NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇

时间:2021-01-30 22:17:54


1.2 [2006-11-12]



注:在阅读本文之前,建议读者先阅读《NBearV3 Step by Step教程——ORM》以掌握NBearV3中有关ORM的基本知识。








Step 1 下载NBearV3最新版本

1.1 访问http://sf.net/projects/nbear,下载NBearV3的最新版本到本地目录。

1.2 将下载的zip文件解压至C:\,您将看到,加压后的NBearV3目录中包括:distdoccasessrc等目录。其中,在本教程中将会使用的是dist目录,该目录下包含所有release编译版本的dllexe

Step 2 创建应用程序解决方案

2.1 打开VS2005开发环境,新建一个空的解决方案sln

2.2 sln中添加两个新建的C#类库工程,两个类库工程的名称分别为EntityDesignsEntities,删除IDE自动创建的Class1.cs文件。

2.3 sln中再添加两个新建的C#类库工程,两个类库工程的名称分别为ServiceInterfacesServiceImpls,删除IDE自动创建的Class1.cs文件。

2.4 sln中新建一个名叫websiteASP.NET Web应用程序,为website添加一个Web.config文件。

Step 3 设计实体、关系及元数据

3.1 运行dist\ NBear.Tools.DbToEntityDesign.exe,在Connection String文本框中输入下面的连接子串:


我们将从SQL Server 2000自带的演示数据库Northwind,为我们需要的某些表和视图生成设计实体。

点击Connect按钮,连接上数据库后,从左边的TablesViews列表中分别选择下面这些表或视图(因为这里主要是演示,我们只选择和CategoryProduct相关的几个表和视图):Categories Products Products by Category。点击Generate Entities Design按钮,在代码生成文本框内的任意位置右键单击鼠标,并选择Copy to ClipBoard,这将能把所有的代码复制到剪贴板。

3.2 EntityDesigns工程添加到dist目录下的NBear.Common.Design.dll的引用,因为每一个设计实体接口必须继承自NBear.Common.Design.Entity这个接口。在EntitiyDesigns工程中新建一个代码文件EntityDesigns.cs,添加using Systemusing NBear.Common.Design设置namespaceEntityDesigns。并将刚才从DbToEntityDesign复制的代码粘贴至该文件中。


NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇using  System;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
using  NBear.Common.Design;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
namespace  EntityDesigns
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
public interface Categories : Entity
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [PrimaryKey]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
int CategoryID get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string CategoryName getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string Description getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
byte[] Picture getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    }

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇


3.3 下面,我们可以对这些生成的代码做一下改造,让我们看着更舒服。比如,用_nbsp_代表空格多少影响视觉审美,我们可以给设计实体添加MappingName这个Attribute,来修改实体接口名称,但是,保证实体还是对应数据库中的这个表或视图。例如,对于Products_nbsp_by_nbsp_Category视图,我们可以将它修改为下面的样子:

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    [ReadOnly]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    [MappingName(
" Products by Category " )]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
public   interface  ProductsByCategory : Entity
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string CategoryName get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string ProductName get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string QuantityPerUnit get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
short UnitsInStock get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
bool Discontinued get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    }


NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    [MappingName( " Categories " )]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
public   interface  Category : Entity
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [PrimaryKey]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
int CategoryID get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string CategoryName getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string Description getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
byte[] Picture getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    }


NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇using  System;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
using  NBear.Common.Design;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
namespace  EntityDesigns
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    [MappingName(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
public interface Category : Entity
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [PrimaryKey]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
int CategoryID get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string CategoryName getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string Description getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
byte[] Picture getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [Query(Where
="{CategoryID} = @CategoryID", OrderBy="{ProductName}", LazyLoad=true)]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [Contained]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        Product[] Products
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇            
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇            
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        }

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    }

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    [MappingName(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
public interface Product : Entity
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [PrimaryKey]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
int ProductID get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string ProductName getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
int SupplierID getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
int CategoryID getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string QuantityPerUnit getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
decimal UnitPrice getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
short UnitsInStock getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
short UnitsOnOrder getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
short ReorderLevel getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
bool Discontinued getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [Query(Where
="{CategoryID} = @CategoryID", LazyLoad=false)]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        Category Category
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇            
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇            
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        }

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    }

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    [ReadOnly]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    [MappingName(
"Products by Category")]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
public interface ProductsByCategory : Entity
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string CategoryName get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string ProductName get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string QuantityPerUnit get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
short UnitsInStock get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
bool Discontinued get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    }

