
时间:2022-06-23 22:00:07

We are making a small download site for software we create on AppEngine. We now would like to track the downloads of each product and are wondering, if there is a preferred way of doing so.


Basically, we have two approaches:


  1. Having a counter Entity for each file (filename, year and month as key) which is increased upon a download.
  2. 具有每个文件的计数器实体(文件名,年份和月份作为密钥),在下载时增加。

  3. Logging each action to the database and then have a scheduled task collecting them
  4. 将每个操作记录到数据库,然后让计划任务收集它们

Does someone here have experience with either way? Would it be possible to have concurrent requests on the counter Entity (and giving the correct result)? Or would a third way be better?


many thanks in advance for all ideas.


1 个解决方案



If you only need to count the downloads use a counter, don't bother with an audit trail per download.
Follow the guidelines in sharding counters on how to do it effectively on the App engine




If you only need to count the downloads use a counter, don't bother with an audit trail per download.
Follow the guidelines in sharding counters on how to do it effectively on the App engine
