
时间:2021-10-30 21:56:05

Little background..

I'm in the process of making an OpenGL game using Java and LWJGL. I've written a TextRenderer-class that renders text using cached pages of glyphs. The glyphs itself are rendered in Java2D to BufferedImages and packed into texture pages along with the glyph measurements. TextRenderer draws the characters as textured quads, using the cached information.

我正在使用Java和LWJGL制作OpenGL游戏。我编写了一个TextRenderer类,它使用缓存的字形页面呈现文本。字形本身在Java2D中呈现为BufferedImages,并与字形测量一起打包到纹理页面中。 TextRenderer使用缓存的信息将字符绘制为纹理四边形。

All this works well, except for one thing: missing kerning. Granted, it's not necessary to have as the text looks fine as it is, but it would improve the quality if I had access to the font kerning information.


And the question is..

Is it possible to obtain the kerning information using plain Java, in a way that would be portable across Windows, Linux and MacOS X? Back when I wrote the TextRenderer I briefly looked around but could not find such a way..

是否可以使用普通Java获取字距调整信息,以便可以跨Windows,Linux和MacOS X移植?回到我写TextRenderer时,我简单地环顾四周但却找不到这样的方式..

One possible solution

If there is no way of doing this in pure Java, I was thinking of writing a separate tool using Freetype. As listed in their features page:


FreeType 2 provides information that is often not available from other similar font engines, like kerning distances, glyph names, vertical metrics, etc.

FreeType 2提供了其他类似字体引擎通常无法提供的信息,如字距调整,字形名称,垂直度量等。

The tool would store the kerning pairs for common characters into a file that my text renderer would load in and make use of. So this is probably what I will do if you guys don't come up with a better alternative. :)

该工具会将常用字符的字距调整对存储到我的文本渲染器将加载并使用的文件中。所以如果你们没有提出更好的选择,这可能就是我要做的。 :)

3 个解决方案


The only libraries I know of that read the kerning info "somwhat" correctly are iText and FOP from Apache.


http://www.1t3xt.info/api/com/lowagie/text/pdf/BaseFont.html http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/xmlgraphics/fop/tags/fop-0_95/src/java/org/apache/fop/fonts/ (a link to the svn as there seems to be no online api)

http://www.1t3xt.info/api/com/lowagie/text/pdf/BaseFont.html http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/xmlgraphics/fop/tags/fop-0_95/src/java/org / apache / fop / fonts /(链接到svn,似乎没有在线api)


Starting with Java SE 6, Java can provide kerning information when the font provides it. It is off by default and can be turned on like this:

从Java SE 6开始,Java可以在字体提供时提供字距调整信息。它默认是关闭的,可以像这样打开:

Map<TextAttribute, Object> textAttributes = new HashMap<TextAttribute, Object>();  

textAttributes.put(TextAttribute.FAMILY, "Arial");  
textAttributes.put(TextAttribute.SIZE, 25f);  
textAttributes.put(TextAttribute.KERNING, TextAttribute.KERNING_ON);  

Font font = Font.getFont(textAttributes);  

This forum thread contains a more detailed discussion on the topic:




on my way in finding the kerning information and providing it offline within my javaScript, i read this question here, too and since there was no answer, i searched further on and at the end i got this:


Two javascript objects which can be indexed by the unicode of the glyph:


GLYPHS = {};
KERNS  = {};

And they are set like this:


// GLYPHS[ unicode ] = [ "name", width ];
// KERNS [ unicode ] = { "nextGlyphName"        : horizontalAdjustment };
//                   = { GLYPHS[ unicode ][ 0 ] : horizontalAdjustment };

So if i have my "Text" string, i go through it character by character and use his unicode to access the glyphs name and width like this:


glUnicode = "Text".charCodeAt( strIndex );            // "T" == 84
glName    = GLYPHS[ glUnicode ][ 0 ];
glWidth   = GLYPHS[ glUnicode ][ 1 ];