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇}

3.4 实体和属性名称我们改造完了,下面还可以给设计实体添加一点关联。我们可以注意到,CategoryProduct是一个明显的1对多关联。因此,我们可以像下面这样,为Category实体添加一个Products属性,1对多关联到Product表。

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    [MappingName( " Categories " )]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
public   interface  Category : Entity
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [PrimaryKey]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
int CategoryID get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string CategoryName getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string Description getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
byte[] Picture getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [FkQuery(
"Category", OrderBy="{ProductName}", Contained=true, LazyLoad=true)]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        Product[] Products
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇            
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇            
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        }

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    }


3.5 我们同时也可以给Product添加到Category的引用,因为,在查看一个Product信息时,查看相关的Category是非常常见的。注意,此时我们可以删掉Product中原来的CategoryID属性,将它合并到Category属性中:


NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    [MappingName( " Products " )]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
public   interface  Product : Entity
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [PrimaryKey]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
int ProductID get; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string ProductName getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
int SupplierID getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [SqlType(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
string QuantityPerUnit getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
decimal UnitPrice getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
short UnitsInStock getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
short UnitsOnOrder getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
short ReorderLevel getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
bool Discontinued getset; }
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [FkReverseQuery(LazyLoad 
= true)]
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        [MappingName(
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        Category Category
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇            
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇            
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        }

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    }



Step 4 从实体设计代码生成实体代码、实体配置文件

4.1 至此,实体的设计就完毕了。编译EntityDesigns工程。下面我们将从设计实体生成实际的实体代码和配置文件。注意,这里和之前的ORM教程不同的是,我们不生成数据库创建脚本,而直接使用一个已经存在的数据库Northwind

4.2 运行dist目录中的NBear.Tools.EntityDesignToEntity.exe工具,载入EntityDesigns工程编译生成的EntityDesigns.dll

4.3 点击Generate Entities按钮,将生成的代码保存到Entities工程中的一个名叫Entities.cs的新代码文件。并为Entities工程添加到dist\NBear.Common.Common.dll的引用。

4.4 点击Generate Configuration按钮,将生成的代码保存到website工程下的名为EntityConfig.xml的新文件中。

Step 5 使用实体及NBear.Data.Gateway访问数据库

5.1 现在我们就可以使用前面生成的实体了。我们先要让website工程引用Entities工程,以及dist/NBear.Data.dll

5.2 我们还需要设置websiteWeb.config文件,添加一个entityConfig section以包含EntityConfig.xml这个实体配置文件,并设置数据库连接字串。下面是设置完的Web.config,注意,粗体的部分都是我们添加的代码(注意修改数据库登录密码。):

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇<? xml version="1.0" ?>
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
< configuration >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇 
< configSections >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
< section  name ="entityConfig"  type ="NBear.Common.EntityConfigurationSection, NBear.Common"   />
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇 
</ configSections >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇 
< entityConfig >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
< includes >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇      
< add  key ="Sample Entity Config"  value ="~/EntityConfig.xml"   />
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
</ includes >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇 
</ entityConfig >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇 
< appSettings />
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇 
< connectionStrings >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
< add  name =" Northwind"  connectionString ="Server=(local);Database=Northwind;Uid=sa;Pwd=sa"  providerName ="NBear.Data.SqlServer.SqlDbProvider" />
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇 
</ connectionStrings >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇 
< system .web >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
< compilation  debug ="false"   />
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
< authentication  mode ="Windows"   />
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇 
</ system.web >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
</ configuration >

5.3 好了,到目前为止,实体设置和配置完毕了。下面我们将开始讨论IoC模块的使用。

Step 6 定义Service接口和Service实现

6.1 下面我们开始定义一个基于NBear.IoCService。我们先要为ServiceInterfaces工程添加到dist\NBear.Common.dlldist\NBear.IoC.dll的引用。一个Service由一个接口定义。我们这个Service的功能很简单,就是我们想获得一些需要的CategoryProduct。所以,我们还需要为ServiceInterfaces工程添加到Entities工程的引用。在ServiceInterfaces工程中定义接口ICategoryServiceIProductService如下:

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇using  System;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
using  NBear.IoC.Service;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
using  Entities;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
namespace  ServiceInterfaces
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
public interface ICategoryService : IService
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        Category[] GetAllCategories();
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        Category GetCategoryByID(
int categoryID);
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    }

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇}

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇using  System;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
using  NBear.IoC.Service;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
using  Entities;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
namespace  ServiceInterfaces
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
public interface IProductService
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        Product[] GetAllProducts();
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        Product GetProductByID(
int productID);
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    }

