条件格式,全行格式,适用于其他工作表——Excel 2010

时间:2022-01-01 22:18:51

I currently have a spreadsheet that has conditional formatting to change the colors of the rows, from column A-L, based upon the value of column "D" (Pending and Active change to yellow, Scheduled and Forwarded change to green, and Discontinued and Cancelled change to red).

我现在有一个电子表格,它有条件格式来改变行的颜色,从列a - l,根据列“D”的值(挂起和主动更改为黄色,计划和转发更改为绿色,停止并取消更改为红色)。

I however have several worksheets in this once excel document which I would like to extend the same rules to. Is there a way to apply these rules to the other worksheets in the doc, or will I have to manually enter them for each doc?


1 个解决方案



Having a single rule apply to several sheets does not seem to be possible.


Source: http://excelribbon.tips.net/T003433_Applying_Conditional_Formatting_to_Multiple_Worksheets.html


It could be possible, however, to copy a conditional formatting rule you have set for one sheet to another (see link). The link's suggestions include


  • copying the conditional formatting - select the formatted cells in original sheet; click the Format Painter (on the Home tab of the ribbon); switch to the target worksheet; select the cells to which the formatting should be applied
  • 复制条件格式——选择原始表格中的格式化单元格;点击格式油漆工(在丝带的Home标签上);切换到目标工作表;选择应该应用格式化的单元格
  • macro recorder - run the macro recorder while setting up the conditional formatting; re-run the macro as you display each of your other worksheets. Detailed instructions:
    • go to View->Macros->Record Macro-OK
    • 查看- >宏- > Macro-OK记录
    • now add your conditional formatting rules to the current worksheet
    • 现在将条件格式规则添加到当前工作表中
    • go to View->Macros->Stop Recording
    • 查看- >宏- >停止记录
    • now you can switch to any sheet and apply the same formatting rules by executing your macro (View->Macros->View Macros->Run)
    • 现在,您可以切换到任何表,并通过执行宏应用相同的格式化规则(视图->宏->视图宏->运行)
  • 宏记录器——在设置条件格式时运行宏记录器;在显示其他工作表时重新运行宏。详细说明:打开查看->宏->记录宏现在将你的条件格式规则添加到当前工作表中去查看->宏->停止录制现在你可以切换到任何工作表并通过执行宏应用相同的格式规则(视图->宏->视图宏->运行)



Having a single rule apply to several sheets does not seem to be possible.


Source: http://excelribbon.tips.net/T003433_Applying_Conditional_Formatting_to_Multiple_Worksheets.html


It could be possible, however, to copy a conditional formatting rule you have set for one sheet to another (see link). The link's suggestions include


  • copying the conditional formatting - select the formatted cells in original sheet; click the Format Painter (on the Home tab of the ribbon); switch to the target worksheet; select the cells to which the formatting should be applied
  • 复制条件格式——选择原始表格中的格式化单元格;点击格式油漆工(在丝带的Home标签上);切换到目标工作表;选择应该应用格式化的单元格
  • macro recorder - run the macro recorder while setting up the conditional formatting; re-run the macro as you display each of your other worksheets. Detailed instructions:
    • go to View->Macros->Record Macro-OK
    • 查看- >宏- > Macro-OK记录
    • now add your conditional formatting rules to the current worksheet
    • 现在将条件格式规则添加到当前工作表中
    • go to View->Macros->Stop Recording
    • 查看- >宏- >停止记录
    • now you can switch to any sheet and apply the same formatting rules by executing your macro (View->Macros->View Macros->Run)
    • 现在,您可以切换到任何表,并通过执行宏应用相同的格式化规则(视图->宏->视图宏->运行)
  • 宏记录器——在设置条件格式时运行宏记录器;在显示其他工作表时重新运行宏。详细说明:打开查看->宏->记录宏现在将你的条件格式规则添加到当前工作表中去查看->宏->停止录制现在你可以切换到任何工作表并通过执行宏应用相同的格式规则(视图->宏->视图宏->运行)