
时间:2020-12-07 22:22:18

Given this class:


class Tacobell{

    public function order_taco(){
        echo "3 Tacos, thank you.";

    public function order_burrito(){
        echo "Cheesy bean and rice, please";


$lunch = new Tacobell;

How would I do something like this?


$myOrder = 'burrito';

Obviously that code is bunk--but shows what I'm attempting to do better than trying to explain it away.

显然,代码是无聊的 - 但是显示我试图做的比试图解释它更好。

And maybe I'm going about this all wrong. I thought about a method with a switch statement, pass in burrito or taco, then call the right method from there. But then I have to know the end from the beginning, and I may potentially have lots of methods and I'd rather not have to update the switch statement everytime.



4 个解决方案


How about something like this?


class Tacobell {
    public function order_burrito() {
         echo "Bladibla.\n";

    public function order($item) {
        if (method_exists($this, "order_$item")) {
            $this->{'order_' . $item}();
        } else {
            echo "Go away, we don't serve $item here.\n";

You would call it using $lunch->order('burrito');, which looks much cleaner to me. It puts all the uglyness in the method Tacobell::order.

你可以用$ lunch-> order('burrito')来调用它,这对我来说看起来更干净。它把所有的丑陋都放在方法Tacobell :: order中。


$lunch->{'order_' . $myOrder}();

I do agree the design is a little iffy, but that's how to do it at least.



I think call_user_func is what you're looking for:



You can pass it the string you suggested. See example #3 for calling a method of a class.



simple enough

$order = 'order_burrito';


How about something like this?


class Tacobell {
    public function order_burrito() {
         echo "Bladibla.\n";

    public function order($item) {
        if (method_exists($this, "order_$item")) {
            $this->{'order_' . $item}();
        } else {
            echo "Go away, we don't serve $item here.\n";

You would call it using $lunch->order('burrito');, which looks much cleaner to me. It puts all the uglyness in the method Tacobell::order.

你可以用$ lunch-> order('burrito')来调用它,这对我来说看起来更干净。它把所有的丑陋都放在方法Tacobell :: order中。


$lunch->{'order_' . $myOrder}();

I do agree the design is a little iffy, but that's how to do it at least.



I think call_user_func is what you're looking for:



You can pass it the string you suggested. See example #3 for calling a method of a class.



simple enough

$order = 'order_burrito';