
时间:2021-08-19 21:49:35

Has anyone tried to convert xml file into html webpage using XSLT stylesheet in node.js? My background is in Java. I normally use SAXON to convert XML into HTML webpages. I am a newbie to node.js. I have tried to implement this using few libraries like node_xslt, libxsltjs etc but was not successful. If anyone has tried using other libraries that works with XSLT stylesheet, please post a link. Any help would be appreciated.


1 个解决方案



If you want to use Saxon from a Node.js application, you basically have three choices, none of them ideal:


(a) call out to Java, using a variety of mechanisms.


(b) use the port of Saxon/C to Node.js being constructed here: https://github.com/rimmartin/saxon-node This is bleeding-edge stuff and I don't know how far the project has got.

(b)使用Saxon / C的端口到这里构建的Node.js:https://github.com/rimmartin/saxon-node这是最前沿的东西,我不知道该项目有多远。

(c) wait for Saxon-JS to arrive any time soon. See http://dev.saxonica.com/blog/mike/2016/02/introducing-saxon-js.html




If you want to use Saxon from a Node.js application, you basically have three choices, none of them ideal:


(a) call out to Java, using a variety of mechanisms.


(b) use the port of Saxon/C to Node.js being constructed here: https://github.com/rimmartin/saxon-node This is bleeding-edge stuff and I don't know how far the project has got.

(b)使用Saxon / C的端口到这里构建的Node.js:https://github.com/rimmartin/saxon-node这是最前沿的东西,我不知道该项目有多远。

(c) wait for Saxon-JS to arrive any time soon. See http://dev.saxonica.com/blog/mike/2016/02/introducing-saxon-js.html
