jQuery - 基于点击更改图像

时间:2021-12-24 22:25:14

Currently I have a heading with a downwards pointing icon. If the header is clicked, I want the image to change to an upwards one.


I have tried using the "?" operator to query if it is, but I am not 100% sure how it works. I'm using this code at the moment.


// Toggle message_body
    var id = $(this).attr("id");
    $(".icon[id=" + id + "]").attr("src", "../images/admin/Symbol_Down.png" ? : "../images/admin/Symbol_Up.png");
    return false;

I know this code does not work. Could someone please show me how? Thanks!


3 个解决方案


This will do the trick. Note that you need to do the comparison within the terenary operator. If you just do "something" ? "blah" : "result, it will always be true, because non-null values are always true.

这样就可以了。请注意,您需要在terenary运算符中进行比较。如果你只做“某事”? “blah”:“结果,它将永远是真的,因为非空值总是正确的。

var up = "../images/admin/Symbol_Up.png";
var down = "../images/admin/Symbol_Down.png";
    var icon = $(".icon[id=" + $(this).attr("id") + "]");
    icon.attr("src", this.attr("src") == up ? down : up);

I just realized one fundamental issue with your HTML if your JavaScript css selector is accurate. You are asking for .icon[id=x] and using the ID attribute from the .message_head class to find the ID of the icon. For this to work, you would have to have the same ID for both, which is invalid HTML. What I imagine your HTML looks like is this:

如果您的JavaScript css选择器准确无误,我刚刚意识到HTML的一个基本问题。您要求.icon [id = x]并使用.message_head类中的ID属性来查找图标的ID。为此,您必须为两者都使用相同的ID,这是无效的HTML。我想象你的HTML看起来是这样的:

<div class="message_head" id="1">
  <img class="icon" src="up.jpg" id="1"/>

This is a nono. What you can do is this:


<div class="message_head" id="1">
  <img class="icon" src="up.jpg" />

var up = "../images/admin/Symbol_Up.png";
var down = "../images/admin/Symbol_Down.png";
    var icon = $('.icon', this);
    icon.attr("src", this.attr("src") == up ? down : up);


You're not using anything in the conditional.


        var id = $(this).attr("id");
        var myBody = $(this).next(".message_body").slideToggle(500);
        $(".icon[id=" + id + "]").attr("src", (myBody.css("display") == "none") ? "../images/admin/Symbol_Down.png" : "../images/admin/Symbol_Up.png");
        return false;

Note that if this produces backwards behavior (i.e., up instead of down), you should change "none" to "block".



    this.attr("src", this.attr('src') == "../images/admin/Symbol_Down.png" ? "../images/admin/Symbol_Up.png" : "../images/admin/Symbol_Down.png");
    return false;

More info on the ?: (ternary operator). This:


var A = B ? C : D; 

Is the exact same as:


if (B) {
  var A = C
} else {
  var A = D;


This will do the trick. Note that you need to do the comparison within the terenary operator. If you just do "something" ? "blah" : "result, it will always be true, because non-null values are always true.

这样就可以了。请注意,您需要在terenary运算符中进行比较。如果你只做“某事”? “blah”:“结果,它将永远是真的,因为非空值总是正确的。

var up = "../images/admin/Symbol_Up.png";
var down = "../images/admin/Symbol_Down.png";
    var icon = $(".icon[id=" + $(this).attr("id") + "]");
    icon.attr("src", this.attr("src") == up ? down : up);

I just realized one fundamental issue with your HTML if your JavaScript css selector is accurate. You are asking for .icon[id=x] and using the ID attribute from the .message_head class to find the ID of the icon. For this to work, you would have to have the same ID for both, which is invalid HTML. What I imagine your HTML looks like is this:

如果您的JavaScript css选择器准确无误,我刚刚意识到HTML的一个基本问题。您要求.icon [id = x]并使用.message_head类中的ID属性来查找图标的ID。为此,您必须为两者都使用相同的ID,这是无效的HTML。我想象你的HTML看起来是这样的:

<div class="message_head" id="1">
  <img class="icon" src="up.jpg" id="1"/>

This is a nono. What you can do is this:


<div class="message_head" id="1">
  <img class="icon" src="up.jpg" />

var up = "../images/admin/Symbol_Up.png";
var down = "../images/admin/Symbol_Down.png";
    var icon = $('.icon', this);
    icon.attr("src", this.attr("src") == up ? down : up);


You're not using anything in the conditional.


        var id = $(this).attr("id");
        var myBody = $(this).next(".message_body").slideToggle(500);
        $(".icon[id=" + id + "]").attr("src", (myBody.css("display") == "none") ? "../images/admin/Symbol_Down.png" : "../images/admin/Symbol_Up.png");
        return false;

Note that if this produces backwards behavior (i.e., up instead of down), you should change "none" to "block".



    this.attr("src", this.attr('src') == "../images/admin/Symbol_Down.png" ? "../images/admin/Symbol_Up.png" : "../images/admin/Symbol_Down.png");
    return false;

More info on the ?: (ternary operator). This:


var A = B ? C : D; 

Is the exact same as:


if (B) {
  var A = C
} else {
  var A = D;