Python - 将多行读入列表

时间:2022-05-10 21:52:07

OK guys/gals stuck again on something simple
I have a text file which has multiple lines per entry, the data is in the following format

OK guys / gals再次陷入简单的事情我有一个文本文件,每个条目有多行,数据采用以下格式

firstword word word word
wordx word word word interesting1 word word word word
wordy word word word
wordz word word word interesting2 word word word lastword


this sequence repeats a hundred or so times, all other words are the same apart from interesting1 and interesting2, no blank lines. The interesting2 is pertinent to interesting1 but not to anything else and I want to link the two interesting items together, discarding the rest such as


interesting1 = interesting2
interesting1 = interesting2
interesting1 = interesting2
etc, 1 lne per sequence

有趣1 =有趣2有趣1 =有趣2有趣1 =有趣2等,每个序列1个

Each line begins with a different word
my attempt was to read the file and do an "if wordx in line" statement to identify the first interesting line, slice out the value, find the second line, ("if wordz in line) slice out the value and concatenate the second with the first.
It's clumsy though, I had to use global variables, temp variables etc, and I'm sure there must be a way of identifying the range between firstword and lastword and placing that into a single list, then slicing both values out together.

每行都以不同的单词开头我尝试读取文件并执行“if wordx in line”语句以识别第一个有趣的行,切出值,找到第二行,(“如果wordz in line)切出这个值并将第二个与第一个连接起来。虽然它很笨拙,我不得不使用全局变量,临时变量等,我确信必须有一种方法来识别firstword和lastword之间的范围并将其放入单个列表中,然后将两个值一起切片。

Any suggestions gratefully acknowledged, thanks for your time


3 个解决方案


from itertools import izip, tee, islice

i1, i2 = tee(open("foo.txt"))

for line2, line4 in izip(islice(i1,1, None, 4), islice(i2, 3, None, 4)) :
    print line2.split(" ")[4], "=", line4.split(" ")[4]


I've thrown in a bagful of assertions to check the regularity of your data layout.



# sample pseudo-file contents
guff = """\
firstword word word word
wordx word word word interesting1-1 word word word word
wordy word word word
wordz word word word interesting2-1 word word word lastword

miscellaneous rubbish

firstword word word word
wordx word word word interesting1-2 word word word word
wordy word word word
wordz word word word interesting2-2 word word word lastword
firstword word word word
wordx word word word interesting1-3 word word word word
wordy word word word
wordz word word word interesting2-3 word word word lastword


# change the RHS of each of these to reflect reality
FIRSTWORD = 'firstword'
WORDX = 'wordx'
WORDY = 'wordy'
WORDZ = 'wordz'
LASTWORD = 'lastword'

from StringIO import StringIO
f = StringIO(guff)

while True:
    a = f.readline()
    if not a: break # end of file
    a = a.split()
    if not a: continue # empty line
    if a[0] != FIRSTWORD: continue # skip extraneous matter
    assert len(a) == 4
    b = f.readline().split(); assert len(b) == 9
    c = f.readline().split(); assert len(c) == 4
    d = f.readline().split(); assert len(d) == 9
    assert a[0] == FIRSTWORD
    assert b[0] == WORDX
    assert c[0] == WORDY
    assert d[0] == WORDZ
    assert d[-1] == LASTWORD
    print b[4], d[4]

interesting1-1 interesting2-1
interesting1-2 interesting2-2
interesting1-3 interesting2-3



In that case, make a regexp that matches the repeating text, and has groups for the interesting bits. Then you should be able to use findall to find all cases of interesting1 and interesting2.


Like so: import re

像这样:import re

text = open("foo.txt").read()
RE = re.compile('firstword.*?wordx word word word (.*?) word.*?wordz word word word (.*?) word', re.DOTALL)
print RE.findall(text)

Although as mentioned in the comments, the islice is definitely a neater solution.



from itertools import izip, tee, islice

i1, i2 = tee(open("foo.txt"))

for line2, line4 in izip(islice(i1,1, None, 4), islice(i2, 3, None, 4)) :
    print line2.split(" ")[4], "=", line4.split(" ")[4]


I've thrown in a bagful of assertions to check the regularity of your data layout.



# sample pseudo-file contents
guff = """\
firstword word word word
wordx word word word interesting1-1 word word word word
wordy word word word
wordz word word word interesting2-1 word word word lastword

miscellaneous rubbish

firstword word word word
wordx word word word interesting1-2 word word word word
wordy word word word
wordz word word word interesting2-2 word word word lastword
firstword word word word
wordx word word word interesting1-3 word word word word
wordy word word word
wordz word word word interesting2-3 word word word lastword


# change the RHS of each of these to reflect reality
FIRSTWORD = 'firstword'
WORDX = 'wordx'
WORDY = 'wordy'
WORDZ = 'wordz'
LASTWORD = 'lastword'

from StringIO import StringIO
f = StringIO(guff)

while True:
    a = f.readline()
    if not a: break # end of file
    a = a.split()
    if not a: continue # empty line
    if a[0] != FIRSTWORD: continue # skip extraneous matter
    assert len(a) == 4
    b = f.readline().split(); assert len(b) == 9
    c = f.readline().split(); assert len(c) == 4
    d = f.readline().split(); assert len(d) == 9
    assert a[0] == FIRSTWORD
    assert b[0] == WORDX
    assert c[0] == WORDY
    assert d[0] == WORDZ
    assert d[-1] == LASTWORD
    print b[4], d[4]

interesting1-1 interesting2-1
interesting1-2 interesting2-2
interesting1-3 interesting2-3



In that case, make a regexp that matches the repeating text, and has groups for the interesting bits. Then you should be able to use findall to find all cases of interesting1 and interesting2.


Like so: import re

像这样:import re

text = open("foo.txt").read()
RE = re.compile('firstword.*?wordx word word word (.*?) word.*?wordz word word word (.*?) word', re.DOTALL)
print RE.findall(text)

Although as mentioned in the comments, the islice is definitely a neater solution.
