1. logging介绍
Python的logging模块提供了通用的日志系统,可以方便第三方模块或者是应用使用。这个模块提供不同的日志级别,并可以采用不同的方式记录日志,比如文件,HTTP GET/POST,SMTP,Socket等,甚至可以自己实现具体的日志记录方式。
handler:将日志记录(log record)发送到合适的目的地(destination),比如文件,socket等。一个logger对象可以通过addHandler方法添加0到多个handler,每个handler又可以定义不同日志级别,以实现日志分级过滤显示。
import logging输出:
import logging.handlers
LOG_FILE = 'tst.log'
handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(LOG_FILE, maxBytes = 1024*1024, backupCount = 5) # 实例化handler
fmt = '%(asctime)s - %(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(name)s - %(message)s'
formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt) # 实例化formatter
handler.setFormatter(formatter) # 为handler添加formatter
logger = logging.getLogger('tst') # 获取名为tst的logger
logger.addHandler(handler) # 为logger添加handler
logger.info('first info message')
logger.debug('first debug message')
2012-03-04 23:21:59,682 - log_test.py:16 - tst - first info message 2012-03-04 23:21:59,682 - log_test.py:17 - tst - first debug message关于formatter的配置,采用的是%(<dict key>)s的形式,就是字典的关键字替换。提供的关键字包括:
Format | Description |
%(name)s | Name of the logger (logging channel). |
%(levelno)s | Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL). |
%(levelname)s | Text logging level for the message ('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'). |
%(pathname)s | Full pathname of the source file where the logging call was issued (if available). |
%(filename)s | Filename portion of pathname. |
%(module)s | Module (name portion of filename). |
%(funcName)s | Name of function containing the logging call. |
%(lineno)d | Source line number where the logging call was issued (if available). |
%(created)f | Time when the LogRecord was created (as returned by time.time()). |
%(relativeCreated)d | Time in milliseconds when the LogRecord was created, relative to the time the logging module was loaded. |
%(asctime)s | Human-readable time when the LogRecord was created. By default this is of the form “2003-07-08 16:49:45,896” (the numbers after the comma are millisecond portion of the time). |
%(msecs)d | Millisecond portion of the time when the LogRecord was created. |
%(thread)d | Thread ID (if available). |
%(threadName)s | Thread name (if available). |
%(process)d | Process ID (if available). |
%(message)s | The logged message, computed as msg % args. |
2. logging的配置
import loggingimport logging.configlogging.config.fileConfig("logging.conf") # 采用配置文件# create loggerlogger = logging.getLogger("simpleExample")# "application" codelogger.debug("debug message")logger.info("info message")logger.warn("warn message")logger.error("error message")logger.critical("critical message")loggin.conf采用了模式匹配的方式进行配置,正则表达式是r'^[(.*)]$',从而匹配出所有的组件。对于同一个组件具有多个实例的情况使用逗号‘,’进行分隔。对于一个实例的配置采用componentName_instanceName配置块。使用这种方式还是蛮简单的。
[loggers]keys=root,simpleExample[handlers]keys=consoleHandler[formatters]keys=simpleFormatter[logger_root]level=DEBUGhandlers=consoleHandler[logger_simpleExample]level=DEBUGhandlers=consoleHandlerqualname=simpleExamplepropagate=0[handler_consoleHandler]class=StreamHandlerlevel=DEBUGformatter=simpleFormatterargs=(sys.stdout,)[formatter_simpleFormatter]format=%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)sdatefmt=
2012-03-06 00:09:35,713 - simpleExample - DEBUG - debug message2012-03-06 00:09:35,713 - simpleExample - INFO - info message2012-03-06 00:09:35,714 - simpleExample - WARNING - warn message2012-03-06 00:09:35,714 - simpleExample - ERROR - error message2012-03-06 00:09:35,714 - simpleExample - CRITICAL - critical message
3. 多模块使用logging
[loggers]keys=root,main[handlers]keys=consoleHandler,fileHandler[formatters]keys=fmt[logger_root]level=DEBUGhandlers=consoleHandler[logger_main]level=DEBUGqualname=mainhandlers=fileHandler[handler_consoleHandler]class=StreamHandlerlevel=DEBUGformatter=fmtargs=(sys.stdout,)[handler_fileHandler]class=logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandlerlevel=DEBUGformatter=fmtargs=('tst.log','a',20000,5,)[formatter_fmt]format=%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)sdatefmt=
import loggingimport logging.configlogging.config.fileConfig('logging.conf')root_logger = logging.getLogger('root')root_logger.debug('test root logger...')logger = logging.getLogger('main')logger.info('test main logger')logger.info('start import module \'mod\'...')import modlogger.debug('let\'s test mod.testLogger()')mod.testLogger()root_logger.info('finish test...')子模块mod.py:
import loggingimport submodlogger = logging.getLogger('main.mod')logger.info('logger of mod say something...')def testLogger(): logger.debug('this is mod.testLogger...') submod.tst()子子模块submod.py:
import logginglogger = logging.getLogger('main.mod.submod')logger.info('logger of submod say something...')def tst(): logger.info('this is submod.tst()...')然后运行python main.py,控制台输出:
2012-03-09 18:22:22,793 - root - DEBUG - test root logger...2012-03-09 18:22:22,793 - main - INFO - test main logger2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main - INFO - start import module 'mod'...2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main.mod.submod - INFO - logger of submod say something...2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main.mod - INFO - logger say something...2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main - DEBUG - let's test mod.testLogger()2012-03-09 18:22:22,825 - main.mod - DEBUG - this is mod.testLogger...2012-03-09 18:22:22,825 - main.mod.submod - INFO - this is submod.tst()...2012-03-09 18:22:22,841 - root - INFO - finish test...可以看出,和预想的一样,然后在看一下tst.log,logger配置中的输出的目的地:
2012-03-09 18:22:22,793 - main - INFO - test main logger2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main - INFO - start import module 'mod'...2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main.mod.submod - INFO - logger of submod say something...2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main.mod - INFO - logger say something...2012-03-09 18:22:22,809 - main - DEBUG - let's test mod.testLogger()2012-03-09 18:22:22,825 - main.mod - DEBUG - this is mod.testLogger...2012-03-09 18:22:22,825 - main.mod.submod - INFO - this is submod.tst()...tst.log中没有root logger输出的信息,因为logging.conf中配置了只有main logger及其子logger使用RotatingFileHandler,而root logger是输出到标准输出。