在iOS 10中使用URL方案打开游戏中心不再有效

时间:2022-08-19 22:11:01

Previously it worked for me to open Game Center via the following URL scheme:

之前我通过以下URL方案打开Game Center是有用的:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL: [NSURL URLWithString:@"gamecenter:"]];

In the latest iOS version this does no longer work and basically nothing happens.


How can I switch to the Game Center app in iOS 10?

如何切换到iOS 10中的Game Center应用程序?

EDIT: I just tried opening Game Center in the popular game * Royale by pressing their "Open Game Center" button and also nothing happens there. Is this a current iOS bug maybe?


1 个解决方案



Game Center has been removed from iOS 10.

游戏中心已从iOS 10中删除。



Game Center has been removed from iOS 10.

游戏中心已从iOS 10中删除。