
时间:2021-08-13 22:25:35

I've searched on SO trying to find a solution to no avail. So here it is. I have a data frame with many columns, some of which are numerical and should be non-negative. I want to clean the data since some values in these numerical columns are negative. What I can do now is extract the column names of these columns with a regular expression. But I am not sure how to implement the filtering of rows based on these columns.


To give an example, let's say:


df <- read.table(text = 
  "id   sth1    tg1_num   sth2    tg2_num    others   
  1     dave    2         ca      35         new
  2     tom     5         tn      -3         old
  3     jane    -3        al       0         new
  4     leroy   0         az      25         old
  5     jerry   4         mi      55        old", header=TRUE)
pattern <- "_num$"
ind <- grep(pattern, colnames(df))
target_columns <- colnames(df)[ind]
df <- df %>% filter(target_columns >= 0) # it's is wrong, but it's what I want to do

What I want to get out from this filtering is the following:


id   sth1 tg1_num   sth2 tg2_num others
1    dave       2     ca      35    new
4   leroy       0     az      25    old
5   jerry       4     mi      55    old

where rows no. 2 and 3 are filtered out because at least one column in tg1_num and tg2_num for these rows contain negative numbers.


7 个解决方案



This is a very awkward use of dplyr, but might be true to the spirit


> df %>% mutate(m = do.call(pmin, select(df, ends_with("_num"))))
  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others  m
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new  2
2  2   tom       5   tn      -3    old -3
3  3  jane      -3   al       0    new -3
4  4 leroy       0   az      25    old  0
5  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old  4

From there you can add a filter(m >= 0) to get the answer you want. If there were a rowMins analogous to rowMeans then that would simplify this significantly.

从那里你可以添加一个过滤器(m >= 0)来得到你想要的答案。如果有一个类似于rowMins的rowMins,那么这将极大地简化这个问题。

> rowMins <- function(df) { do.call(pmin, df) }
> df %>% mutate(m = rowMins(select(df, ends_with("_num"))))
  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others  m
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new  2
2  2   tom       5   tn      -3    old -3
3  3  jane      -3   al       0    new -3
4  4 leroy       0   az      25    old  0
5  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old  4

I don't know how efficient this is, though. And nesting the select seems real ugly.


EDIT3: Using ideas cribbed from other solutions/comments (h/t to @Vlo) I can speed mine up a lot (unfortunately, a similar optimization speeds up @Vlo's solution even more (EDIT4: Whoops, misread the chart, I am the fastest, ok, no more on this))


df %>% select(ends_with("_num")) %>% rowMins %>% {df[. >= 0,]}

EDIT: out of curiosity, did some microbenchmarking on some of the solutions (EDIT2: Added more solutions)


microbenchmark(rowmins(df), rowmins2(df), reducer(df), sapplyer(df), grepapply(df), tchotchke(df), withrowsums(df), reducer2(df))

Unit: microseconds
            expr       min         lq      mean    median        uq       max
     rowmins(df)  1373.452  1431.9700  1732.188  1576.043  1729.410  5147.847
    rowmins2(df)   836.885   875.9900  1015.364   913.285  1038.729  2510.339
     reducer(df)   990.096  1058.6645  1217.264  1201.159  1297.997  3103.809
    sapplyer(df) 14119.236 14939.8755 16820.701 15952.057 16612.709 66023.721
   grepapply(df) 12907.657 13686.2325 14517.140 14485.520 15146.294 17291.779
   tchotchke(df)  2770.818  2939.6425  3114.233  3036.926  3172.325  4098.161
 withrowsums(df)  1526.227  1627.8185  1819.220  1722.430  1876.360  3025.095
    reducer2(df)   900.524   943.1265  1087.025  1003.820  1109.188  3869.993

