I saw several questions related to XML, XSLT and HTML on *, but I beleive my question is a little different. Here is what I need:
I need to send an email to my customers. The wordings of the email can differ based upon the scenario. Each scenario has a corresponding format saved in the database. For example, one scenario might require this email:
Scenario 1: We have opened Ticket XXX/Reference Number XXX for your call on XXX. Kindly call us at XXX to track progress.
场景一:我们已经为您开通了XXX号机票/ XXX号的XXX号电话。请在XXX打电话给我们跟踪进度。
Another scenario might required this email:
Scenario 2: Thanks for your interest in our Product XXX. As discussed we will send our representative on XXX to your office located at XXX.
Also, the format might need to be altered a bit depending upon data availability. e.g. if I need to send email corresponding to scenario 1, and I don't have Reference Number available, I want to remove the reference number part completely on the fly (not in database) i.e. I want something like this:
Scenario 3: We have opened Ticket XXX for your call on XXX. Kindly call us at XXX to track progress.
The formats for scenarios 1 and 2 are stored in the database as XSLT corresponding to the strings you see above. Format for Scenario 3 has to be produced on the fly. The XXX part has to be replaced with actual data. This data is available in an XML serializable object that I have.
I want to serialize this object, produce an XML in memory, modify the XSLT a little (on the fly) to reflect the data I have, transform the XML in memory to HTML using the XSLT for the scenario and then pass the HTML as a string parameter to an email method I have. The email part works. I need to work on the Object->XML in memory->Slight XSLT modification-> HTML using appropriate XSLT.
我想这个对象序列化,在内存中生成XML,修改XSLT一点(动态)来反映数据,内存中的XML转换成HTML使用XSLT的场景,然后通过HTML电子邮件作为字符串参数的方法。电子邮件的部分作品。我需要在内存中使用对象->XML,使用适当的XSLT对> HTML进行简单的XSLT修改。
I would appreciate if you can include code examples and not just the approach I need to follow.
Here is the working code:
using (xsltStream = new MemoryStream(emailInfo.Body))
// Create an XmlReader from the Stream
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(xsltStream);
// Create and load the transform with document function enabled.
XslCompiledTransform transform = new XslCompiledTransform();
XsltSettings settings = new XsltSettings();
settings.EnableDocumentFunction = true;
transform.Load(reader, settings, null);
// Execute the transformation.
transform.Transform(doc, writer);
2 个解决方案
The formats for scenarios 1 and 2 are stored in the database as XSLT
I think I would be quite inclined to store the formats as XML rather than as XSLT:
<message>Thanks for your interest in our Product <product/>. As discussed we will send our representative on <date/> to your office located at <officeLocation/>.</message>
Then you use a standard stylesheet to transform this document, using data from another document.
Having said this, I only recommend this because I did it myself the way you are describing and regret it, as it's too difficult to make changes or introduce new variations.
Based upon comments from @harpo, @Alexei Levenkov and @Alejandro, I was able to work out a working version of the code which uses multiple templates. Since I can't mark the comments as answers, I will mark this as answer and add the code in my question.
根据@harpo、@Alexei Levenkov和@Alejandro的评论,我设计出了一个使用多个模板的代码工作版本。由于我不能将注释标记为答案,我将标记为答案,并在我的问题中添加代码。
using (xsltStream = new MemoryStream(emailInfo.Body))
// Create an XmlReader from the Stream
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(xsltStream);
// Create and load the transform with document function enabled.
XslCompiledTransform transform = new XslCompiledTransform();
XsltSettings settings = new XsltSettings();
settings.EnableDocumentFunction = true;
transform.Load(reader, settings, null);
// Execute the transformation.
transform.Transform(doc, writer);
The formats for scenarios 1 and 2 are stored in the database as XSLT
I think I would be quite inclined to store the formats as XML rather than as XSLT:
<message>Thanks for your interest in our Product <product/>. As discussed we will send our representative on <date/> to your office located at <officeLocation/>.</message>
Then you use a standard stylesheet to transform this document, using data from another document.
Having said this, I only recommend this because I did it myself the way you are describing and regret it, as it's too difficult to make changes or introduce new variations.
Based upon comments from @harpo, @Alexei Levenkov and @Alejandro, I was able to work out a working version of the code which uses multiple templates. Since I can't mark the comments as answers, I will mark this as answer and add the code in my question.
根据@harpo、@Alexei Levenkov和@Alejandro的评论,我设计出了一个使用多个模板的代码工作版本。由于我不能将注释标记为答案,我将标记为答案,并在我的问题中添加代码。
using (xsltStream = new MemoryStream(emailInfo.Body))
// Create an XmlReader from the Stream
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(xsltStream);
// Create and load the transform with document function enabled.
XslCompiledTransform transform = new XslCompiledTransform();
XsltSettings settings = new XsltSettings();
settings.EnableDocumentFunction = true;
transform.Load(reader, settings, null);
// Execute the transformation.
transform.Transform(doc, writer);