
时间:2021-03-01 21:49:57

I have different xml string which should be mapped to different object, Like we convert json string to generic list is there any way to convert xml string to generic list without specifying the tag names. See json deserialize code:


public List<T> DeSerialize<T>(string input)
    var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(List<T>));

    using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input)))
        return (List<T>)serializer.ReadObject(ms);

The above code will deserialize to generic list if the property name of the object and json name are same.


The code I have now will convert to a specific type not generic list See code below. This should be done without specifying extra property attributes to map xmlnode. Please suggest a generic solution.


public static T FromXmlString<T>(string xmlString)
    var reader = new StringReader(xmlString);
    var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
    var instance = (T)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

    return instance;

1 个解决方案



You can follow this way:


  1. Open Developer Command Prompt You can find it in Start Menu > Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 > Visual Studio Tools Or if you have Windows 8 can just start typing Developer Command Prompt in Start screen
  2. 打开开发人员命令提示符您可以在“开始”菜单>“程序”>“Microsoft Visual Studio 2012”>“Visual Studio工具”中找到它或者如果您有Windows 8,则可以在“开始”屏幕中键入开发人员命令提示符
  3. Change location to your XML file directory by typing cd /D "C:\path\to\xml"
  4. 通过键入cd / D“C:\ path \ to \ xml”将位置更改为XML文件目录
  5. Create XSD file from your xml file by typing xsd file.xml
  6. 通过键入xsd file.xml从xml文件创建XSD文件
  7. Create C# classes by typing xsd /c file.xsd
  8. 键入xsd / c file.xsd创建C#类

And that's it! You have generated C# classes from xml file in C:\path\to\xml\file.cs

就是这样!您已从C:\ path \到\ xml \ file.cs中的xml文件生成C#类



You can follow this way:


  1. Open Developer Command Prompt You can find it in Start Menu > Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 > Visual Studio Tools Or if you have Windows 8 can just start typing Developer Command Prompt in Start screen
  2. 打开开发人员命令提示符您可以在“开始”菜单>“程序”>“Microsoft Visual Studio 2012”>“Visual Studio工具”中找到它或者如果您有Windows 8,则可以在“开始”屏幕中键入开发人员命令提示符
  3. Change location to your XML file directory by typing cd /D "C:\path\to\xml"
  4. 通过键入cd / D“C:\ path \ to \ xml”将位置更改为XML文件目录
  5. Create XSD file from your xml file by typing xsd file.xml
  6. 通过键入xsd file.xml从xml文件创建XSD文件
  7. Create C# classes by typing xsd /c file.xsd
  8. 键入xsd / c file.xsd创建C#类

And that's it! You have generated C# classes from xml file in C:\path\to\xml\file.cs

就是这样!您已从C:\ path \到\ xml \ file.cs中的xml文件生成C#类