让Xcode Lua 语法高亮

时间:2024-12-23 09:37:21

本人不太喜欢用code ide 还是喜欢XCODE的风格

1.让Xcode支援Lua语法高亮(Syntax Highlighting) 1. 下载https://github.com/breinhart/Lua-In-Xcode

  1. download the two files (Add-Lua.sh, Lua.xclangspec)
  2. Open Add-Lua.sh and change the DVTFOUNDATION_PATH if necessary. You probably do not need to change this if you are on Xcode 4.3+
  3. Make sure Xcode is closed
  4. Run Add-Lua.sh from the terminal with sudo (I.E. 'sudo Add-Lua.sh')
  5. Enter your admin password and hit enter
  6. Open Xcode and notice the 'Lua' entry under "Editor->Syntax Coloring"

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