
时间:2022-05-04 22:19:17

I have a list of locations in the format A2: [ City State ], where in the City or State can be made up of more than two words. All of this is in a single cell. I have the total data in thousands. Now, I also have a list of State with me. What I need to do is remove the State from A2 and just have the remaining string there. Thus leaving me with only City. I need help with this as the data is in millions and I have a list of around 30K cities.

我有一个格式为A2: [City State]的地点列表,其中城市或州可以由两个以上的词组成。所有这些都在一个单元格中。我有成千上万的数据。现在,我还有一个状态列表。我需要做的是从A2中移除状态,只保留剩下的字符串。这样我就只剩下城市了。我需要帮助,因为数据数以百万计,我有大约3万个城市的名单。

1 个解决方案



You can create 2 cells next to the cell that has the data one for City and one for State. enter the formulas and autofill down.


Formula to extract City


=left(A1,find(" ",A1,1)-1)

Formula to extract State


=right(A1,len(A1)-find(" ",A1,1))

These formulas take the text to the left of the first space and the text to the right of the first space. You will have a problem if the city has a space e.g. "New York" but it is very difficult to work around that.


The other way to do this is to loop through all the cells using VBA code and run the same code on the cell and delete the State from that cell and place the State in a different cell. it's a more complicated option.


To solve the cities with 2 words problem


I'm assuming that the Sates are US States and so I've created a string of all the US states that contain 2 words


[New Hampshire][New Jersey][New Mexico][New York][North Carolina][North Dakota][Rhode Island][South Carolina][South Dakota][West Virginia]


If you paste these states into cell B1 then you can use the formula below in cell B3 to check the contents of A3 and extract the city.


=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("[" & RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))) & "]",$B$1,1)),LEFT(A3,FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))-1),LEFT(A3,FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))-1))

Then paste the following formula into cell C3 to check the contents of A3 and extract the State.

然后将以下公式粘贴到cell C3中,检查A3的内容,提取状态。

=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("[" & RIGHT(F9,LEN(F9)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(F9," ","☃",LEN(F9)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(F9," ",""))))) & "]",$B$1,1)),RIGHT(F9,LEN(F9)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(F9," ","☃",LEN(F9)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(F9," ",""))))),RIGHT(F9,LEN(F9)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(F9," ","☃",LEN(F9)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(F9," ",""))))))

Formulas to deal with States with 3 words


The formula is getting really long but all it's doing is checking for a match with a split at 3 spaces from the end and then 2 spaces and if a state is not found splitting at 1 space.


Extract City


=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("["&RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-2-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","")))))&"]",$B$1,1)),LEFT(A3,FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-2-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))-1),IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("["&RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","")))))&"]",$B$1,1)),LEFT(A3,FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))-1),LEFT(A3,FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))-1)))

Extract State


=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("["&RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-2-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","")))))&"]",$B$1,1)),RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-2-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))),IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("["&RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","")))))&"]",$B$1,1)),RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))),RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","")))))))

How it works The formula looks for the second to last space by taking one away from the last space (thanks to user m4573r for the last space formula). It then takes everything right of the last space, adds "[]" brackets and checks this against the State list text in B1. If it exists then it uses the second last space at the point to cut the text in half and return either the City from the left or the State on the right.




You can create 2 cells next to the cell that has the data one for City and one for State. enter the formulas and autofill down.


Formula to extract City


=left(A1,find(" ",A1,1)-1)

Formula to extract State


=right(A1,len(A1)-find(" ",A1,1))

These formulas take the text to the left of the first space and the text to the right of the first space. You will have a problem if the city has a space e.g. "New York" but it is very difficult to work around that.


The other way to do this is to loop through all the cells using VBA code and run the same code on the cell and delete the State from that cell and place the State in a different cell. it's a more complicated option.


To solve the cities with 2 words problem


I'm assuming that the Sates are US States and so I've created a string of all the US states that contain 2 words


[New Hampshire][New Jersey][New Mexico][New York][North Carolina][North Dakota][Rhode Island][South Carolina][South Dakota][West Virginia]


If you paste these states into cell B1 then you can use the formula below in cell B3 to check the contents of A3 and extract the city.


=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("[" & RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))) & "]",$B$1,1)),LEFT(A3,FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))-1),LEFT(A3,FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))-1))

Then paste the following formula into cell C3 to check the contents of A3 and extract the State.

然后将以下公式粘贴到cell C3中,检查A3的内容,提取状态。

=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("[" & RIGHT(F9,LEN(F9)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(F9," ","☃",LEN(F9)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(F9," ",""))))) & "]",$B$1,1)),RIGHT(F9,LEN(F9)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(F9," ","☃",LEN(F9)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(F9," ",""))))),RIGHT(F9,LEN(F9)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(F9," ","☃",LEN(F9)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(F9," ",""))))))

Formulas to deal with States with 3 words


The formula is getting really long but all it's doing is checking for a match with a split at 3 spaces from the end and then 2 spaces and if a state is not found splitting at 1 space.


Extract City


=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("["&RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-2-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","")))))&"]",$B$1,1)),LEFT(A3,FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-2-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))-1),IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("["&RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","")))))&"]",$B$1,1)),LEFT(A3,FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))-1),LEFT(A3,FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))-1)))

Extract State


=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("["&RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-2-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","")))))&"]",$B$1,1)),RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-2-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))),IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("["&RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","")))))&"]",$B$1,1)),RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""))))),RIGHT(A3,LEN(A3)-FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","☃",LEN(A3)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","")))))))

How it works The formula looks for the second to last space by taking one away from the last space (thanks to user m4573r for the last space formula). It then takes everything right of the last space, adds "[]" brackets and checks this against the State list text in B1. If it exists then it uses the second last space at the point to cut the text in half and return either the City from the left or the State on the right.