And here are the definitions I used


rowmins <- function(df) {
  df %>%
    mutate(m = rowMins(select(df, ends_with("_num")))) %>%
    filter(m >= 0) %>%

rowmins2 <- function(df) {
  df %>% select(ends_with("_num")) %>% rowMins %>% {df[. >= 0,]}

reducer <- function(df) {
  df %>%
    select(matches("_num$")) %>%
    lapply(">=", 0) %>%
    Reduce(f = "&", .) %>%
    which %>%
    slice(.data = df)

reducer2 <- function(df) {
  df %>%
    select(matches("_num$")) %>%
    lapply(">=", 0) %>%
    Reduce(f = "&", .) %>%

sapplyer <- function(df) {
  nums <- sapply(df, is.numeric)
  df[apply(df[, nums], MARGIN=1, function(x) all(x >= 0)), ]

grepapply <- function(df) {
  cond <- df[, grepl("_num$", colnames(df))] >= 0
    df[apply(cond, 1, function(x) {prod(x) == 1}), ]

tchotchke <- function(df) {
  pattern <- "_num$"
  ind <- grep(pattern, colnames(df))
  target_columns <- colnames(df)[ind]
  desired_rows <- sapply(target_columns, function(x) which(df[,x]<0), simplify=TRUE)

withrowsums <- function(df) {
  df %>% mutate(m=rowSums(select(df, ends_with("_num"))>0)) %>% filter(m==2) %>% select(-m)

df <- data.frame(id=1:10000, sth1=sample(LETTERS, 10000, replace=T), tg1_num=runif(10000,-1,1), tg2_num=runif(10000,-1, 1))



Here's a possible vectorized solution


ind <- grep("_num$", colnames(df))
df[!rowSums(df[ind] < 0),]
#   id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others
# 1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new
# 4  4 leroy       0   az      25    old
# 5  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old

The idea here is to create a logical matrix using the < function (it is a generic function which has data.frame method - which means it returns a data frame like structure back). Then, we are using rowSums to find if there were any matched conditions (> 0 - matched, 0- not matched). Then, we are using the ! function in order to convert it to a logical vector: >0 becomes TRUE, while 0 becomes FALSE. Finally, we are subsetting according to that vector.

这里的想法是使用< function创建一个逻辑矩阵(它是一个具有data.frame方法的泛型函数——这意味着它返回一个类似结构的数据框架)。然后,我们使用行和来查找是否有任何匹配的条件(> -匹配,0-不匹配)。那么,我们正在使用!函数为了将其转换为逻辑向量:>0变为TRUE,而0变为FALSE。最后,我们根据这个向量进行细分。



I wanted to see this was possible using standard evaluation with dplyr's filter_. It turns out it can be done with the help of interp from lazyeval, following the example code on this page. Essentially, you have to create a list of the interp conditions which you then pass to the .dots argument of filter_.



dots <- lapply(target_columns, function(cols){
    interp(~y >= 0, .values = list(y = as.name(cols)))

filter_(df, .dots = dots)   

  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new
2  4 leroy       0   az      25    old
3  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old



Starting with dplyr_0.7, this can be done directly with filter_at and all_vars (no lazyeval needed).


df %>%
     filter_at(vars(target_columns), all_vars(. >= 0) )

  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new
2  4 leroy       0   az      25    old
3  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old



Using base R to get your result


cond <- df[, grepl("_num$", colnames(df))] >= 0
df[apply(cond, 1, function(x) {prod(x) == 1}), ]

  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new
4  4 leroy       0   az      25    old
5  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old

Edit: this assumes you have multiple columns with "_num". It won't work if you have just one _num column




First we create an index of all numeric columns. Then we subset all columns greater or equal than zero. So there is no need to check the column names, and the column id will be always positive.


nums <- sapply(df, is.numeric)
df[apply(df[, nums], MARGIN = 1, function(x) all(x >= 0)), ]



  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new
4  4 leroy       0   az      25    old
5  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old



Here is my ugly solution. Suggestions/criticisms welcome


df %>% 
  # Select the columns we want
  select(matches("_num$")) %>%
  # Convert every column to logical if >= 0
  lapply(">=", 0) %>%
  # Reduce all the sublist with AND 
  Reduce(f = "&", .) %>%
  # Convert the one vector of logical into numeric
  # index since slice can't deal with logical. 
  # Can simply write `{df[.,]}` here instead,
  # which is probably faster than which + slice
  # Edit: This is not true. which + slice is faster than `[` in this case
  which %>%
  slice(.data = df)

