如何快速设置php mysql网站?

时间:2021-01-27 22:10:42

I am looking for ways to setup a basic site quickly.


I have a basic site which works with a databasem, templates, css, js and so on. No I want to be able to quickly set up a site. What shoudld happen when i start the script is:


  1. ask for some variables
  2. 要求一些变数

  3. on submit:
  4. create a folder in the webroot
  5. 在webroot中创建一个文件夹

  6. copy the standard site to that map
  7. 将标准站点复制到该映射

  8. create a database based on a default db
  9. 基于默认数据库创建数据库

  10. add the new site to my vhost file
  11. 将新站点添加到我的vhost文件中

  12. restart apache
  13. add the new site to my host file
  14. 将新站点添加到我的主机文件中

  15. start de basic site in a browser.
  16. 在浏览器中启动基本站点。

What is the best way to create this script? How can I accomplish this?


6 个解决方案


Here's a complete (untested) hack that does about what you said. If you're comfortable in php then use that. Pseudo script:


#!/usr/bin/env php
echo "Site setup v0.0\n";
if($argc != 2){
    echo "Usage:\n   script sitename\n";
//set vars
$sitename = $argv[1];
$src_folder = "/path/to/some/folder";
$template_db ="template_site";

//copy files
`mkdir $sitename`;
`cp -R $src_folder $sitename`;

//copy template db
$dblink = mysql_connect("localhost");
if(!mysql_query($dblink, "CREATE DATABASE site_$sitename; USE site_$sitename;"))exit(-1);
$r = mysql_query($dblink, "SHOW TABLES FROM $template_db");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)){
    $table = $row[0];
    mysql_query($dblink, "CREATE TABLE $table AS SELECT $template_db.$table");

//conf and restart apache
$f = fopen("httpd.conf","a");//open for append
fwrite("<VirtualHost $sitename> bla bla </VirtualHost>");
`sudo apachectl -k restart`; //you'll be asked for a password here

//open in browser
`open http://$sitename/`; //on mac anyway...


Make the file executable with


chmod +x filename

Remember that to run scripts in the current folder you need to add ./. Like


./scriptname sitename

Also note the slanted quotes ` <- They start a shell command. The first line is called a shebang-line (yes like that old 80s band, or what was it..) and tells a shell what to use to execute the file. (Env is a utility program that kinda finds other programs, in this case php. Good if you want to run the script in systems where php has different install locations.)

还要注意倾斜的引号`< - 它们启动一个shell命令。第一行称为shebang-line(是的,就像那个80年代的老乐队,或它是什么......)并告诉shell使用什么来执行文件。 (Env是一个实用程序,有点找到其他程序,在这种情况下是php。如果你想在php有不同安装位置的系统中运行脚本,那就太好了。)

Also please note that this script is just pseudo code—it does not work! Don't run it before modifying it!

另请注意,此脚本只是伪代码 - 它不起作用!在修改它之前不要运行它!


This is something you have to do on the server so you can use any language you prefer. It's just about copying files, append text to files and execute some shell commands.



Well, it depends on what OS you are using, if you use Linux you can create simple script to do this, it basicly should contain a sequence of commands to set this up.


mkdir /var/www/sitename
cp -au /var/www/skeleton/* /var/www/newfolder

You can then launch your script by running it from command line with some parameters


./initiatesite.sh newsite.com databasename addwhateverparameteryouwant here.

./initiateite.sh newsite.com databasename addwhateverparameteryouwant here。

More info on passing parameters to a shell script: http://osr600doc.sco.com/en/SHL_automate/_Passing_to_shell_script.html



You can write a shell script that basically accomplishes all of that.


So I guess you would have a web front end handled by php which takes some parameters, and have that php script invoke a shell script (via system call) on your server to set up your db, copy files, append some lines to vhost config, etc


If this is not for your own use but for clients, I would take extra care to make sure all input is untainted and secure first.



You can't do that in PHP unless you run PHP as root (bad idea).


Think about what you want to do specifically and how you would do it. Starting the site in a browser is a user-specific desktop action, restarting the server is a root action as is all the copying/editing/moving stuff.


Maybe a proper installer would be more suited towards what you're trying to accomplish. It sounds like you're working with Windows -- do you only want to provide an installation for Windows? For Linux you'd need a shell script, for example.

也许正确的安装程序会更适合您要完成的任务。听起来您正在使用Windows - 您是否只想为Windows提供安装?例如,对于Linux,您需要一个shell脚本。


The best way to write this would be as a command line script, which you can write in PHP if you want. Use the $argv variable to get an array of the command line variables. Make sure that this PHP file is NOT web accessible.

