postgres xpath所有节点并使用少数几个函数

时间:2021-02-21 22:17:28

I have a problem with writing a function in postgresql that gets input with xml data, then gets all nodes and for nodes that ends with work 'key' calls a function. In example i have to do:


function readdata(data xml) RETURNS VOID AS $$
INSERT INTO data_table SELECT FROM xpath('//text()',data)

Some of xml is like:


< node1>sometext< /node1>
< node2_key>anyvalue< /node2_key>
< node3_key>integer< /node3_key>
< node4>anyvalue< /node4>

But i dont know how to call function like check_val('node2',valueof node2_key ) when selecting from data parameter.

但是,当从数据参数中选择时,我不知道如何调用check_val('node2',valueof node2_key)之类的函数。

What im trying to achive is: that in my SELECT in myfunction it gives me value of nodes when they don't end up with word 'key',and for nodes that ends with it gives me result of check_val function.


Is there a way to do it with postgresql 9.1? I would be grateful with any example of code.

有没有办法用postgresql 9.1做到这一点?我会对任何代码示例表示感谢。

1 个解决方案



I don't know about Postgres, but the XPath to get the text of all the nodes (elements) whose name ends with key is:


//*[string-length(name())>2 and substring(name(),string-length(name())-2,3)='key']/text()

and the XPath to get the text of all the nodes (elements) whose names do NOT end with key is:


//*[string-length(name())<3 or substring(name(),string-length(name())-2,3)!='key']/text()



I don't know about Postgres, but the XPath to get the text of all the nodes (elements) whose name ends with key is:


//*[string-length(name())>2 and substring(name(),string-length(name())-2,3)='key']/text()

and the XPath to get the text of all the nodes (elements) whose names do NOT end with key is:


//*[string-length(name())<3 or substring(name(),string-length(name())-2,3)!='key']/text()