  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new
2  4 leroy       0   az      25    old
3  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old



This will give you a vector of your rows that are less than 0:


desired_rows <- sapply(target_columns, function(x) which(df[,x]<0), simplify=TRUE)
desired_rows <- as.vector(unique(unlist(desired_rows)))

Then to get a df of your desired rows:


setdiff(df, df[desired_rows,])
  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new
2  4 leroy       0   az      25    old
3  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old



This is a very awkward use of dplyr, but might be true to the spirit


> df %>% mutate(m = do.call(pmin, select(df, ends_with("_num"))))
  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others  m
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new  2
2  2   tom       5   tn      -3    old -3
3  3  jane      -3   al       0    new -3
4  4 leroy       0   az      25    old  0
5  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old  4

From there you can add a filter(m >= 0) to get the answer you want. If there were a rowMins analogous to rowMeans then that would simplify this significantly.

从那里你可以添加一个过滤器(m >= 0)来得到你想要的答案。如果有一个类似于rowMins的rowMins,那么这将极大地简化这个问题。

> rowMins <- function(df) { do.call(pmin, df) }
> df %>% mutate(m = rowMins(select(df, ends_with("_num"))))
  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others  m
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new  2
2  2   tom       5   tn      -3    old -3
3  3  jane      -3   al       0    new -3
4  4 leroy       0   az      25    old  0
5  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old  4

I don't know how efficient this is, though. And nesting the select seems real ugly.


EDIT3: Using ideas cribbed from other solutions/comments (h/t to @Vlo) I can speed mine up a lot (unfortunately, a similar optimization speeds up @Vlo's solution even more (EDIT4: Whoops, misread the chart, I am the fastest, ok, no more on this))


df %>% select(ends_with("_num")) %>% rowMins %>% {df[. >= 0,]}

EDIT: out of curiosity, did some microbenchmarking on some of the solutions (EDIT2: Added more solutions)


microbenchmark(rowmins(df), rowmins2(df), reducer(df), sapplyer(df), grepapply(df), tchotchke(df), withrowsums(df), reducer2(df))

Unit: microseconds
            expr       min         lq      mean    median        uq       max
     rowmins(df)  1373.452  1431.9700  1732.188  1576.043  1729.410  5147.847
    rowmins2(df)   836.885   875.9900  1015.364   913.285  1038.729  2510.339
     reducer(df)   990.096  1058.6645  1217.264  1201.159  1297.997  3103.809
    sapplyer(df) 14119.236 14939.8755 16820.701 15952.057 16612.709 66023.721
   grepapply(df) 12907.657 13686.2325 14517.140 14485.520 15146.294 17291.779
   tchotchke(df)  2770.818  2939.6425  3114.233  3036.926  3172.325  4098.161
 withrowsums(df)  1526.227  1627.8185  1819.220  1722.430  1876.360  3025.095
    reducer2(df)   900.524   943.1265  1087.025  1003.820  1109.188  3869.993

And here are the definitions I used


rowmins <- function(df) {
  df %>%
    mutate(m = rowMins(select(df, ends_with("_num")))) %>%
    filter(m >= 0) %>%

rowmins2 <- function(df) {
  df %>% select(ends_with("_num")) %>% rowMins %>% {df[. >= 0,]}

reducer <- function(df) {
  df %>%
    select(matches("_num$")) %>%
    lapply(">=", 0) %>%
    Reduce(f = "&", .) %>%
    which %>%
    slice(.data = df)

reducer2 <- function(df) {
  df %>%
    select(matches("_num$")) %>%
    lapply(">=", 0) %>%
    Reduce(f = "&", .) %>%

sapplyer <- function(df) {
  nums <- sapply(df, is.numeric)
  df[apply(df[, nums], MARGIN=1, function(x) all(x >= 0)), ]

grepapply <- function(df) {
  cond <- df[, grepl("_num$", colnames(df))] >= 0
    df[apply(cond, 1, function(x) {prod(x) == 1}), ]

