时间:2021-04-13 22:18:28

Are there any API/solution to generate PDF report from XML file data and definition. For example the XML definition/data could be:


    <paragraph font="Arial">Title of report</paragraph>

Converting HTML to PDF will be also a good solution I feel.


Currently we write Java code using iText API. I want to externalize the code so that non-technical person can edit and make changes.

目前,我们使用iText API编写Java代码。我希望外部化代码,以便非技术人员可以编辑和更改。

5 个解决方案



Have a look at Apache FOP. Use an XSLT stylesheet to convert the XML (or XHTML) into XSL-FO. Then use FOP to read the XSL-FO document and format it to a PDF document (see Hello World with FOP).

看看Apache FOP。使用XSLT样式表将XML(或XHTML)转换为XSL-FO。然后使用FOP读取XSL-FO文档并将其格式化为PDF文档(参见使用FOP的Hello World)。



iText has a facility for generating PDFs from XML (and HTML, I think). Here is the DTD, but I found it difficult to sort out. Aside from that, I never found any good documentation on what is supported. My approach was to look at the source for SAXiTextHandler and ElementTags to figure out what was acceptable. Although not ideal, it is pretty straight-forward.


<itext orientation="portrait" pagesize="LETTER" top="36" bottom="36" left="36" right="36" title="My Example" subject="My Subject" author="Me">
<paragraph size="8" >This is an example</paragraph>


import com.lowagie.text.Document;
import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
import com.lowagie.text.xml.SAXiTextHandler;


String inXml = ""; //use xml above as an example
ByteArrayOutputStream temp = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter writer = null;
    writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, temp);
    SAXParser parser = SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser();
    parser.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(inXml), new SAXiTextHandler(document));
catch (Exception e)
    // instead, catch the proper exception and do something meaningful
    if (writer != null)
        catch (Exception ignore)
            // ignore
    } // if

//temp holds the PDF



Take a look at JasperReports, it uses iText to export files i think, and its IDE is simple and can be used by non-programmers.


Edit: i forgot to mention, you can use JasperReports engine directly in your application, or you can use iReport "Designer for JasperReports"




You will want to use a well supported XML format for this, as it will allow you to leverage the work of others.


A well supported XML format is DocBook XML - http://www.docbook.org/ - and this - http://sagehill.net/docbookxsl/index.html - appears to be a good resource on doing the XML -> PDF using XSLT with the Docbook style sheets and other formats.

一个受到良好支持的XML格式是DocBook XML - http://www.docbook.org/ -而这个- http://sagehill.net/docbookxsl/index.html -似乎是一个很好的资源,用于使用XSLT处理DocBook样式表和其他格式的XML -> PDF。

This approach allows you to use any XSLT processor and any XSL/FO processor to get to your result. This gives you easy scriptability as well as the freedom to switch implementations if needed - notably older Apache FOP implementations degraded badly when the resulting PDF got "too large".

这种方法允许您使用任何XSLT处理器和任何XSL/FO处理器来获取结果。这使您可以轻松地编写脚本,以及在需要时切换实现的*——特别是在生成的PDF变得“太大”时,老的Apache FOP实现严重退化。



Prince is one of the best tools out there. It uses CSS for styles, so if you appreciate that method of separating data from display (read: your users are able to do that too), it may be a very good fit for you. (The control over display that browsers offer through CSS is, by comparision, primitive.)




Have a look at Apache FOP. Use an XSLT stylesheet to convert the XML (or XHTML) into XSL-FO. Then use FOP to read the XSL-FO document and format it to a PDF document (see Hello World with FOP).

看看Apache FOP。使用XSLT样式表将XML(或XHTML)转换为XSL-FO。然后使用FOP读取XSL-FO文档并将其格式化为PDF文档(参见使用FOP的Hello World)。



iText has a facility for generating PDFs from XML (and HTML, I think). Here is the DTD, but I found it difficult to sort out. Aside from that, I never found any good documentation on what is supported. My approach was to look at the source for SAXiTextHandler and ElementTags to figure out what was acceptable. Although not ideal, it is pretty straight-forward.


<itext orientation="portrait" pagesize="LETTER" top="36" bottom="36" left="36" right="36" title="My Example" subject="My Subject" author="Me">
<paragraph size="8" >This is an example</paragraph>


import com.lowagie.text.Document;
import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
import com.lowagie.text.xml.SAXiTextHandler;


String inXml = ""; //use xml above as an example
ByteArrayOutputStream temp = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter writer = null;
    writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, temp);
    SAXParser parser = SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser();
    parser.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(inXml), new SAXiTextHandler(document));
catch (Exception e)
    // instead, catch the proper exception and do something meaningful
    if (writer != null)
        catch (Exception ignore)
            // ignore
    } // if

//temp holds the PDF



Take a look at JasperReports, it uses iText to export files i think, and its IDE is simple and can be used by non-programmers.


Edit: i forgot to mention, you can use JasperReports engine directly in your application, or you can use iReport "Designer for JasperReports"




You will want to use a well supported XML format for this, as it will allow you to leverage the work of others.


A well supported XML format is DocBook XML - http://www.docbook.org/ - and this - http://sagehill.net/docbookxsl/index.html - appears to be a good resource on doing the XML -> PDF using XSLT with the Docbook style sheets and other formats.

一个受到良好支持的XML格式是DocBook XML - http://www.docbook.org/ -而这个- http://sagehill.net/docbookxsl/index.html -似乎是一个很好的资源,用于使用XSLT处理DocBook样式表和其他格式的XML -> PDF。

This approach allows you to use any XSLT processor and any XSL/FO processor to get to your result. This gives you easy scriptability as well as the freedom to switch implementations if needed - notably older Apache FOP implementations degraded badly when the resulting PDF got "too large".

这种方法允许您使用任何XSLT处理器和任何XSL/FO处理器来获取结果。这使您可以轻松地编写脚本,以及在需要时切换实现的*——特别是在生成的PDF变得“太大”时,老的Apache FOP实现严重退化。



Prince is one of the best tools out there. It uses CSS for styles, so if you appreciate that method of separating data from display (read: your users are able to do that too), it may be a very good fit for you. (The control over display that browsers offer through CSS is, by comparision, primitive.)