To access the kerning value, we have to look at the next characters unicode value which is this:


nextGlyphUnicode = "Text".charCodeAt( strIndex + 1 ); // "e" == 101

And if the following object exists, then this statement will give you the kerning width (you have to check for existence first like this:


if ( !( KERNS[ glUnicode ] == undefined ) ) {
  if ( !( KERNS[ glUnicode ][ GLYPHS[ nextGlyphUnicode ][ 0 ] ] == undefined ) ) {


kernWidth = KERNS[ glUnicode ][ GLYPHS[ nextGlyphUnicode ][ 0 ] ];

In this example, kernWidth for the "e" following the "T" would be


kernWidth == -143

I think, this is what you were looking for, right? All information accessible via the unicode value of the character and the unicode value of the following character. Very simple and very nice.


So i created a file for each font and the first page looks like this:


// Family Name
// 'Times New Roman'
// EM size
// '2048'
// is_quadratic
// '1'
// GLYPHS[ unicode ] = [ "name", width ];
// KERNS [ unicode ] = { "nextGlyphName"        : horizontalAdjustment };
//                   = { GLYPHS[ unicode ][ 0 ] : horizontalAdjustment };
GLYPHS = {};
KERNS  = {};

GLYPHS[    32 ] = [ "space",  512 ];
KERNS [    32 ] = {
  "Upsilondieresis" :   -76,
  "Upsilon"         :   -76,
  "Tau"             :   -37,
  "Lambda"          :  -113,
  "Delta"           :  -113,
  "Alpha"           :  -113,
  "Alphatonos"      :  -113,
  "Y"               :   -76,
  "W"               :   -37,
  "V"               :   -37,
  "T"               :   -37,
  "A"               :  -113
GLYPHS[    33 ] = [ "exclam",  682 ];
GLYPHS[    34 ] = [ "quotedbl",  836 ];
GLYPHS[    35 ] = [ "numbersign", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    36 ] = [ "dollar", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    37 ] = [ "percent", 1706 ];
GLYPHS[    38 ] = [ "ampersand", 1593 ];
GLYPHS[    39 ] = [ "quotesingle",  369 ];
GLYPHS[    40 ] = [ "parenleft",  682 ];
GLYPHS[    41 ] = [ "parenright",  682 ];
GLYPHS[    42 ] = [ "asterisk", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    43 ] = [ "plus", 1155 ];
GLYPHS[    44 ] = [ "comma",  512 ];
GLYPHS[    45 ] = [ "hyphen",  682 ];
GLYPHS[    46 ] = [ "period",  512 ];
GLYPHS[    47 ] = [ "slash",  569 ];
GLYPHS[    48 ] = [ "zero", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    49 ] = [ "one", 1024 ];
KERNS [    49 ] = {
  "one"             :   -76
GLYPHS[    50 ] = [ "two", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    51 ] = [ "three", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    52 ] = [ "four", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    53 ] = [ "five", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    54 ] = [ "six", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    55 ] = [ "seven", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    56 ] = [ "eight", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    57 ] = [ "nine", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    58 ] = [ "colon",  569 ];
GLYPHS[    59 ] = [ "semicolon",  569 ];
GLYPHS[    60 ] = [ "less", 1155 ];
GLYPHS[    61 ] = [ "equal", 1155 ];
GLYPHS[    62 ] = [ "greater", 1155 ];
GLYPHS[    63 ] = [ "question",  909 ];
GLYPHS[    64 ] = [ "at", 1886 ];
GLYPHS[    65 ] = [ "A", 1479 ];
KERNS [    65 ] = {
  "quoteright"      :  -227,
  "y"               :  -188,
  "w"               :  -188,
  "v"               :  -152,
  "Y"               :  -188,
  "W"               :  -164,
  "V"               :  -264,
  "T"               :  -227,
  "space"           :  -113
GLYPHS[    66 ] = [ "B", 1366 ];
GLYPHS[    67 ] = [ "C", 1366 ];

You can copy the contents of each file you need into your sourcecode or read it in at runtime to have the objects availlable.


