
时间:2021-07-02 21:51:37

Where I work we use Log4j for web application logging. The log4j.jar is at the application level, not the container level. We're using a daily rolling file appender. Our log4j.properties files define appenders based on the app package name, so only classes in our application's package and below get logged to our app's log file.

我在哪里工作,我们使用Log4j进行Web应用程序日志记录。 log4j.jar位于应用程序级别,而不是容器级别。我们正在使用每日滚动文件追加器。我们的log4j.properties文件根据应用程序包名称定义了appender,因此只有我们应用程序包及其下面的类才会记录到我们应用程序的日志文件中。

In my application, I'm extending our framework with some supporting classes. These classes are not in the application's package, as they are not exclusive to my application and will eventually be made into a jar library for use with other applications. Because of this, my logging statements are not picked up by my application's appender, and are thus not logged to my application's log files.


I want to allow the classes in my jar to log to the log file of the application using the classes. However, if I create an appender in my application's log4j properties file based on my classnames, I suspect that when multiple applications are using my jar, because of the identical class names in the log4j.properties files, only one application log file will receive my jar's logging statements, and that it will receive ALL the logging statements from EVERY application using that jar. I think this is the case, since we're using a static Logger.getLogger() call to retrieve the logger.


I first want to know if my fears are valid, if this is really what would happen when multiple web applications in the same or different containers are using my jar simultaneously.


I'd also like to know if there are "boundaries" on which this behavior changes. For example, does this problem exist regardless of whether log4j.jar is a container-level jar or an app-level jar, or if each container is running in a separate JVM?


Lastly, if this IS the case, I'd like to know what strategies I should use to overcome the problem.


Thanks in advance!


2 个解决方案


If log4j.jar is only in the web-app then the logs will stay separate so each web-app should have its own log4j.jar and log4j.properties so that all logs stay separate.



The problem is that the preffered pattern for log4j is to use static *Configurator methods, which don't go very well with application containers.

问题是log4j的优先模式是使用static * Configurator方法,这些方法与应用程序容器的关系不太好。

This article solved this problem for me when i came across it ...



If log4j.jar is only in the web-app then the logs will stay separate so each web-app should have its own log4j.jar and log4j.properties so that all logs stay separate.



The problem is that the preffered pattern for log4j is to use static *Configurator methods, which don't go very well with application containers.

问题是log4j的优先模式是使用static * Configurator方法,这些方法与应用程序容器的关系不太好。

This article solved this problem for me when i came across it ...
