
时间:2021-09-07 22:00:33

I've created a simple logger which, well, logs everything of importance into a text file. I'm using std::ofstream but there's a problem - when the program doesn't close the file (call std::ofstream::close()) for whatever reason (like crash), the created log is actually empty (0 size). And since the log is most useful in exceptional situations (when something goes wrong) - you see the problem.

我创建了一个简单的记录器,它将重要的一切记录到文本文件中。我正在使用std :: ofstream但是有一个问题 - 当程序没有因任何原因(如崩溃)关闭文件(调用std :: ofstream :: close())时,创建的日志实际上是空的(0尺寸)。并且由于日志在特殊情况下(当出现问题时)最有用 - 您会看到问题。

Is there any way to protect my log from that? I could try closing the file after writing every couple of lines and using append - but that still doesn't protect me from the situation when the program crashes in the middle of logging/before closing the file. Is there any solution or am I just doomed?

有没有办法保护我的日志?我可以尝试在写完每一行并使用append后关闭文件 - 但是这仍然不能保护我免受程序在记录/关闭文件之前崩溃的情况。有没有解决方案还是我注定要失败?

2 个解决方案



You should employ flush method, it is there to precisely solve problems like the one you're facing.


There is another approach which can be considered more safe, but requires substantially more effort to implement and test. The approach boils down to what is known as inter-process communication (IPC). In brief, you could implement your logger as a separate logger application which would communicate with your target application by means of specific protocol (interface). You can develop such protocol by yourself or employ one of the existing ones (which are usually very generic, i.e. general purpose). As a result, if your target application crashes, it doesn't drag logger application with it, and therefore logger can safely finish its job.


That approach is usually used by some huge, complex, and safety-critical systems. However, I guess that in your case this is definitely an overkill and bare flush() after each append is more than enough.




In our commercial application, we had a very robust solution for that. The price was non-portability.


We installed a Vectored Exception Handler. This handler is called in case of an unhandled OS exception, before the program exits (which is by far the most common crash). When it's called, you can not call C++ Standard Library function anymore (or even C functions). Even fflush is unreliable.

我们安装了一个矢量异常处理程序。在程序退出之前,在处理未处理的OS异常的情况下调用此处理程序(这是迄今为止最常见的崩溃)。当它被调用时,你不能再调用C ++标准库函数(甚至是C函数)。甚至fflush也不可靠。

Yet it is OK to call basic OS functions. Be careful, though. Setting up the arguments for the OS call shouldn't use malloc either. Have the name of the crashfile already set up before the crash actually happens, etc. Do close the file immediately, again using OS functions.




You should employ flush method, it is there to precisely solve problems like the one you're facing.


There is another approach which can be considered more safe, but requires substantially more effort to implement and test. The approach boils down to what is known as inter-process communication (IPC). In brief, you could implement your logger as a separate logger application which would communicate with your target application by means of specific protocol (interface). You can develop such protocol by yourself or employ one of the existing ones (which are usually very generic, i.e. general purpose). As a result, if your target application crashes, it doesn't drag logger application with it, and therefore logger can safely finish its job.


That approach is usually used by some huge, complex, and safety-critical systems. However, I guess that in your case this is definitely an overkill and bare flush() after each append is more than enough.




In our commercial application, we had a very robust solution for that. The price was non-portability.


We installed a Vectored Exception Handler. This handler is called in case of an unhandled OS exception, before the program exits (which is by far the most common crash). When it's called, you can not call C++ Standard Library function anymore (or even C functions). Even fflush is unreliable.

我们安装了一个矢量异常处理程序。在程序退出之前,在处理未处理的OS异常的情况下调用此处理程序(这是迄今为止最常见的崩溃)。当它被调用时,你不能再调用C ++标准库函数(甚至是C函数)。甚至fflush也不可靠。

Yet it is OK to call basic OS functions. Be careful, though. Setting up the arguments for the OS call shouldn't use malloc either. Have the name of the crashfile already set up before the crash actually happens, etc. Do close the file immediately, again using OS functions.