And the files can be created with the following script that runs fine within the fontforge's "embedded" python 2.7 interpreter. This script is designed for a windows machine, so you have to adapt your paths at first!

并且可以使用以下脚本创建文件,该脚本在fontforge的“嵌入式”python 2.7解释器中运行良好。此脚本专为Windows机器设计,因此您必须首先调整路径!

# run these two commands in the fontforge "embedded" python interpreter (ffpython.exe)
# >>> script = open( "Scripts\\Kernings.py", "r" )
# >>> exec script

import fontforge

fontFilenames = [

for actFontFile in fontFilenames :
  print( "c:\\windows\\fonts\\" + actFontFile )
  out  = open( "Scripts\\Kern_" + actFontFile[ : len( actFontFile ) - 4 ] + "_json.txt", "w" )
  font = fontforge.open( "c:\\windows\\fonts\\" + actFontFile )
      "// Family Name\n// '"  + font.familyname          + "'\n"
    + "// EM size\n// '"      + str( font.em )           + "'\n"
    + "// is_quadratic\n// '" + str( font.is_quadratic ) + "'\n"
    + "//\n"
    + '// GLYPHS[ unicode ] = [ "name", width ];\n'
    + '// KERNS [ unicode ] = { "nextGlyphName"        : horizontalAdjustment };\n'
    + "//                   = { GLYPHS[ unicode ][ 0 ] : horizontalAdjustment };\n"
    + "GLYPHS = {};\n"
    + "KERNS  = {};\n\n"
  glyphIdIterator = font.__iter__()
  for glyphName in glyphIdIterator :
    if font[ glyphName ].unicode >=0 :
      kerningStrings = []
      outstring = ( "GLYPHS[ "
        + str( font[ glyphName ].unicode ).rjust( 5 ) + " ] = [ \""
        + glyphName + "\"," 
        + str( font[ glyphName ].width ).rjust( 5 ) + " ];\n"
      subs = font[ glyphName ].getPosSub("*")
      if len( subs ):
        for sub in subs:
          if len( sub ):
            for subsub in sub:
              if str( subsub ).lower().find( "'kern'" ) >=0:
                  ("  \"" + str( sub[ 2 ] ) + "\"").ljust( 20 )
                + ":"     + str( sub[ 5 ] ).rjust( 6 )
      krnStrLen = len( kerningStrings )
      if ( krnStrLen ) :
        outstring = outstring + ( "KERNS [ "
          + str( font[ glyphName ].unicode ).rjust( 5 ) + " ] = {" )
        for kerningString in kerningStrings :
          outstring = outstring + "\n" + kerningString + ","
        outstring = outstring.rstrip( "," )
        outstring = outstring + "\n};\n"
      out.write( outstring )

I hope, this can help. Thank you very much for your attention,




The only libraries I know of that read the kerning info "somwhat" correctly are iText and FOP from Apache.


http://www.1t3xt.info/api/com/lowagie/text/pdf/BaseFont.html http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/xmlgraphics/fop/tags/fop-0_95/src/java/org/apache/fop/fonts/ (a link to the svn as there seems to be no online api)

http://www.1t3xt.info/api/com/lowagie/text/pdf/BaseFont.html http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/xmlgraphics/fop/tags/fop-0_95/src/java/org / apache / fop / fonts /(链接到svn,似乎没有在线api)


Starting with Java SE 6, Java can provide kerning information when the font provides it. It is off by default and can be turned on like this:

从Java SE 6开始,Java可以在字体提供时提供字距调整信息。它默认是关闭的,可以像这样打开:

Map<TextAttribute, Object> textAttributes = new HashMap<TextAttribute, Object>();  

textAttributes.put(TextAttribute.FAMILY, "Arial");  
textAttributes.put(TextAttribute.SIZE, 25f);  
textAttributes.put(TextAttribute.KERNING, TextAttribute.KERNING_ON);  