编写此代码的最佳方法是作为命令行脚本,如果需要,可以用PHP编写。使用$ argv变量获取命令行变量的数组。确保此PHP文件不可通过Web访问。

Also, I would use SVN to do a export to the folder for the new site. This will ensure that you have the most up to date code and that it's a clean copy.



Here's a complete (untested) hack that does about what you said. If you're comfortable in php then use that. Pseudo script:


#!/usr/bin/env php
echo "Site setup v0.0\n";
if($argc != 2){
    echo "Usage:\n   script sitename\n";
//set vars
$sitename = $argv[1];
$src_folder = "/path/to/some/folder";
$template_db ="template_site";

//copy files
`mkdir $sitename`;
`cp -R $src_folder $sitename`;

//copy template db
$dblink = mysql_connect("localhost");
if(!mysql_query($dblink, "CREATE DATABASE site_$sitename; USE site_$sitename;"))exit(-1);
$r = mysql_query($dblink, "SHOW TABLES FROM $template_db");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)){
    $table = $row[0];
    mysql_query($dblink, "CREATE TABLE $table AS SELECT $template_db.$table");

//conf and restart apache
$f = fopen("httpd.conf","a");//open for append
fwrite("<VirtualHost $sitename> bla bla </VirtualHost>");
`sudo apachectl -k restart`; //you'll be asked for a password here

//open in browser
`open http://$sitename/`; //on mac anyway...


Make the file executable with


chmod +x filename

Remember that to run scripts in the current folder you need to add ./. Like


./scriptname sitename

Also note the slanted quotes ` <- They start a shell command. The first line is called a shebang-line (yes like that old 80s band, or what was it..) and tells a shell what to use to execute the file. (Env is a utility program that kinda finds other programs, in this case php. Good if you want to run the script in systems where php has different install locations.)

还要注意倾斜的引号`< - 它们启动一个shell命令。第一行称为shebang-line(是的,就像那个80年代的老乐队,或它是什么......)并告诉shell使用什么来执行文件。 (Env是一个实用程序,有点找到其他程序,在这种情况下是php。如果你想在php有不同安装位置的系统中运行脚本,那就太好了。)

Also please note that this script is just pseudo code—it does not work! Don't run it before modifying it!

另请注意,此脚本只是伪代码 - 它不起作用!在修改它之前不要运行它!


This is something you have to do on the server so you can use any language you prefer. It's just about copying files, append text to files and execute some shell commands.



Well, it depends on what OS you are using, if you use Linux you can create simple script to do this, it basicly should contain a sequence of commands to set this up.


mkdir /var/www/sitename
cp -au /var/www/skeleton/* /var/www/newfolder

You can then launch your script by running it from command line with some parameters


./initiatesite.sh newsite.com databasename addwhateverparameteryouwant here.

./initiateite.sh newsite.com databasename addwhateverparameteryouwant here。

More info on passing parameters to a shell script: http://osr600doc.sco.com/en/SHL_automate/_Passing_to_shell_script.html



You can write a shell script that basically accomplishes all of that.


So I guess you would have a web front end handled by php which takes some parameters, and have that php script invoke a shell script (via system call) on your server to set up your db, copy files, append some lines to vhost config, etc


If this is not for your own use but for clients, I would take extra care to make sure all input is untainted and secure first.



You can't do that in PHP unless you run PHP as root (bad idea).


Think about what you want to do specifically and how you would do it. Starting the site in a browser is a user-specific desktop action, restarting the server is a root action as is all the copying/editing/moving stuff.


Maybe a proper installer would be more suited towards what you're trying to accomplish. It sounds like you're working with Windows -- do you only want to provide an installation for Windows? For Linux you'd need a shell script, for example.

也许正确的安装程序会更适合您要完成的任务。听起来您正在使用Windows - 您是否只想为Windows提供安装?例如,对于Linux,您需要一个shell脚本。


The best way to write this would be as a command line script, which you can write in PHP if you want. Use the $argv variable to get an array of the command line variables. Make sure that this PHP file is NOT web accessible.

编写此代码的最佳方法是作为命令行脚本,如果需要,可以用PHP编写。使用$ argv变量获取命令行变量的数组。确保此PHP文件不可通过Web访问。

Also, I would use SVN to do a export to the folder for the new site. This will ensure that you have the most up to date code and that it's a clean copy.