tchotchke <- function(df) {
  pattern <- "_num$"
  ind <- grep(pattern, colnames(df))
  target_columns <- colnames(df)[ind]
  desired_rows <- sapply(target_columns, function(x) which(df[,x]<0), simplify=TRUE)

withrowsums <- function(df) {
  df %>% mutate(m=rowSums(select(df, ends_with("_num"))>0)) %>% filter(m==2) %>% select(-m)

df <- data.frame(id=1:10000, sth1=sample(LETTERS, 10000, replace=T), tg1_num=runif(10000,-1,1), tg2_num=runif(10000,-1, 1))



Here's a possible vectorized solution


ind <- grep("_num$", colnames(df))
df[!rowSums(df[ind] < 0),]
#   id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others
# 1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new
# 4  4 leroy       0   az      25    old
# 5  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old

The idea here is to create a logical matrix using the < function (it is a generic function which has data.frame method - which means it returns a data frame like structure back). Then, we are using rowSums to find if there were any matched conditions (> 0 - matched, 0- not matched). Then, we are using the ! function in order to convert it to a logical vector: >0 becomes TRUE, while 0 becomes FALSE. Finally, we are subsetting according to that vector.

这里的想法是使用< function创建一个逻辑矩阵(它是一个具有data.frame方法的泛型函数——这意味着它返回一个类似结构的数据框架)。然后,我们使用行和来查找是否有任何匹配的条件(> -匹配,0-不匹配)。那么,我们正在使用!函数为了将其转换为逻辑向量:>0变为TRUE,而0变为FALSE。最后,我们根据这个向量进行细分。



I wanted to see this was possible using standard evaluation with dplyr's filter_. It turns out it can be done with the help of interp from lazyeval, following the example code on this page. Essentially, you have to create a list of the interp conditions which you then pass to the .dots argument of filter_.



dots <- lapply(target_columns, function(cols){
    interp(~y >= 0, .values = list(y = as.name(cols)))

filter_(df, .dots = dots)   

  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new
2  4 leroy       0   az      25    old
3  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old



Starting with dplyr_0.7, this can be done directly with filter_at and all_vars (no lazyeval needed).


df %>%
     filter_at(vars(target_columns), all_vars(. >= 0) )

  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new
2  4 leroy       0   az      25    old
3  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old



Using base R to get your result


cond <- df[, grepl("_num$", colnames(df))] >= 0
df[apply(cond, 1, function(x) {prod(x) == 1}), ]

  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new
4  4 leroy       0   az      25    old
5  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old

Edit: this assumes you have multiple columns with "_num". It won't work if you have just one _num column




First we create an index of all numeric columns. Then we subset all columns greater or equal than zero. So there is no need to check the column names, and the column id will be always positive.


nums <- sapply(df, is.numeric)
df[apply(df[, nums], MARGIN = 1, function(x) all(x >= 0)), ]



  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new
4  4 leroy       0   az      25    old
5  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old



Here is my ugly solution. Suggestions/criticisms welcome


df %>% 
  # Select the columns we want
  select(matches("_num$")) %>%
  # Convert every column to logical if >= 0
  lapply(">=", 0) %>%
  # Reduce all the sublist with AND 
  Reduce(f = "&", .) %>%
  # Convert the one vector of logical into numeric
  # index since slice can't deal with logical. 
  # Can simply write `{df[.,]}` here instead,
  # which is probably faster than which + slice
  # Edit: This is not true. which + slice is faster than `[` in this case
  which %>%
  slice(.data = df)

  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new
2  4 leroy       0   az      25    old
3  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old



This will give you a vector of your rows that are less than 0:


desired_rows <- sapply(target_columns, function(x) which(df[,x]<0), simplify=TRUE)
desired_rows <- as.vector(unique(unlist(desired_rows)))

Then to get a df of your desired rows:


setdiff(df, df[desired_rows,])
  id  sth1 tg1_num sth2 tg2_num others
1  1  dave       2   ca      35    new
2  4 leroy       0   az      25    old
3  5 jerry       4   mi      55    old