Font font = Font.getFont(textAttributes);  

This forum thread contains a more detailed discussion on the topic:




on my way in finding the kerning information and providing it offline within my javaScript, i read this question here, too and since there was no answer, i searched further on and at the end i got this:


Two javascript objects which can be indexed by the unicode of the glyph:


GLYPHS = {};
KERNS  = {};

And they are set like this:


// GLYPHS[ unicode ] = [ "name", width ];
// KERNS [ unicode ] = { "nextGlyphName"        : horizontalAdjustment };
//                   = { GLYPHS[ unicode ][ 0 ] : horizontalAdjustment };

So if i have my "Text" string, i go through it character by character and use his unicode to access the glyphs name and width like this:


glUnicode = "Text".charCodeAt( strIndex );            // "T" == 84
glName    = GLYPHS[ glUnicode ][ 0 ];
glWidth   = GLYPHS[ glUnicode ][ 1 ];

To access the kerning value, we have to look at the next characters unicode value which is this:


nextGlyphUnicode = "Text".charCodeAt( strIndex + 1 ); // "e" == 101

And if the following object exists, then this statement will give you the kerning width (you have to check for existence first like this:


if ( !( KERNS[ glUnicode ] == undefined ) ) {
  if ( !( KERNS[ glUnicode ][ GLYPHS[ nextGlyphUnicode ][ 0 ] ] == undefined ) ) {


kernWidth = KERNS[ glUnicode ][ GLYPHS[ nextGlyphUnicode ][ 0 ] ];

In this example, kernWidth for the "e" following the "T" would be


kernWidth == -143

I think, this is what you were looking for, right? All information accessible via the unicode value of the character and the unicode value of the following character. Very simple and very nice.


So i created a file for each font and the first page looks like this:


// Family Name
// 'Times New Roman'
// EM size
// '2048'
// is_quadratic
// '1'
// GLYPHS[ unicode ] = [ "name", width ];
// KERNS [ unicode ] = { "nextGlyphName"        : horizontalAdjustment };
//                   = { GLYPHS[ unicode ][ 0 ] : horizontalAdjustment };
GLYPHS = {};
KERNS  = {};

GLYPHS[    32 ] = [ "space",  512 ];
KERNS [    32 ] = {
  "Upsilondieresis" :   -76,
  "Upsilon"         :   -76,
  "Tau"             :   -37,
  "Lambda"          :  -113,
  "Delta"           :  -113,
  "Alpha"           :  -113,
  "Alphatonos"      :  -113,
  "Y"               :   -76,
  "W"               :   -37,
  "V"               :   -37,
  "T"               :   -37,
  "A"               :  -113
GLYPHS[    33 ] = [ "exclam",  682 ];
GLYPHS[    34 ] = [ "quotedbl",  836 ];
GLYPHS[    35 ] = [ "numbersign", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    36 ] = [ "dollar", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    37 ] = [ "percent", 1706 ];
GLYPHS[    38 ] = [ "ampersand", 1593 ];
GLYPHS[    39 ] = [ "quotesingle",  369 ];
GLYPHS[    40 ] = [ "parenleft",  682 ];
GLYPHS[    41 ] = [ "parenright",  682 ];
GLYPHS[    42 ] = [ "asterisk", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    43 ] = [ "plus", 1155 ];
GLYPHS[    44 ] = [ "comma",  512 ];
GLYPHS[    45 ] = [ "hyphen",  682 ];
GLYPHS[    46 ] = [ "period",  512 ];
GLYPHS[    47 ] = [ "slash",  569 ];
GLYPHS[    48 ] = [ "zero", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    49 ] = [ "one", 1024 ];
KERNS [    49 ] = {
  "one"             :   -76
GLYPHS[    50 ] = [ "two", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    51 ] = [ "three", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    52 ] = [ "four", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    53 ] = [ "five", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    54 ] = [ "six", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    55 ] = [ "seven", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    56 ] = [ "eight", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    57 ] = [ "nine", 1024 ];
GLYPHS[    58 ] = [ "colon",  569 ];
GLYPHS[    59 ] = [ "semicolon",  569 ];
GLYPHS[    60 ] = [ "less", 1155 ];
GLYPHS[    61 ] = [ "equal", 1155 ];
GLYPHS[    62 ] = [ "greater", 1155 ];
GLYPHS[    63 ] = [ "question",  909 ];
GLYPHS[    64 ] = [ "at", 1886 ];
GLYPHS[    65 ] = [ "A", 1479 ];
KERNS [    65 ] = {
  "quoteright"      :  -227,
  "y"               :  -188,
  "w"               :  -188,
  "v"               :  -152,
  "Y"               :  -188,
  "W"               :  -164,
  "V"               :  -264,
  "T"               :  -227,
  "space"           :  -113
GLYPHS[    66 ] = [ "B", 1366 ];
GLYPHS[    67 ] = [ "C", 1366 ];

