“As Dictionary”和“As Scripting.Dictionary”是否相同(对于VBA早期绑定)?

时间:2022-10-01 22:26:18

When creating a dictionary object using early binding and the Microsoft Scripting Runtime Library, it looks like there are 2 equivalent type names for the same thing:

使用早期绑定和Microsoft Scripting Runtime Library创建字典对象时,看起来有两个相同的类型名称用于同一事物:

Dim dict as Dictionary
Set dict = New Dictionary


Dim dict as Scripting.Dictionary
Set dict = new Scripting.Dictionary

appear to do the same thing (at least so far).


I see the As Scripting.Dictionary syntax used by this resource, and I see the As Dictionary syntax used by this (really great) resource, but I haven't seen a comparison anywhere. And the MSDN documentation on dictionaries is either a literal joke, or not explicitly related to VBA.

我看到了这个资源使用的As Scripting.Dictionary语法,我看到了这个(非常好的)资源使用的As Dictionary语法,但我没有看到任何地方的比较。关于字典的MSDN文档要么是文字笑话,要么与VBA没有明确相关。

I don't see why I should be doing extra typing just to make my function declarations more crowded if I can just use As Dictionary, but I have learned that some things in VBA that look like they are equivalent can actually have subtle but significant differences (Application.InputBox vs. InputBox for example).

我不明白为什么我应该做额外的打字只是为了让我的函数声明更加拥挤,如果我可以使用As Dictionary,但我已经了解到VBA中看起来像是等价的一些东西实际上可以有微妙但显着的差异(例如,Application.InputBox与InputBox)。

Is there is really no difference between these, or are there subtle differences that I should be aware of?


2 个解决方案



I don't see why I should be doing extra typing just to make my function declarations more crowded [...]


It's called full-qualifying a type.


When you do this:


Dim foo As Range

The type Range gets resolved in a very specific order, determined by the priority order, in the references dialog:


“As Dictionary”和“As Scripting.Dictionary”是否相同(对于VBA早期绑定)?

If the top-most type library that exposes a Range type is the Excel type library, then Range stands for Excel.Range.


If you meant that to be Word.Range, then you have a bug, and fully-qualifying your declared types avoids these bugs.


The Scripting library exposes a Dictionary class. So when you reference the Scripting type library and do this:


Dim foo As Dictionary

You have all rights to expect that type to resolve to Scripting.Dictionary. But then if you add a class module and name it Dictionary, suddenly all these unqualified declarations are now referring to this custom class, because VBA type resolution will always prioritize types defined in the current project before looking at external references.


Sure you can call it "extra typing". Just know that there are pros and cons to both approaches.


  • Fully-qualifying types avoids ambiguity when referencing type libraries that expose same-name classes: it enhances readability.
  • 完全限定类型在引用暴露同名类的类型库时避免了歧义:它增强了可读性。

  • Not qualifying types makes it easier to swap a class for another, e.g. replacing Scripting.Dictionary with a portable Dictionary implementation that works on a Mac.
  • 不符合条件的类型可以更容易地将一个类交换为另一个类,例如用可在Mac上运行的可移植的Dictionary实现替换Scripting.Dictionary。

Rule of thumb, programming isn't about writing code. It's about reading code. Write code that's easy to read, not code that's quick to write.




As @braX said in your specific use case (early binding) it's the same thing and thus the Scripting. can be left off.


However, there are cases where it may be helpful (or even needed). For example, if you were manipulating Excel in another Office app, you would (using early binding) write


Dim XL as Excel.Application

because you need to tell VBA which application, specifically, to use.


But you could go on to write


Dim myWB as Workbook

and VBA will know it's excel work. However, it may be more user-friendly to write


Dim myWB as Excel.Workbook

That way it's totally clear what is going on.


Now, in the case of a workbook, to most programmers, it's already clear, and that's fine, but what if you are in programming in Word and want to manipulate a Range object in Excel. Writing


Dim myRange as Range

may not work as you think it will because VBA will resolve it as a Word Range Object (since you are writing in Word - see MatMug's answer for better explanation), which will then lead to errors further down the code line when you refer to myRange.Offset(1), for example, because there is no Offset method of Word Range Object. So in this case, it's both necessary and user-friendly.

可能无法正常工作,因为VBA会将其解析为Word范围对象(因为您在Word中编写 - 请参阅MatMug的答案以获得更好的解释),当您引用myRange时,这将导致代码行中的错误进一步发生.Offset(1),例如,因为没有Word范围对象的偏移方法。所以在这种情况下,它既有必要又方便用户使用。



I don't see why I should be doing extra typing just to make my function declarations more crowded [...]


It's called full-qualifying a type.


When you do this:


Dim foo As Range

The type Range gets resolved in a very specific order, determined by the priority order, in the references dialog:


“As Dictionary”和“As Scripting.Dictionary”是否相同(对于VBA早期绑定)?

If the top-most type library that exposes a Range type is the Excel type library, then Range stands for Excel.Range.


If you meant that to be Word.Range, then you have a bug, and fully-qualifying your declared types avoids these bugs.


The Scripting library exposes a Dictionary class. So when you reference the Scripting type library and do this:


Dim foo As Dictionary

You have all rights to expect that type to resolve to Scripting.Dictionary. But then if you add a class module and name it Dictionary, suddenly all these unqualified declarations are now referring to this custom class, because VBA type resolution will always prioritize types defined in the current project before looking at external references.


Sure you can call it "extra typing". Just know that there are pros and cons to both approaches.


  • Fully-qualifying types avoids ambiguity when referencing type libraries that expose same-name classes: it enhances readability.
  • 完全限定类型在引用暴露同名类的类型库时避免了歧义:它增强了可读性。

  • Not qualifying types makes it easier to swap a class for another, e.g. replacing Scripting.Dictionary with a portable Dictionary implementation that works on a Mac.
  • 不符合条件的类型可以更容易地将一个类交换为另一个类,例如用可在Mac上运行的可移植的Dictionary实现替换Scripting.Dictionary。

Rule of thumb, programming isn't about writing code. It's about reading code. Write code that's easy to read, not code that's quick to write.




As @braX said in your specific use case (early binding) it's the same thing and thus the Scripting. can be left off.


However, there are cases where it may be helpful (or even needed). For example, if you were manipulating Excel in another Office app, you would (using early binding) write


Dim XL as Excel.Application

because you need to tell VBA which application, specifically, to use.


But you could go on to write


Dim myWB as Workbook

and VBA will know it's excel work. However, it may be more user-friendly to write


Dim myWB as Excel.Workbook

That way it's totally clear what is going on.


Now, in the case of a workbook, to most programmers, it's already clear, and that's fine, but what if you are in programming in Word and want to manipulate a Range object in Excel. Writing


Dim myRange as Range

may not work as you think it will because VBA will resolve it as a Word Range Object (since you are writing in Word - see MatMug's answer for better explanation), which will then lead to errors further down the code line when you refer to myRange.Offset(1), for example, because there is no Offset method of Word Range Object. So in this case, it's both necessary and user-friendly.

可能无法正常工作,因为VBA会将其解析为Word范围对象(因为您在Word中编写 - 请参阅MatMug的答案以获得更好的解释),当您引用myRange时,这将导致代码行中的错误进一步发生.Offset(1),例如,因为没有Word范围对象的偏移方法。所以在这种情况下,它既有必要又方便用户使用。