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇}


6.2 定义完Service接口,我们还需要实现它。在ServiceImpls工程中,添加到EntitiesServiceInterfaces和到dist\NBear.Common.dlldist\NBear.Data.dlldist\NBear.IoC.dll的引用,分别实现这两个接口如下:

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇using  System;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
using  NBear.Common;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
using  NBear.Data;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
using  Entities;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
using  ServiceInterfaces;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
namespace  ServiceImpls
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
public class CategoryService : ICategoryService
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
ICategoryService Members
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    }

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇}

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇using  System;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
using  NBear.Common;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
using  NBear.Data;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
using  Entities;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
using  ServiceInterfaces;
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
namespace  ServiceImpls
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
public class ProductService : IProductService
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
IProductService Members
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    }

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇}


Step 7 配置Service,使用ServiceFactory,调用Service

7.1 编译ServiceImpls。我们就可以准备在website中使用Service了。为website添加到EntitiesServiceInterfacsdist\NBear.Common.dlldist\NBear.IoC.dll的引用。


7.2 接着,我们需要在Web.config中配置IoC容器。NBearV3IoC组件使用castle作为IoC容器,因此,可以使用标准的castle配置与法进行配置。不过一般,只需要使用下面这样最简单的语法就行了:

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇<? xml version="1.0" ?>
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
< configuration >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
< configSections >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
< section  name ="entityConfig"  type ="NBear.Common.EntityConfigurationSection, NBear.Common" />
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇       
<section name="castle" type="Castle.Windsor.Configuration.AppDomain.CastleSectionHandler, Castle.Windsor"/>
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇   
</ configSections >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
< entityConfig >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
< includes >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇            
< add  key ="Sample Entity Config"  value ="~/EntityConfig.xml" />
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
</ includes >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
</ entityConfig >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇  
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇      
<!--You can use standard castle component decleration schema to define service interface impls here-->
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇      
<component id="category service" service="ServiceInterfaces.ICategoryService, ServiceInterfaces" type="ServiceImpls.CategoryService, ServiceImpls"/>
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇      
<component id="product service" service="ServiceInterfaces.IProductService, ServiceInterfaces" type="ServiceImpls.ProductService, ServiceImpls"/>
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇  
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇  
< appSettings />
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
< connectionStrings >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
< add  name ="Northwind"  connectionString ="Server=(local);Database=Northwind;Uid=sa;Pwd=sa"  providerName ="NBear.Data.SqlServer.SqlDbProvider" />
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
</ connectionStrings >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
< system .web >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
< compilation  debug ="true" >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇            
< assemblies >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇                
< add  assembly ="System.Transactions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089" />
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇                
< add  assembly ="System.Data.OracleClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089" />
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇                
< add  assembly ="System.Runtime.Remoting, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089" /></ assemblies ></ compilation >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
< authentication  mode ="Windows" />
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
</ system.web >
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
</ configuration >


7.3 接着,在Default.aspx.cs文件中的PageLoad中,添加下面的代码,访问Service


NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇     protected   void  Page_Load( object  sender, EventArgs e)
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        ServiceFactory factory 
= ServiceFactory.Create();
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        IProductService ps 
= factory.GetService<IProductService>();
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        Product[] products 
= ps.GetAllProducts();
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        WriteLine(
string.Format("Got all products, {0} in total.", products.Length));
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        ICategoryService cs 
= factory.GetService<ICategoryService>();
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        Category[] categories 
= cs.GetAllCategories();
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        WriteLine(
string.Format("Got all categories, {0} in total.", categories.Length));
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        WriteLine(
"In each category:");
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
foreach (Category item in categories)
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇            WriteLine(
string.Format("ID={0}, Name={1}, Products in category: {2}.", item.CategoryID, item.CategoryName, item.Products.Length));
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        }

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    }

NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
private   void  WriteLine( string  str)
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇        Response.Write(Server.HtmlEncode(str) 
+ "<br /><br />");
NBearV3 Step by Step教程——IoC篇    }



1 关于ServiceFactory.Create()



同时,除了在website中通过ServiceFactory访问service之外,在某一个Service的实现代码中,也可以访问ServiceFactory.Create(),从而访问另一个同样在Web.configcastle块中配置的service。这样,当不同的Service实现程序集之间互相调用Service时,只需要互相引用Service InterfacesService的实现代码互相就能避免任何依赖,从而将模块间的耦合度降至最低。
