时间:2022-11-25 22:15:52

What limit should be placed on the number of rows to delete in a SQL statement?


We need to delete from 1 to several hundred thousand rows and need to apply some sort of best practise limit in order to not absolutely kill the SQL server or fill up the logs every time we empty a waste-basket.


This question is not specific to any type of database.


5 个解决方案



That's a very very broad question that basically boils down to "it depends". The factors that influence it include:


  • What is your level of concurrency? A delete statement places an exclusive lock on affected rows. Depending on the databse engine, deleted data distribution, etc., that could escalate to page or entire table. Can your data readers afford to be blocked for the duration of the delete?

    你的并发水平是多少? delete语句对受影响的行放置独占锁。取决于数据库引擎,已删除的数据分布等,可能会升级到页面或整个表。您的数据读取器是否可以在删除期间被阻止?

  • How complex is the delete statement? How many other tables are you joining to, or are there complex WHERE clauses? Sometimes the identification of rows to delete can be more "expensive" than the delete itself, so one big delete may be "cheaper".


  • Are you fearful about deadlocks? As you decrease the size of your delete, your deadlock "foot print" is reduced. Ideally, single-row deletes will always succeed.


  • Do you care about throughput performance? As with any SQL statement, there is a generally constant amount of overhead (connection stuff, query parsing, returning results, etc.). From a single-connection point of view, a 1000-line delete will be faster than 1000 x 1-line deletes.

    您关心吞吐量性能吗?与任何SQL语句一样,通常有一定量的开销(连接内容,查询解析,返回结果等)。从单连接的角度来看,1000行删除将比1000 x 1行删除更快。

  • Don't forget about index maintenance overhead, fragmentation cleanup, or any triggers. They can also affect your system.


In general, though, I benchmark at 1000-lines per statement. Most systems I've worked with (sub-"enterprise") end up with a sweet-spot between 500 and 5000 records per delete. I like to do something like this:


set rowcount 500

select 1    -- Just to force @@rowcount > 0
while @@ROWCOUNT > 0
delete from [table]
     [where ...]



Though limiting the number of rows affected by your delete using the set rowcount option and then performing a loop is very good (and I've used it many a time before), be aware that from SQL 2012 onwards this will not be an option (see BOL).

虽然使用set rowcount选项限制删除影响的行数然后执行循环是非常好的(我之前已经使用过很多次),请注意从SQL 2012开始,这不是一个选项(见BOL)。

Therefore, another option may be to limit the number of rows being deleted using the TOP clause. i.e.



    DELETE TOP (#)
    FROM mytable
    [WHERE ...]



Unless you have a lot of triggers or integrity constraints to verify, deletion shouldn't be that expensive an operation.


But if you're that concerned about performance, my initial hunch would be to mark the appropriate rows as deleted and then physically delete them later during a periodic cleanup. But I'm not a big fan of this because you'll have to change any queries on that table to exclude logically- but not physically-deleted rows.




Whenever I see a database that routinely deletes large amounts of rows in bulk, it makes me think the data model or processing design is not optimal. Why load 1 million rows and then delete them? If you need to do something like purge historical data, then consider table partitioning.




a general answer is to drop the table and re-create it, that is a good performing solution, but applies for the full table




That's a very very broad question that basically boils down to "it depends". The factors that influence it include:


  • What is your level of concurrency? A delete statement places an exclusive lock on affected rows. Depending on the databse engine, deleted data distribution, etc., that could escalate to page or entire table. Can your data readers afford to be blocked for the duration of the delete?

    你的并发水平是多少? delete语句对受影响的行放置独占锁。取决于数据库引擎,已删除的数据分布等,可能会升级到页面或整个表。您的数据读取器是否可以在删除期间被阻止?

  • How complex is the delete statement? How many other tables are you joining to, or are there complex WHERE clauses? Sometimes the identification of rows to delete can be more "expensive" than the delete itself, so one big delete may be "cheaper".


  • Are you fearful about deadlocks? As you decrease the size of your delete, your deadlock "foot print" is reduced. Ideally, single-row deletes will always succeed.


  • Do you care about throughput performance? As with any SQL statement, there is a generally constant amount of overhead (connection stuff, query parsing, returning results, etc.). From a single-connection point of view, a 1000-line delete will be faster than 1000 x 1-line deletes.

    您关心吞吐量性能吗?与任何SQL语句一样,通常有一定量的开销(连接内容,查询解析,返回结果等)。从单连接的角度来看,1000行删除将比1000 x 1行删除更快。

  • Don't forget about index maintenance overhead, fragmentation cleanup, or any triggers. They can also affect your system.


In general, though, I benchmark at 1000-lines per statement. Most systems I've worked with (sub-"enterprise") end up with a sweet-spot between 500 and 5000 records per delete. I like to do something like this:


set rowcount 500

select 1    -- Just to force @@rowcount > 0
while @@ROWCOUNT > 0
delete from [table]
     [where ...]



Though limiting the number of rows affected by your delete using the set rowcount option and then performing a loop is very good (and I've used it many a time before), be aware that from SQL 2012 onwards this will not be an option (see BOL).

虽然使用set rowcount选项限制删除影响的行数然后执行循环是非常好的(我之前已经使用过很多次),请注意从SQL 2012开始,这不是一个选项(见BOL)。

Therefore, another option may be to limit the number of rows being deleted using the TOP clause. i.e.



    DELETE TOP (#)
    FROM mytable
    [WHERE ...]



Unless you have a lot of triggers or integrity constraints to verify, deletion shouldn't be that expensive an operation.


But if you're that concerned about performance, my initial hunch would be to mark the appropriate rows as deleted and then physically delete them later during a periodic cleanup. But I'm not a big fan of this because you'll have to change any queries on that table to exclude logically- but not physically-deleted rows.




Whenever I see a database that routinely deletes large amounts of rows in bulk, it makes me think the data model or processing design is not optimal. Why load 1 million rows and then delete them? If you need to do something like purge historical data, then consider table partitioning.




a general answer is to drop the table and re-create it, that is a good performing solution, but applies for the full table
