使用opencsv (java)读取.csv文件时跳过空行

时间:2021-02-07 21:49:36

Good day everyone! My target is to make csv reader to skip the blank lines while parsing a file, do nothing basically, only get me the rows with at least one value. At the moment I have two methods -> 1st is just reading all rows as List of Strings array and returns it, 2nd converts the result into List of Lists of Strings, both are bellow:

美好的一天!我的目标是让csv reader在解析文件时跳过空行,基本上什么都不做,只获取至少一个值的行。目前我有两种方法——>第一种方法是将所有的行作为字符串数组的列表读取并返回,第二种方法将结果转换为字符串列表,它们都是下面的:

private List<String[]> readCSVFile(File filename) throws IOException {

    CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(filename));
    List<String[]> allRows = reader.readAll();

    return allRows;


public List<List<String>> readFile(File filename) throws IOException {

        List<String[]> allRows = readCSVFile(filename);     
        List<List<String>> allRowsAsLists = new ArrayList<List<String>>();      
        for (String[] rowItemsArray :  allRows) {
            List<String> rowItems = new ArrayList<String>();

    return allRowsAsLists;


My first thought was to check (in the 2'nd method) the length of an array if its 0 just to ignore it - which would be something like this:


for (String[] rowItemsArray :  allRows) {
            **if(rowItemArray.length == 0) continue;**
            List<String> rowItems = new ArrayList<String>();


Unfortunately that didn't work for the reason that even if the row is blank it still returns an array of elements - empty Strings in fact. Checking an individual String is not an option as there are 100+ columns and this is variable. Please suggest what’s the best way to achieve this. Thanks.


Sorted it out this way:


    public List<List<String>> readFile(File filename) throws IOException {

            List<String[]> allRows = readCSVFile(filename, includeHeaders, trimWhitespacesInFieldValues);       
            List<List<String>> allRowsAsLists = new ArrayList<List<String>>();      
            for (String[] rowItemsArray :  allRows) {
                **if(allValuesInRowAreEmpty(rowItemsArray)) continue;**
                List<String> rowItems = new ArrayList<String>();

            return allRowsAsLists;


    private boolean allValuesInRowAreEmpty(String[] row) {
        boolean returnValue = true;
        for (String s : row) {
            if (s.length() != 0) {
                returnValue = false;
        return returnValue;

2 个解决方案



You could check the length and the first element. If the line contains only a field separator then the lenght > 1. If the line contains a single space character then the first element is not empty.

你可以检查长度和第一个元素。如果该行仅包含字段分隔符,则lenght > 1。如果行包含一个空格字符,那么第一个元素不是空的。

if (rowItemsArray.length == 1 && rowItemsArray[0].isEmpty()) {



You could summarize all string values per row after trimming them. If the resulting string is empty, there are no values in any cell. In that case ignore the line.
Something like this:


private boolean onlyEmptyCells(ArrayList<String> check) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (String s : check) {
    return sb.toString().isEmpty(); //<- ignore 'check' if this returns true



You could check the length and the first element. If the line contains only a field separator then the lenght > 1. If the line contains a single space character then the first element is not empty.

你可以检查长度和第一个元素。如果该行仅包含字段分隔符,则lenght > 1。如果行包含一个空格字符,那么第一个元素不是空的。

if (rowItemsArray.length == 1 && rowItemsArray[0].isEmpty()) {



You could summarize all string values per row after trimming them. If the resulting string is empty, there are no values in any cell. In that case ignore the line.
Something like this:


private boolean onlyEmptyCells(ArrayList<String> check) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (String s : check) {
    return sb.toString().isEmpty(); //<- ignore 'check' if this returns true