I need to add a table using iTextSharp (or even PDFSharp if it can do it) into an existing PDF template at a particular location in the template. I can edit the existing template with Adobe Designer 7.0. How can I go about doing this? Is there a PlaceHolder analog from Asp.Net which can be used here?
我需要使用iTextSharp(如果可以的话,甚至是PDFSharp)将表添加到模板中特定位置的现有PDF模板中。我可以使用Adobe Designer 7.0编辑现有模板。我该怎么做呢?是否有Asp.Net的PlaceHolder模拟器可以在这里使用?
1 个解决方案
After some some experimenting, yes, you can do so but with a caveat. First, put a text field down somewhere. In the code, grab the coordinates of where it is. Then build some sort of object to insert there, a table in my case. One caveat is there is no flow, the document will not adjust itself. If your object is too big, it will overwrite (overflow?) what was previously already there. I was hoping for a nice re-flow of what was there, but no dice. I finding that PDFs are a pretty static beast. But I think I'll get it to work for my needs.
After some some experimenting, yes, you can do so but with a caveat. First, put a text field down somewhere. In the code, grab the coordinates of where it is. Then build some sort of object to insert there, a table in my case. One caveat is there is no flow, the document will not adjust itself. If your object is too big, it will overwrite (overflow?) what was previously already there. I was hoping for a nice re-flow of what was there, but no dice. I finding that PDFs are a pretty static beast. But I think I'll get it to work for my needs.