
时间:2021-11-26 22:26:33

Just a question of curiosity that I came up with when I was reading the JVM introduction.


Why do we need the Java compiler when we have the universal, platform-independent Java Virtual Machine? I mean, consider Python, which has an interactive shell that reads the source code line by line and then execute it without having to compile the source code beforehand, why can't JVM be designed to be able to read .java files directly like that of Python and then execute it?


If that's not the case, can someone please explain the significance of Java compiler?


2 个解决方案



Java could indeed have been created where you ship source everywhere (as one typically does with JavaScript). But as a design choice, Gosling et. al. decided to ship bytecode instead, which is created from the source by the Java compiler. There are several objective reasons for doing so:


  • Bytecode is smaller than source code.
  • 字节码小于源代码。

  • Bytecode is harder to reverse-engineer than source code (though only slightly).
  • Bytecode比源代码更难逆向工程(虽然只是略微)。

  • Bytecode is harder to modify than source code.
  • 字节码比源代码更难修改。

  • Using bytecode means the JVM doesn't have to have the Java compiler in it (reducing footprint, which was more important in ~1995 than it is now)
  • 使用字节码意味着JVM不必拥有Java编译器(减少占用空间,这在1995年比现在更重要)

  • Compiling takes non-trivial time (and non-trivial memory use). Compiling to bytecode preserves Run Everywhere(tm) without that startup impact.
  • 编译需要非常重要的时间(以及非平凡的内存使用)。编译为字节码会保留Run Everywhere(tm)而不会影响启动。

Again, though, it was just a design decision they took. Microsoft took the same decision with .Net.




The java compiler converts the java source to bytecode.


The JVM only executes bytecode. JVMs on different operating systems can run the same bytecode.


Other languages like Scala can also be compiled to bytecode and run on a JVM.


The compilation improves execution efficiency and security.




Java could indeed have been created where you ship source everywhere (as one typically does with JavaScript). But as a design choice, Gosling et. al. decided to ship bytecode instead, which is created from the source by the Java compiler. There are several objective reasons for doing so:


  • Bytecode is smaller than source code.
  • 字节码小于源代码。

  • Bytecode is harder to reverse-engineer than source code (though only slightly).
  • Bytecode比源代码更难逆向工程(虽然只是略微)。

  • Bytecode is harder to modify than source code.
  • 字节码比源代码更难修改。

  • Using bytecode means the JVM doesn't have to have the Java compiler in it (reducing footprint, which was more important in ~1995 than it is now)
  • 使用字节码意味着JVM不必拥有Java编译器(减少占用空间,这在1995年比现在更重要)

  • Compiling takes non-trivial time (and non-trivial memory use). Compiling to bytecode preserves Run Everywhere(tm) without that startup impact.
  • 编译需要非常重要的时间(以及非平凡的内存使用)。编译为字节码会保留Run Everywhere(tm)而不会影响启动。

Again, though, it was just a design decision they took. Microsoft took the same decision with .Net.




The java compiler converts the java source to bytecode.


The JVM only executes bytecode. JVMs on different operating systems can run the same bytecode.


Other languages like Scala can also be compiled to bytecode and run on a JVM.


The compilation improves execution efficiency and security.
