to clean up the code a bit by using a map, or map/reduce pattern.

至于过滤数组,我认为你是在正确的轨道上,但是你可以通过使用map或map / reduce模式来清理代码。



The compiler is complaining about the caller code. Specifically whatever it plans on doing with the returned array. Reason for this is because you have specified the return type as "any". Perhaps return type of array may be more appropriate.


As far as filtering the array, I think you're on the right track, however you would be able to clean up the code a bit by using a map, or map/reduce pattern.

至于过滤数组,我认为你是在正确的轨道上,但是你可以通过使用map或map / reduce模式来清理代码。