UIStackView - 想要一个百分比来定义每个项目

时间:2021-09-01 22:18:19

I want to put two views into a UIStackView. I want the top item to always be 30% of the space no matter what device (or orientation) that it appears. Thus, I want to have the bottom view to be 70%. How do I tell a UIStackView that I want to use a percentage?


Example resulting view


2 个解决方案



Just set a constraint for the top view.


In the storyboard's Document Outline control-drag from the top view to the stack view and select Equal heights. This will make their heights equal. Now go to the Size Inspector and you should see the constraint. Double click on it and set the multiplier to 0.3. Then update the frames.

在storyboard的Document Outline控件中 - 从顶视图拖动到堆栈视图并选择Equal heights。这将使他们的高度相等。现在转到Size Inspector,您应该看到约束。双击它并将乘数设置为0.3。然后更新帧。

If the bottom view doesn't automatically size or it gives you an error telling that you need a height constraint, just repeat the process, but now set the multiplier to 0.7.




From apple documentation


UIStackViewDistributionFillProportionally A layout where the stack view resizes its arranged views so that they fill the available space along the stack view’s axis. Views are resized proportionally based on their intrinsic content size along the stack view’s axis.


So according to this you should set UIStackView distribution property to UIStackViewDistributionFillProportionally and set intrinsic size, its.


You can get more info here and on Intrinsic content size




Just set a constraint for the top view.


In the storyboard's Document Outline control-drag from the top view to the stack view and select Equal heights. This will make their heights equal. Now go to the Size Inspector and you should see the constraint. Double click on it and set the multiplier to 0.3. Then update the frames.

在storyboard的Document Outline控件中 - 从顶视图拖动到堆栈视图并选择Equal heights。这将使他们的高度相等。现在转到Size Inspector,您应该看到约束。双击它并将乘数设置为0.3。然后更新帧。

If the bottom view doesn't automatically size or it gives you an error telling that you need a height constraint, just repeat the process, but now set the multiplier to 0.7.




From apple documentation


UIStackViewDistributionFillProportionally A layout where the stack view resizes its arranged views so that they fill the available space along the stack view’s axis. Views are resized proportionally based on their intrinsic content size along the stack view’s axis.


So according to this you should set UIStackView distribution property to UIStackViewDistributionFillProportionally and set intrinsic size, its.


You can get more info here and on Intrinsic content size
