
时间:2021-10-17 22:15:06

Push notifications implemented in Worklight are not received by an Android device when the device is powered-off. When I power-on the device, the push notification which was sent when the device was powered-off is never received in the notification bar.


CASE OF FAILURE TEST STEPS (push notification send when device is powered-off):


  1. Power-off the device


  2. Send push notification to the device while it is powered-off


  3. Power-on the device


  4. This LogCat shows so the push notification seems to be arriving to the device. However the push notification never shows in the notification bar, neither in the application



05-14 14:39:12.180: V/GCMBroadcastReceiver(4829): onReceive: com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE
05-14 14:39:12.180: V/GCMBroadcastReceiver(4829): GCM IntentService class: com.ibm.cio.be.android.navas.SmarterParking.GCMIntentService
05-14 14:39:12.180: V/GCMBaseIntentService(4829): Acquiring wakelock
05-14 14:39:12.210: V/GCMBaseIntentService(4829): Intent service name: GCMIntentService-DynamicSenderIds-1
05-14 14:39:12.230: W/com.worklight.common.Logger(4829): com.worklight.common.Logger.setContext(Context) must be called to fully enable debug log capture.  Currently, the 'capture' flag is set but the 'context' field is not.  This warning will only be printed once.
05-14 14:39:12.230: D/GCMIntentService(4829): GCMIntentService.onMessage in GCMIntentService.java:101 :: WLGCMIntentService: Received a message from the GCM server
05-14 14:39:12.230: W/GCMIntentService(4829): GCMIntentService.onMessage in GCMIntentService.java:108 :: Unable to update badge while received push notification, becasue failed to parse badge number null, badge must be an integer number.
05-14 14:39:12.250: D/GCMIntentService(4829): GCMIntentService.addToIntentQueue in GCMIntentService.java:123 :: WLGCMIntentService: App is not on foreground. Queue the intent for later re-sending when app is back on foreground.
05-14 14:39:12.250: V/GCMBaseIntentService(4829): Releasing wakelock
  1. In the server side (websphere), the logs shows this message every two minutes:


     [5/14/15 8:36:26:581 EDT] 000002de BinaryDownloa E   FWLSE3002E: The resource is not found.
     com.ibm.worklight.admin.common.util.exceptions.NotFoundException: FWLSE3034E: The application "ParkUP" was not found in project "ParkingApp".

The device seems to be receiving the push notification from the server but the notification does not show on the notification bar.


CASE OF SUCCESS CASE (Push notification send when device is powered-on and app on background):


  1. Set the application on background


  2. Send push notification to device


  3. Push notification appears perfectly on notification bar. This logCat shows.



05-14 15:05:54.540: V/GCMBroadcastReceiver(9805): onReceive: com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE
05-14 15:05:54.540: V/GCMBroadcastReceiver(9805): GCM IntentService class: com.ibm.cio.be.android.navas.SmarterParking.GCMIntentService
05-14 15:05:54.550: V/GCMBaseIntentService(9805): Acquiring wakelock
05-14 15:05:54.570: V/GCMBaseIntentService(9805): Intent service name: GCMIntentService-DynamicSenderIds-1
05-14 15:05:54.580: W/com.worklight.common.Logger(9805): com.worklight.common.Logger.setContext(Context) must be called to fully enable debug log capture.  Currently, the 'capture' flag is set but the 'context' field is not.  This warning will only be printed once.
05-14 15:05:54.580: D/GCMIntentService(9805): GCMIntentService.onMessage in GCMIntentService.java:101 :: WLGCMIntentService: Received a message from the GCM server
05-14 15:05:54.580: W/GCMIntentService(9805): GCMIntentService.onMessage in GCMIntentService.java:108 :: Unable to update badge while received push notification, becasue failed to parse badge number null, badge must be an integer number.
05-14 15:05:54.600: D/dalvikvm(1043): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3909K, 27% free 16903K/23012K, paused 26ms+13ms, total 212ms
05-14 15:05:54.600: D/GCMIntentService(9805): GCMIntentService.addToIntentQueue in GCMIntentService.java:123 :: WLGCMIntentService: App is not on foreground. Queue the intent for later re-sending when app is back on foreground.
05-14 15:05:54.600: V/GCMBaseIntentService(9805): Releasing wakelock
05-14 15:05:54.610: D/GCMIntentService(9805): GCMIntentService.onUnhandled in GCMIntentService.java:164 :: WLGCMIntentService: Showing notification for unhandled Message(alert=Sorry, your booking for tomorrow has been cancelled by the slot owner! Try again to book another slot. Good Luck!, badge=1, sound=null, payload={"alias":"myPush","custom":"data"})
05-14 15:05:54.620: W/ResourceType(1157): CREATING STRING CACHE OF 44 bytes

In this case, the LogCat is exactly the same as the failure case except for the GCMIntentService.onUnhandled being called.


Also I will like to add that if I test sending the push notification when the device has not access to internet, and then I give access to the internet to the device it works fine too.


I've tested for the provided sample in worklight tutorial and the same issue is happening, however in this case I'm not testing with the websphere server, I'm testing with the local worklight server, so I don't see the server logs do not apply to this case.


Has anybody faced this issue and found a solution?


Thank you very much in advance.


1 个解决方案


Writing this as an Answer as the comment has character limit... This is not a complete answer to the question you are having


  • When the application is on the foreground the notification bar won't show the message as it will be consumed by the application. Otherwise the message goes to the notification bar.


  • When the device is powered off or it is not in the network, the message is delivered when the device connects to the network. Its delivered to the notification bar if the application is not in the foreground.


The term "application is powered off" as I understand means that the application is closed or it is not running even in the background... Right?


From the tests I did with the sample, I see that the notification does get delivered to the notification bar. Also I don't see the "FWLSE3002E: The resource is not found" with the push notification sample. To be able to help you better, can you please describe the steps you followed to hit this issue with the Push Notification sample.



Writing this as an Answer as the comment has character limit... This is not a complete answer to the question you are having


  • When the application is on the foreground the notification bar won't show the message as it will be consumed by the application. Otherwise the message goes to the notification bar.


  • When the device is powered off or it is not in the network, the message is delivered when the device connects to the network. Its delivered to the notification bar if the application is not in the foreground.


The term "application is powered off" as I understand means that the application is closed or it is not running even in the background... Right?


From the tests I did with the sample, I see that the notification does get delivered to the notification bar. Also I don't see the "FWLSE3002E: The resource is not found" with the push notification sample. To be able to help you better, can you please describe the steps you followed to hit this issue with the Push Notification sample.