You can copy the contents of each file you need into your sourcecode or read it in at runtime to have the objects availlable.


And the files can be created with the following script that runs fine within the fontforge's "embedded" python 2.7 interpreter. This script is designed for a windows machine, so you have to adapt your paths at first!

并且可以使用以下脚本创建文件,该脚本在fontforge的“嵌入式”python 2.7解释器中运行良好。此脚本专为Windows机器设计,因此您必须首先调整路径!

# run these two commands in the fontforge "embedded" python interpreter (ffpython.exe)
# >>> script = open( "Scripts\\Kernings.py", "r" )
# >>> exec script

import fontforge

fontFilenames = [

for actFontFile in fontFilenames :
  print( "c:\\windows\\fonts\\" + actFontFile )
  out  = open( "Scripts\\Kern_" + actFontFile[ : len( actFontFile ) - 4 ] + "_json.txt", "w" )
  font = fontforge.open( "c:\\windows\\fonts\\" + actFontFile )
      "// Family Name\n// '"  + font.familyname          + "'\n"
    + "// EM size\n// '"      + str( font.em )           + "'\n"
    + "// is_quadratic\n// '" + str( font.is_quadratic ) + "'\n"
    + "//\n"
    + '// GLYPHS[ unicode ] = [ "name", width ];\n'
    + '// KERNS [ unicode ] = { "nextGlyphName"        : horizontalAdjustment };\n'
    + "//                   = { GLYPHS[ unicode ][ 0 ] : horizontalAdjustment };\n"
    + "GLYPHS = {};\n"
    + "KERNS  = {};\n\n"
  glyphIdIterator = font.__iter__()
  for glyphName in glyphIdIterator :
    if font[ glyphName ].unicode >=0 :
      kerningStrings = []
      outstring = ( "GLYPHS[ "
        + str( font[ glyphName ].unicode ).rjust( 5 ) + " ] = [ \""
        + glyphName + "\"," 
        + str( font[ glyphName ].width ).rjust( 5 ) + " ];\n"
      subs = font[ glyphName ].getPosSub("*")
      if len( subs ):
        for sub in subs:
          if len( sub ):
            for subsub in sub:
              if str( subsub ).lower().find( "'kern'" ) >=0:
                  ("  \"" + str( sub[ 2 ] ) + "\"").ljust( 20 )
                + ":"     + str( sub[ 5 ] ).rjust( 6 )
      krnStrLen = len( kerningStrings )
      if ( krnStrLen ) :
        outstring = outstring + ( "KERNS [ "
          + str( font[ glyphName ].unicode ).rjust( 5 ) + " ] = {" )
        for kerningString in kerningStrings :
          outstring = outstring + "\n" + kerningString + ","
        outstring = outstring.rstrip( "," )
        outstring = outstring + "\n};\n"
      out.write( outstring )

I hope, this can help. Thank you very much for your attention,

